Chapter 110 - Taryk

"Well, anything else to say for yourself?" I asked Aeron.

He shook his head, his purple eyes a little hazy with sedation. I wasn't sure how much was medication and how much was because of Kiema playing in his head. I'm pretty sure I didn't care either way.

"Why did you save me again? Especially if you are the ones who shot me." He looked up at the four of us standing around his exam table like a barricade.

"Because we didn't kill you. We don't leave our enemies to suffer," I answered.

He nodded. But more, it seemed, because it was expected. Not because he agreed with our philosophy.

"All right. We'll get you back to Iron Serpent," I said.

He wrenched back into the upright table. "I'm not telling you where they are. Fuck you, and the high horse you rode in on. I'm grateful you patched me up, but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn traitor on the people who saved me and my mate."