Conflict In The Classroom...

That shadow demon's voice slowly faded away and its light blue fire-like eyes slowly disappeared. After that Irwan woke up suddenly. He felt refreshed and also lazy. It's like he didn't move his body for a few months and so his body parts aren't working properly. He felt like he just woke up from a coma. He looked at the wall clock. That surprised him.

"What the hell? It's just been 10 minutes only...?"


"And what's with this wired dream?.... Is this truly just a dream or is there some other meaning to it?"

He got up from the bed, got fresh and then he studied his class lessons for a bit but he couldn't concentrate. So he went to the rooftop to have some fresh air.

" Wow, air at night time is really refreshing. I wanna stay here and don't wanna go back to my house."

After a short while, he came down cause there was no one on the rooftop and he was scared a bit about today's dream. Later he thought it clearly and said himself,

"Why am I scared? I agree that it really surprised me but it also said that God granted me this power. So it's a good thing..., right?"


"Well, whatever. If it's just a dream then nothing can be done, but if it wasn't a mere dream, everything I saw was real then we will wait and see what happens next...."

Next was a holiday and so he went to school the day after. In his classroom, he was sitting in his usual place, on the first bench all alone. Those students he had a conversation with before and had some fun time, those classmates were also present in the classroom. Even though they had some fine times before, Irwan was still as always. Not taking the initiative to start a conversation. Rather he was enjoying, looking outside, and feeling the air. The teacher wasn't in the class. So everyone was gossiping.

A few minutes later, Irwan: "Ummmm...huuuh.... I am so boreeeeed !!. I just wanna go back home and watch some anime. Well, let's just take a walk in the corridor."

He stood up and got out of his bench. Suddenly five boys came in front of him. It was those five who beat him up before....

"Hey... look who it is... So he still dared to come to the college... Hahahah.... Anyway... Didn't I tell you before to do something about that girl? Why didn't you do it you mother f****r?? How dare you disobey me?" Irwan with a little smile on his face and full of confidence and with defendant attitude, "Ohhh?.... My apologies sir. I will do what you asked right away...."

Those five boys and everyone saw these things and heard everything... They were looking at Irwan with a confused expression...

Irwan then turned around and came to the class's most smart-looking girl, the one that uses glasses named Yuno Kurasaki, and told her... "Yo Yuno Kurasaki..., How are you doing?"

She was confused. She didn't answer this but rather said, "Huh? Oh, Irwan, what's up?"

Irwan replied with that defendant's attitude and a smile on his face. Before even saying the line, looking at his smile and attitude, Yuno Kurasaki turned red out of shyness. She wanted to turn her face on the other side, but she couldn't cause with this smile and attitude, Irwan was like an unrivaled handsome/ cool boy to her...

Irwan said, " that guy over there said that you like me and asked me to slap you in front of everyone thus make you hate me... What's your opinion on this?"

She was embarrassed and said,

"W.w.w.wwhat are you talking about? Who likes you?" (She turned her face to the left)

Then Irwan turned around and went near those five boys and said,

"Well, you heard her. She doesn't like me. You can be at ease. Now..... [From this point on Irwan lost control of his mouth and body. It's like something or someone has taken over his body.] LEAVE....ME...ALONE... (in a cold tone)"

[He totally lost control. He felt like someone or something else is controlling his body]

That rowdy classmate was really mad and said, "H...How dare you talk to me like this? And I asked you to slap her not to tell her that. Did you dare to humiliate me in public? Did you dare to disobey me? Looks like the beating two days ago wasn't enough..!!"

He tried to slap Irwan . But Irwan grabbed his hand and said,

"Are you trying to attack me in front of the whole class?"

