Chapter 193 - Kiema

I shook my head. "No. No. That's not possible." I shook my head again. "No. Not possible."

Heppni smiled at me. Nodded. "But it is. I know that Prime children age similarly to human children when one parent is human, but their bodies stop aging at a certain point. And since you've collected more power along the way, I doubt you'll age ever again."

"No, I remember my life from about five and up. That was twenty-three years ago." A thought niggled my mind. "Well, almost twenty-four. But nowhere near one hundred years ago."

"You are of me, Kiema. When I was inside you, I felt my power. There is no other explanation," she said.

"I'd like an explanation on how you think she was either held in cryostasis for over seventy-five years or some other form of hibernation," Dr. Atlas said. His voice was hard, his bright green gaze even harder.

"Her father was a brilliant doctor. And he was working with magick users back on Earth."