In The Depths of Darkness

"Hey kid... I don't know whether I should say this or not. But..., aren't you gonna blame us for not helping you? Don't you have anything you want to ask us? "

Irwan: Huh? That is a foolish question. Why should I expect you to help me? I am just a stranger to you. It doesn't matter to you whether I die or live. But if you wanna know the truth, I am actually angry with you people. Cause you could have stopped them. If one of you stepped in, everyone would have stepped in to stop them. But you just.....enjoyed the show..... This is one of the things that give birth to major crimes. Anyway, thanks for helping me get back up. I will be fine on my own now."

Then Irwan left the place. That two-person kept looking at him till their eyes lost him. After that one said, "You know?.... What he said is actually true. If only one of us stepped in, many people would have stepped in to stop them..... But no one did. This is how those brats get the chance and think that there's no one to stop them. They think no one can stop them and they commit many crimes."

The other guy replied, " Yes... If only everyone could think like that kid and take action before it's too late, the crime rate would have decreased by a lot... He got beaten up badly and yet.... didn't bow down. Didn't even fake it. Endured everything but stood strong... with his head high..... Let's just pray for that kid and also pray that God always gives us the courage to do things the right way just like that kid said...."

Irwan washed himself and fixed his clothes properly before he came back home. So that his mother wouldn't know of anything.

He didn't show his face to anyone and just entered the bathroom to take a shower. While taking shower, he was just looking in front, it was like he was lost in a dream. He was thinking if he only had super human-like power, if only he had enough power, he could have changed society. He was angry at those people who destroyed peace just for their own selfish desire and so he wanted to punish them and make them afraid of him, forcing them to behave nicely.

He knows forcing isn't good, But he still believed that forcing them to behave nicely will help. By being forced to behave nicely, One day they will understand that living peacefully, friendly, laughing with friends and family is more fun than being a rowdy goon and make them happy... So they will become a good person and everyone will be in peace...

" Huhhhh! It's just wishful thinking, just a fantasy. Supernatural powers are not real...."

After taking shower he went to sleep. It's almost evening.

He fell asleep real quick. And in sleep, he was having a weird dream. A dream where he was falling from above, in a dark place. There was no one, nothing at all, that place was filled with darkness. He couldn't see anything due to darkness. He kept looking for a way out. He ran and ran. He ran for a long time but he couldn't find his way out.

He was afraid and begun shouting, "Is anybody there? Where am I? Please help me get out of this place... I... I am afraid"

He got tired of running. His legs were hurting for running too much so he stopped running. He again felt the like ground under him just vanished and he started falling again. At some point, he stopped falling but he wasn't on the ground. He felt like he was floating...

He felt like he spent a few months in this dream and the end, he lost his consciousness. He was floating in the depths of darkness, his eyes were half opened but had no consciousness. He suddenly heard someone calling his name....,

" Hey ....Irwan Valdiger...."


He felt like he heard someone's voice after so long..... After just hearing this voice he came back to his senses and looked around, there was nothing.

"Who... who are you? And where am I?" Irwan asked that voice...

Irwan noticed two blue lights is approaching him. Soon he understood it wasn't just light, it was someone's eyes.

"No. This isn't a human. It is something else....."

Even though it was pitch dark, he could see its shadow. It was like a fireball that was made of Dark flame. Its eyes were of light blue color, and those eyes were burning with a light blue flame. That thing had a smile on its face. He could see some blue fire emitting from it. He got scared a bit...

That thing spoke to him, "DO YOU SEEK POWER?"

That fireball asked him if he wants power. Irwan was shocked after hearing that...

But Irwan kept his cool and said " wh...!!! Hmmm... Isn't it obvious? everyone seeks power. But why are you asking me this?"

That shadow asked him, " Why do you seek power? What is your purpose?"

....[NOTE: I am calling that drak flame thing a shadow].....

Irwan: "Why? Cause I wanna teach these teenage goons a lesson. I wanna make them feel fear when they try to do wrong things. To be more accurate, I am gonna force them to behave nicely."

Shadow: " No. Although you are slightly correct. But this is not what you truly want"

Irwan : " What do you mean? If you really know so much about me then why don't you tell me what is in my heart?"

Irwan somehow forgot about his fear and started talking casually...

Shadow: "You.... have to find that answer all by yourself..... I just want to say something... Great powers come with great responsibility. The power you have been granted by God, don't misuse it..."

"BYE BYE~~~" That thing greeted him with a bit melody in it's voice and slowly faded away...