Chapter 96 - Asher

"What the fuck is happening to her, Atlas?" Ransom barked.

Xander finally joined us. We were all in human form again. Standing around naked as the day we were born, huddled over the bed where Kiema was laying. Saint and Ransom had already removed the cuffs and restraints from her body.

Cuts and bruises bloomed on her cheeks and face.

"I don't know, Ransom. I have no idea what's going on," Dr. Atlas sounded pissed.

"What the fuck was happening in here, anyway? Why did you call us?" Xander asked as he glared at Taryk. "We're going to have words, you and me."

Taryk nodded, looking unmoved by the threat.

"Some new goddess…deity…thing was inside Kiema. Said her name was Heppni. She's equal to a Prime. Also said that Azica has a lot more power than Earth when Ten questioned her. I'll fill you in later. I need Kiema back. Now." Ransom ran his hands through his hair.

"We all need her back, Ransom," Saint said, a growl in his voice. "She belongs to all of us. Not just you."