Chapter 172 - Kiema

Gaia's balls! I looked around some more, sure my mouth was hanging open as some new visually stunning piece of Faery was revealed to me. We trudged across a rolling meadow. Not unlike the Spirit Realm, Faery's coloring reminded me of a verdant forest. Up ahead was a monumentally huge crystal palace. It sparkled in the bright light from some source I couldn't see. A vast forest separated us from her walls though.

Flashing lights on the ground drew my eyes to the path we walked. Each time one of the Warden's feet touched the earth, a light appeared under his or her foot. The same was not true for any of my family. I looked down at my own feet. Nope. No special lights announcing my presence.

Juniper chuckled as she walked beside me. "Faery recognizes us and welcomes us home. She will cease her light show shortly."

"Your world is sentient?" I asked as I brought my head back up to take in more of my surroundings.