Chapter 112 - Xander

You better have your shit under control when Ransom gets here, Ash. He's pissed that you threatened Kiema, I said down our twin pathway.

I did no such thing. Why the fuck did you throw me under the bus like that? He said.

I rocked back in my chair. He's fucking with me, surely.

Are you fucking high right now? You said if something happened to the girl, that you were coming for Kiema.

The fuck you say. I would never do something like that to Ki-Ki. I could hear the anger and offense ringing in his voice.

Could he be this far gone over this chick? He didn't even know that he'd gotten in Kiema's face. I switched to a different keyboard and screen. Hitting keys faster than lighting strikes, I pulled up and copied the cam feed outside the conference room on the first floor. I winced when I saw my twin loom over the woman we considered our baby sister.

Ransom was going to throw a shit storm of epic proportions.