Chapter 163 - Scarlet

"Are you going to keep notes on this interaction as well?" I asked Atlas as we made our way into the gigantic foyer of the hotel.

He slung his arm over my shoulders. "Do you want me to?"

I looked up into his face. Grabbing my courage was nearly as difficult this time. I flashed him a smile, nodded.

"Then that's what will happen, little sister."

My heart caught in my chest at the term. I'd gained so much more than just mates when I accepted my guardianship. Beyond the family I'd acquired, I hadn't felt so strong and brave in my entire life. I had something to offer, something to claim. The give and take in this group was as close to equal as it could possibly be. And it was a beautiful thing to see. A heavenly thing to be part of.

Atlas gave me a squeeze before letting me go.