Chapter 173 - Saint

One Week Later

"This is the last thing Arasne asked of us. We're going to the party. I know you brought clothes for it," I said as Kiema huddled under the mountain of blankets in our room at the castle. After leaving the Queen's forest house, she'd moved her home and staff to the castle while we were trying to find the people who hired Alok and his gang of idiotic killers.

"And I said I don't want to go. I'm pretty sure I'm getting my period."

My heart clenched before settling back into its regular rhythm. I hadn't known I'd been wanting Kiema to get pregnant, but now with the surety of her not carrying a child this month, the knowledge sliced me in two.

"Did you not bring tampons or anything?" I asked.

She groaned. "Of course, I did. I just don't want to put on a slinky dress, high heels, and do my hair up. I want to veg in your bed at home, watch a movie, and eat chocolate like a normal girl."