Explanation of Earth Power...

"Irwan You have already built your body nicely. I guess this should be enough to start training. Now you will learn how to fight once a day and you will also run outside from today onwards. Don't use this trademill anymore. When the time comes, we will prioritize sparing match more. This isn't the time to comepletly change your schedule."

Fun time will begin now. I am bored of exercising all the time. I always wanted to learn how to fight and show off how badass I am. Heheh.....


"Oh you guys will also run with us outside. Leader, you also come practice with us. It would be good if his friends acompany him. It will inspire him and also you need some exercise as well." Hoshino said to everyone.

Akira said to me, "Ok, Irwan, you complete your exercise and we will take a shower during that time."

"All right..."

Akira then increased the number of my exercise and said, "Oh yeah, make it 2500 for each training. If you can do 1500 then there's no point in doing this exercise. After all, you have to go beyond your limit everytime you practice. And don't worry about hurting your body, we have Anabia to heal your minor injuries."

"She is the healer of our team? That's amazing. Anyway I was wondering, can't she heal major injuries?" I asked them.

"Nope. She wasn't granted the power to heal major injuries. She can do something that a good doctor can do, but she can't do something yet that's incurable till now. Even if she could do it, I guess it will only work on us if I am not wrong. We don't know the reason why she was restricted like this but there should be a reason. Maybe because if the news of her being that great healer spread out, it will be a major pain in the ass and Maikel anticipated that if she could heal major injuries, this can eben turn the humanity against us and force her to become a labrat and also everyone will come to us to heal their injuries, but that's not possible for a single person."


I looked at Anabia. I thought what could happen to her. Maybe I was able to dream the scenery a bit. This is something that no one with right mind want.

"Yeah, I understand, I wouldn't want her to get taken away."

"Hmmmm...??? Get taken away? Aren't you being a bit too romantic?.... What?..... Are you in love???" Kota said that to me to make fun of me.


"Hahah??? It looks like you want me to fall in love with her. Sometimes I get the feeling that you are in love with me and trying to say it in your way. After all girls are the most weird creature that I have ever seen." I replied her.

"Hahahah, I am just messing around. Don't worry too much" Kota

Everyone is laughing.

"Well, see you soon Irwan. Practice hard" Akira.

We left. While leaving the gym, Anabia turned around, looked at me, smiled a bit and said, "This guy is pretty decent. He doesn't seem like a college student to me... I mean his answer. I like it. Keep up the good work boy."

I left with Hoshino to run in the field. This time Hoshino made the barrier. This barrier was made of dust.

"I assume you are watching me using my power for the first time. As you can see, my power is earth type. It's not like I can only use dust, mudd I can also control rocks. I can create rock for a limited time." Hoshino was explaining how his power works.

I was confused a bit. What does he mean by creating rock? I should ask him.

"Wait a minute. I am clear about that dust thing since I witnessed it myself. But can you show me how you create rock?"

"Well, to be more accurate, I don't create rock. I can't create any rock. I can just borrow rock from different places. I guess it would be best if I show you an example rather than explain things to you."

After that Hoshino extended his right hand upfront and a ten inch, somewhat traingle shaped rock appeared slowly out of nowhere, floating above his palm while spinning very slowly. Then he said to Irwan,

"As you can see this rock appeared out of nowhere. Does that mean I created it? No. If you look at this rock you will see that one part of this triangle shaped rock is wet and dirty. But the other two side is clean and dry just like a rock that was broken from a big rock just a minute ago. Well that's exactly what happened here. This little piece of rock is a part of a big rock from ocean. I just broke it from that big rock. That's why the broken part is clean and dry and the one that was open to the water for millenma is dirty and wet."

This was a sight to see.

"Wow. That's cool. But how did you break the rock? Did you think it to break and it broke?" I asked him.

"Maybe you can put it like that. Well, I can actually break rocks and bring it to me and use it as I please. This is included in my earth type power. But I can use it doesn't mean it will stay here forever. It will autometically dissapear when I am done with it and it will merge with it's original body, just like it was before I broke it." Hoshino.

"That's amazing dude. I wish I have this kind of power or some super cool power, take Mariha's ice attribute as an example. Only a barrier made by her looks shiny and awesome. But here who knows what god forsaken power I got, it sometimes takes control over my body sometimes effect mind in negative way"

"You are wrong about it. We all had a dream where it informed us that our last member will be special. So your power has some complexity and not for us to understand that easily. Since God granted you this power and informed us that it's special beforehand in our dream, it has to be beyond our imagination. In one word, you will be the strongest one amongst us sooner or later."

Whoaaa, that actually sounds cool....

"..... I hope so " I replied with my head down but a smile in my face.