Leave Us Alone...

"Well, that's it for todays exercise then."Let's go shopping kid, " Hoshino"

Maikel takes out a set of clothes and said,

"Go get a shower and wear these clothes. It's mine so it probably will be a little bit big for you. But just wear it for now."

Irwan took a shower and wore that cloth and came out.He was looking halirious.

"Hahahaha.... You look cool. Now I know why girls didn't accept you as a boyfriend despite you being so handsome... Hahahhaha"

" Heh, look who is talking. I am just at my 20's and I am the youngest one here. All of you are over 25 and mainly you [mentioning Maikel] are over 30 I guess, Do you guys have any girlfriend / boyfriend yet?" Irwan.

"Damn you brat, who are you calling over 30 years old? Brother here is only 22", pissed off Maikel.

"Yeah you said the same thing four years ago" Mariha.


"Pufft...." Irwan

Maikel looked at Irwan with annoyed and embarrassed face. Irwan hardly controlled his laugh

"Huh, truth be told I am 26 only. And you were right. Girls now a days fall for third class bad boys" , Maikel.

"Anyway, everyone is ready, lets go shopping....."

Everybody went to the shopping mall. The shopping mall was really different from the shopping mall Irwan used to go. It was awesome.

"Hmm, damn.... Everything here looks so cool. Which country we are in?"

" Lol, did you forget alrrady? I told you when we met, wee are in America now."

" Why are we in America of all places? "

"You might know that the crime rate in America is far greater than any other country. And also this is one of the most influential country, and it's communication system is also unavoidable." Maikel.

" So we will be able to earn more money and also do our job more effectively."

"Oh, I see" Irwan.

Hoshino then said, "We actually wanted to make our base in Japan or in korea. Oh and china as well. Cause I..., I mean most of the members of our team are interested in japan. We really admire japanese and korean. But we can't let our personal feelings get in the way of our duty."

"Americans are too much free minded and thus commits crime. And we must decrease the amount of crime rate.


"Yeah, if you put it like this, I also feel the same regarding to this matter."

"But also thanks to Americans, the world was able know clear details about the moon and other planets. I really admire them for this...." Maikel


" I didn't think of it that way. Every country has it's own unique speciality. Some maybe hateful, but some are still admirable." Hoshino.

"Yeah, I also like your answer. Anyway Americans are too open minded and friendly that they go around having physical relationship with others. If my boyfriend go around with any other girl, I will see through it that he will never ever dare to get close to another girl again. I will cut off his hands if he dares to touch any other girl in an improper way." Mariha.

"...." [Shocked and afraid Maikel, He has a crush on Mariha]

[Everyone looked at Maikel]

"Hahahah" (Everyone is laughing)

"Hmmm? What's going on???" , Mariha. [ She still doesn't have a clue that Maikel likes her and so she didn't understand why everyone was laughing looking at Maikel, and why he was afraid]

Everyone was thinking about how dense this cold girl can be.

"No...nothing, I am gonna go to the toilet. I will join you later" [Maikel left]

"Oh well, I need to visit the gym here for some unfinished business. See you guys around. Have fun", Hoshino.

Only Irwan, Mariha and Kota Subasa was left. One young boy and two gorgeous girls beside him. Of course degenerated bugs [ means some bad people ] with some power would try to take advantage of this kind of situations.

They were gossiping on their way.

Everyone on their way to the shop was looking at Irwan cause he was looking a bit halirious. Some of them was looking at those girls and thinking of a way to approach them. Suddenly,

"Hey Beauty....."

A tall guy of age 30-35, with his four other comrades of nearly the same age approached them and said...

"What are you beauties doing here with a messed up little begger like this? Just ditch this little beggar come with us. We will have a lot of fun. I promise, both of you will be satisfied"

Others started gossiping around,

"Hey isn't that George? This shopping mall's owners son?"

"Lol, how do you know that he is the shopping mall's owners son?"

"I come to this shopping mall often and I see any girl he likes, he takes her to the bar and spend the night together."

"Yeah, she is right. Those girl he invites, willingly go with them. It's just a single night. And if they can satisfy George then he will invite her over again. And he will also give her a business opportunity and a lot of money. Her future will be settled."

"Yeah, those girls are so lucky [ Pointing at Mariha and Kota ]..... They got George's attention. And not to mention they are really really pretty. I envy their beauty."

George was felling proud hearing how powerful he is when it comes to money and was happy hearing others say that he was generous to girls who he had fun with....

Irwan looked around. He understood that those people who was saying this kind of things are some money hungry sharks, some gold diggers.

"See what people are saying? We will have so much fun that you will want more. And you are the most beautiful girl I have seen so far. So you will be garunteed to have a good future. I will give you a lot of money. Just name the amount", George with a lewd type smile on his face.

Mariha was really pissed of. But she calmed down. And said,

"No. Thanks for your generous offer. But I will have to decline" Mariha.

"Same goes for me. Bye mister rich guy..." Kota Suabsa

George got mad and said,

"What are you saying? Didn't you hear what others said about my Generosity ? If you are worried about that kid then we will also take him, give him the best dress, and some beauty to have fun with. He will also enjoy. Don't worry about him" George.

"PISS OFF..." [Mariha with an angry tone]

"How dare you reject me and talk to me with that tone?" George.

George grabbed Mariha's hand...

Mariha got mad but before she wanted to break off his hand. But Mariha could do anything Irwan grabbed George's hand tightly.

"How dare you touch her? Didn't you hear them rejecting you? NO.....MEANS...NO..." Irwan with serious tone.