Chapter 167 - Atlas

Scarlet couldn't catch a fucking break. The yearning I saw on her face…it reminded me of my own right after I'd lost my parents. That whole-body desire to be with someone again. To be known by that other person and to know that other person to the soles of your feet.

"Gentlemen," I said as I stood. I put my own hands in the air.

Everyone else joined me in submission.

"What are a Prime Direct, seven shifters, a Valkyrie, and a null doing on Earth? Why weren't we alerted to your visit?" the bigger of the two men said as he stepped back from Taryk. Giving himself room to maneuver, I imagine.

Ransom stepped forward. "How do you know what we are?"

The bigger man who had given himself more space was bald, had tattoos running up his neck and under his shirt. His face was symmetrical and he had tri-color irises that melded into deep blue eyes. "Because it's our job to know. Why weren't we alerted to your visit?"

Kiema stepped forward this time.

Her mates snarled low.