Chapter 192 - Atlas

"Kiema, how did you know that it was Smoke talking to you and not Taryk?" I asked as we watched the camera footage of Scarlet's memories again.

Scarlet had gone off with the twins to do some hugging and holding. I couldn't blame any of them.

"Smoke was talking to me in my head. Not really full thoughts like they would have been with Taryk, but more just grunts with cue words."

"And that's not Taryk how?" Lukas asked with a smile.

Taryk laughed, flipped him off.

Kiema smiled. "I don't know. I just knew it wasn't actually Taryk talking to me."

"Do you think he, being Smoke in this instance, knew what you wanted?"

Kiema nodded. "Yeah. He knew he was hurting Scarlet and he was sorry, but he didn't know how to stop moving." She grimaced.

I turned to Taryk. "Did you feel like you were in a battle with Smoke? Like wrestling for control?"