Classmate: "S.So what? What the f**k will they do to me? Boys, beat the crap out of this trash"

Irwan with a cold smile on his face, "Well then, my hands were also itching... And talking to you outdated barbarians is just a waste of time I think. "

One of them tried to punch Irwan on his face. Irwan caught his hand and squeezed it a bit with just his palms force. He then said, "It's not nice of you to hit in someone's face and private part, you know?" [Still cold smile in his face]

That boy began to shout out of pain. Irwan released his hand and caught their boss's [The rowdy classmate's] neck with one hand and lifted him up.

Irwan, " So what were you saying? Aren't you gonna teach me a lesson? Weren't you acting all high and mighty just a minute ago?"

That boss was struggling to release his neck. But it wouldn't buzz..... He looked at one of his teammates. That one took the teacher's chair and hit Irwan with it saying "You bastard.... release him..."

slammmm..gur..gur..["Gur..gur.." sound of the chair's breaking]..... The chair broke but Irwan didn't release him....

Irwan [ now his smile faded] "Hmmm??? Damn you broke the chair..... Now how will we answer the teacher? Are you trying to get me in trouble with the teachers? If you really want to be punished that badly by me and the teacher you could have told me before. You didn't have to break this chair."

Everyone in the classroom was shocked seeing him not hurt and still saying stuff like that..... They lost their speeches and had nothing to do except just sit on their seat and watch the show..... They were shocked and also amazed...

Irwan, "What have you done you fool!!! Now how will we answer it to the teacher?"

That boy was so afraid and couldn't say anything properly. He was shaking and kept stuttering,

After seeing Irwan not even buzzing a bit, and also his smile faded, that boy got scared of him and started bubbling, "I.I.I.i.... d.did..dn't...mea...mea....I.I.I... s.sorry... "

" What are you saying? Are you apologizing? Why are you apologizing to a weak boy like me? Aren't you the subordinates of the mighty a**hole over here?" Irwan

Other boys that came with the rowdy one didn't dare to do anything. They took a step back and just kept looking with their freaked and wonderous eyes.

Irwan suddenly noticed that someone is coming up using the lift. The college lift is only accessible by the teachers. So he understood it's probably a teacher. So he released that boy's neck.

[ NOTE: the thing that took control over Irwans Body, knew everything like it already read everything from Irwans mind or maybe knows it because it experienced it by saying with him for some time, That's what real Irwan was thinking. ]

Irwan suddenly came back to his senses. He could control his body now. [It was just normal to take over of someone's body and not the mind]

He noticed the camera in the classroom. He thought,

"Crap.... Now I am in big trouble... Well, I wasn't in the wrong. It was their fault anyway. I can't say that it wasn't me controlling the body. But I have nothing to fear either since the incident was recorded on the camera and all the students here saw who was in the wrong..."

The lift stopped and A female teacher came out. She asked, "What're all these commotions about?"

She suddenly noticed the broken chair. She said, "Were you fighting in the classroom?"

Irwan said, "Yes madam. It was a little conflict amongst us"

Everyone else in the classroom kept silent. No one said anything.

(Teacher): " A little conflict you say? And Have all of you gone deaf? [Asked the whole class] Who was involved in this matter? Was it Only the six of you standing in front.....? Come to the principles room with me now"

Irwan didn't say anything cause he knows it's pointless to say anything. They will have to answer about this conflict to the principal anyway. And also he has to give a reasonable explanation to the principal about that chair and why this problem occurred. He can't just say that he lost control over his body and doesn't have anything to do with it.

They went to the principal's room. The principal of this college is an old woman.

They were brought into principals office. The Principal asked the teacher what was going on. The teacher said what she knew. The Principal asked the students,

"I wanna hear what you guys have to say about this matter"

Irwan said, "what the teacher told you so far is actually true. But there was a reason behind....."

The boy who caused trouble, started speaking when Irwan was trying to explain everything. He didn't let Irwan finish talking and the principal took notice of that part.

That boy tried to make up lies about Irwan and wanted to take the help of the other boys (His subordinates).

But the others didn't have the guts to piss Irwan off anymore... So they said the truth and said everything that boy said was all a lie. They explained everything that happened.