Chapter 111 - Ransom

Something was eating at Taryk as he steered the military vehicle out of the bay doors. Lukas was in the back with both Aeron and Juan. He was keeping his hand on the first, and his eyes on the second.

The latter wasn't going to be making any moves. Not if he wanted to make it beyond our walls alive. Taryk had done a fabulous job of showing him what awaited him if Juan pulled any shit on the drive.

I enjoyed the fear that lived in Juan's eyes as he was frog-walked into the bay. His eyes had lit on me and I could have sworn the man peed his pants. He shrank away, sniveling and sniffling. Practically crawled up into T's arms.

I wish I could share mental pictures with Kiema. My angel would have been proud of her torturous work with her father. Nor do I think this would have hurt her soul like stomping the shit out of him had.

"All clear, T. No bogeys beyond the wall," Xander said over the earpieces.

"Copy that. Delivery in two minutes," Taryk answered.