Chapter 131 - Kiema

"Little sister, you have your family concerned," Anda said as she appeared in my spirit landscape.

"I know. And it breaks my heart, but I can't get back to them. I don't know how, all my doors are locked." I blew the handful of grass I'd ripped from the earth into the air. An invisible breeze caught the blades and danced them towards the forest.

"And you just sit here and give up? You let them grieve you when you are not yet gone?" She sat beside me, her magic looking like a dark purple dress that lay in layers of gossamer fabric around her.

"I don't know how to get back to them. It's like I'm trapped in here."

Anda scoffed. "Little sister. You just battled Asta and you think your magic traps you? Perhaps you are just afraid because you were losing." She looked around the backyard of my cabin. "This is not your coffin. Rise up, take your rightful place in the universes."

I shuddered. "Just the fact that you said universes makes me want to vomit."