Chapter 168 - Kiema

"I just promised not to leave our floor until tomorrow at noon?" Ransom said, although it sounded more like a question than a statement of fact.

Nix's face dropped as she blew out a breath. "Never make a solemn vow with the Fae unless you have every single possible outcome accounted for. They are sticklers for the letter of a promise and will try to find a way to make whatever vow it is work in their favor." She shuddered. "Never do that again."

Ransom nodded as he gave her a weird look.

I didn't understand her reaction either, but we had bigger things to discuss than her emphatic demand.

I turned to Scarlet, raised my eyebrows.

She gave me a nod as she settled in Taryk's lap this time.

Since Nix was still watching Ransom, I quickly pointed to my chest, tipped my head to the side.

Scarlet nodded again, mouthed, please.

I gave her a smile and a wink. Nodded.