Chapter 164 - Kiema

This woman looked nothing like her mother. No dark eyes, no rainbow hair, no regal bearing - scratch that last part. This woman oozed regal. But she worked in a hotel. Albeit a fancy one, but still.

The manager narrowed her eyes at me before turning to her younger, smaller employee. Her gaze softened. "Go get some air, Bethany. I'll take care of this."

Bethany opened her mouth.

The manager shook her head, her long brown hair sliding over her shoulders in a wave of slight curls. "You're not to blame. You won't be punished in any way. Go on, now."

Bethany's eyelids fluttered closed as a single tear escaped her control.

Shit, shit, shit. I hadn't wanted to damage the young woman. Just get her to give us a couple of rooms.

"Then you should have been more careful with a Valkyrie's magic," the manager said as she glared at Scarlet.

Scarlet stood beside me, her shoulders straight, her head held high.

The manager watched her like a predator watches its prey.