Chapter 214 - Oliver

Everyone Hellion had made me vow to keep alive fell to the ground as if they were puppets and their strings had been cut.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I hurried to the closest one's side. Pushed two fingers to his neck.


I was so fucking dead.

I blasted an oncoming human with a burst of magic. He withered where he stood.

I sank to my knees next to the small woman with bright white hair.

She was gone as well.

The woman with the long brown hair threw her blade into an approaching Direct. It sliced through him like he was air. With wild eyes, she didn't even try to gather the particles of his passing. She pushed me aside as she cradled the smaller woman to her chest. "No no no not my baby no no no please no no," she wailed. Her agonized scream was muffled against the smaller woman's head.

The rest of the humans who had interrupted our plans were either dead or falling back the way they'd come.