Chapter 132 - Saint

Just as I was giving up hope of ever getting Kiema back, she sprang up into a seated position. Her eyes were flooded with tears as she curled in on herself. "She's gone. She's gone."

The dipshit that had stolen Kiema from me the first time thought to reach for her first. An elbow point to his temple had him going to sleep. He would get his turn after Ransom and I had ours.

Gathering Kiema into my arms, I curled around her, rocked her. "Who's gone, honey?"

"A-A-Anda. She gave me her power because I was locked away in the…" the rest of her words trailed off into incoherent sobs. The love of my life shuddered in my arms, breaking my heart with the sorrow pouring off of her.

"Gaia's shitballs," the new male said. He must have a crazy hard head to be awake after the blow I dealt him. His deep voice distracted me from Kiema.

I snarled at him without turning around.