Let's Go Shopping...

"First strctch out your body. After that 100 push ups, 100 squats and 100 crunches , in a row, don't stop for even a second."


"WHAT THE HELLLLL????? What do you mean by 'in a row'? My body will break apart dude....."

"Why do you think I gave you that healing tablet? Its because you are gonna practice hard everyday. Its just the begining and I guess 50 of each of those training would be your highest limit. So I gave you two fold so that you can force yourself to go beyond your limit. I will increase the amount of your training day by day. It's also a good training to build your mind. how, do you wanna know? Well you will find out that answer by yourself. Now lets get started."Hoshino said that with a serious face.


Irwan's training season started. He first stretched up his body. Then he first tried to do push ups. After reaching 50 he couldn't take it anymore as Hoshino predicted. But he didn't stop there either. He kept doing push ups. His hands were going numb. He was sweeting so much. But he kept doing it. Although it was slow, [ pace lf exercise decreased ] but he didn't stop. Not because Hoshino told him to, because he knew he has to become stronger. His mother kicked him out of the house with the help of the family. He wanted to show his mother that he wasn't useless. He had to become stronger because he wanted to eliminate evil and bring justice. He wanted others to notice him. He wanted to be loved. He had to achieve something commendable. So he wanted to become stronger.

It took him a while to do 100 push ups. He was a bit relief that his hands could get rest now. Right after finishing push ups he started squats. He thought squats is gonna be really easy. But after 20 squats, its became really hard for him as well. He suddenly thought of a boy fron his childhood. That boy was punished of 150 squats with his hands on his his ear. That boy cried so much while doing it but it was a punishment and Irwan saw that boy doing it. That boy went way beyond his limits. Irwan thought if a 10 years old boy can do it then why cant he? He never thought a 10 years old kid can inspire him. He smiled a bit and kept going.

Hoshino couldn't get his eyes away from him. Hoshino was amzed seeing his willpower. Hoshino saw Irwan suffer but didn't stop him. He first thought that it was his order that made Irwan try this hard. But Irwan's smile made it clear to Hoshino that it was his willpower that is forcing him to keep going, not someones order....

Other 3 members came to the Gymnasium to look for Irwan and Maikel shouted his name.


"Hey lower your voice. Don't bother him. He is practicing now" Hoshino said it with a serious tone.

"Why are you talking so seriously like this?"

Hearing that Hoshino smiled a bit and said,

"Cant you look at him? Just take a look and you will understand. He isnt caring about anyone, just practicing. I told him to do 100 push ups, 100 squats and 100 crunches in a row, without stopping. He is physically too weak. So he can not bear it.


I thought i would let him take a rest after 50 of each if he wants for a break. But he didnt ask for any break. Although he suffered so much pain, he didnt ask for a break. I could see the veins of his body trembling..... But he didn't stop."

"So he obeys your order and thats why you got attached to him. Huhhh, I wish I had a student like this. But unfortunately, Our powers are just limited to us and Irwan is the last one with power." Maikel.



"You got a good student who obeys your order" Maikel.

"Do you think so? But the truth is, this isn't the cause why I am so attached to him"

"Huh? Can you make it clear already?"

"I thought the same as you. But while training I saw him smile a bit. He was suffering so much and yet he smiled? Cause he wasn't obeying my order. This is his will thats making him do so much. Can't you just look at him? Don't you see how hard he is trying? How is his expression? Mark my words, if he doesn't lose his will and practice beyond his limits everytime, he will become a monster one day..." Hoshino.

"Hahah, He is the special one after all. He has to be strong"....

While they were talking about Irwan, he already finished 100 squats and started crunches. while doing his 100 crunches, he didn't even get tired and completed 100 crunche real quick. But he didn't stop and did extra 150 crunches.

After finishing this training he sit down a bit, wiped out his sweat and then came to Hoshino [He was with other team mates] without wasting any time. Then he asked them,

" Why are you looking for me?"

"So, you did notice us but didn't answer " Maikel.

" If you shout so loudly like a lady, how can I not hear? I just wanted to complete the training without stopping in the middle of it."

"Damn you brat, who are you calling a lady?" Maikel shouts.

Everyone was laughing. But then Hoshino asked him,

"You were really tired when doing push ups and squats. What happend with you all of a sudden? You didn't look tired at all when you did crunches. Not to mention, you even did 150 extra."

"Oh that? Actually I used to do crunches before. I wanted to make six-pack abs and impress the girls" Irwan


"Hahahahah" [Everyone was laughing]

"So were you able to impress anyone?" Mariha.

"Nah. I don't understand what happend to girls nowadays. They just fall for some third call rowdy boy, play boy, boys that smoke, drinks, thin like a feather etc. etc." Irwan


"Yeah, you got that part right..."

"Yeah it's Universal truth..."

signh...." [everyone did signh that at the same time]

Hoshino looked at Mariha then looked down and said, "Even dense and cold Mariha agreed to us"

Mariha just looked at him. She didn't reply, didn't look like she minded it either.

"Anyway, put that matter aside, what was your reason to look for me?" Irwan

"Oh, we just remember you don't have any cloths to wear. So we wanted to take you to shopping" Maikel.

"Yeah yeah, lets go shopping" Kota Subasa.