Chapter 94 - Taryk

We all padded up the stairs in our animal forms. Lukas and Aeron were in front, opening doors for us as needed. I had no idea what the situation was, but I could feel the swarm of sick magic sweeping through the warehouse. My panther batted at it, unhappy with the way it felt against his pelt.

"We're here, Saint," I said through the mental network.

We waited just outside his fifth-level door.

Nothing but groans and moans slithered from beyond the door.

"C-c-come in," the voice said over our network. I didn't recognize it.

"Saint?" I asked again.

"Th…" It sounded like static was washing out the signal. But that couldn't fucking be. I turned to look at Xander.

His spirit tiger was restless, his teeth bared as he pulled magical scents in through his mouth. "I don't know what's blocking the signal, T. Everything should be fine," Xander said through the mental network. His physical body was still on his level.