Chapter 97 - Kiema

I rocked back on my heels. "No freaking way. That crazy bitch is not my mother. I'd rather claim Ferria and Juan."

Hellion winced, shrugged. "Sorry, squeaks, she's your momma."

I clenched my teeth. "If she's my mother, and you're her brother, that makes you my uncle. Where the hell have you been my entire life? Why show up, blow golden spheres into my magic, give me a magic knife that can kill deities? Why didn't you sav - " I cut off the flow of words, bit my lip.

Hellion's eyes widened. "You didn't kill her. You just made her leave your body." He swallowed. The corners of his eyes tightened. "And I didn't know about you or your life until I met you in that helicopter. I've been searching the worlds trying to find you."

I could feel the tears building behind my eyes, gathering on my lids. I turned away from him, handing the knife to Taryk.

Saint and Ransom were there immediately, pulling me between them.

"Why have you been searching for her?" Taryk asked behind me.