Chapter 165 - Scarlet

I dug my nails into Asher's arms, my entire body vibrating with rage and fear. This woman claimed to be my mother. But according to Alok, she was also the person who wanted me dead.

Kiema burst up, fists clenched, her face spelling out Nix's murder. "You're the one who wanted Scarlet dead?!"

Wind rose up in the room, whipping everything around in a small tornado. Kiema's silver eyes washed to complete liquid silver. "You made a mistake. Scarlet is one of mine. You'll go through me to hurt her."

"And me," Saint said as he rose to his feet. His form wavered at the edges as Ten tried to break through.

"And me," Ransom and Kord both stood up. Their forms also on the verge of shifting.

"And us," Lukas and Atlas said. Lukas stepped away from his partner, his hands loose and ready at his sides. Atlas' top lip pulled up in a snarl.

"And us," Xander and Taryk said from behind me and Asher. I didn't turn, but I knew their magic flared and pushed at their control.