Chapter 213 - Kiema

I sent another stream of fiery magic at the Direct who thought to protect my mother. Some pansy-assed gifted asshole wasn't going to stop me from hunting my mother down and killing her.

With a wave of my hand, a path cleared.

With a curl of my fist, humans fell to the ground, their spines crumbled into dust.

"I'm coming for you, Herpes," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

She scurried away, down the side street towards the fighting arena I'd created for us to use for practice.

I picked up my pace and followed her.

"You better be fucking careful, honey," Saint said through my head. He was working with Arasne and Felix at the opening of the street where the humans were still grouped.

The Faeries had set up a blockade of sorts, forcing the humans into a bottleneck situation. They were taken down one by one as Ransom had his horde of beasts funneled them through the line of magical warriors.