Running With Everyone...

"Well enough chitchat for now, let's start your training"

"YES SIR" I shouted

I started running around the field, inside the barrier. I could feel that his body is a bit lighter than before. I could run a bit faster than before. And also I can run seven laps of five hundred meters runway before reaching out of my breath. Even though it isn't major improvement, but it is far better then I anticipated. A few days ago, with Mariha, I couldn't even complete one lap properly. So, I am happy with this outcome.

"Hah..hah..humm...haaaaahhhh...da...damn....." [Shortness of breath] I stopped a bit and was breathing heavily.

Hoshino was running with me. He was also really happy with my outcome but he wanted to push me till I won't be able stand anymore. So he stopped near me and said,

"Hey kid....Why did you stop? Did I permit you to stop? If you are out of breath then just drink some water and start running again"


"If you wanna become stronger, then don't stop when you are out of breath. Don't just give up if your body can't handle it anymore. Try till you lose you consciousness. This is just the beginning. There might come a day when you will be out of breath, every muscle of your body will tear apart but if you stop, you might lose your life. So you have to get used to this hardship."

I looked at him. Smirked a bit. And said, "Let's start again"

We were running a bit slowly and then Hoshino asked me, "I wanted to ask you something for a while now. I know it's your own family matter, it's a private matter, but still i wanna ask you."

Huh? What does he wanna know?... Well doesn't matter. I am not keeping anything a secret anyway.

"Yeah sure, if you have any question you can ask."

"All right... I have heard from Maikel what your family members did to you. How they humiliated you. I was curious to know....., will you take revenge if you get the chance?"

Take... revenge for what they have done to me? What do I actually wanna do if I see them again? What do I really want?

I looked on the ground thinking this things for a while. It was quiet. Hoshino didn't say anything, just kept running with me. Maybe he was waiting for my reply.... After thinking things through, I ahead and answered him,

"I don't want any revenge. But to tell you the truth, I want them to regret what they have done to me. Maybe they thought I am a worthless piece of shit. I want to show them that they were wrong. I want them to apologize to me for what they did. That doesn't mean that I want to take revenge. I just want to make them realize, they shouldn't have done what they did to me. By showing them how far this worthless piece of shit can reach. I ..... want to show them how wrong they were to ditch me like that."

"Will you forgive them if they apologizes to you?"


I was silent for a while thinking about it. And then I said to him,

"Maybe, or maybe not. I can't tell it for sure right now. We will just have to wait and see"

" ....Great this is the kind of answer I expect from our family member. Not taking revenge but making them regret their actions by achieving big. Show them kid what you are made of. Practice hard..... As a teacher, I will show you hell. Your every muscles will give up for pain, but I won't give you the chance to take any break. Yeah..... This might be a little painful..... But this is how you will reach to the top and you will reach your destination faster."


"Don't hate me bruh"

"Hahah, I see no reason to hate you. After all, this is for my own good. And also, my body will heal from the injuries if I take Anbia's healing pill."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you won't be receiving any of those pills from now on. " Hoshino...

"HUH!!!!!! Whaaaat !!!???"

"Hahah, don't worry, if you are badly injured, Anbia will heal you. Those pills starts healing slowly right after you get injuries. And it can heal normal injuries that you get while exercising. It won't be able to heal some big injuries that you will get later on while training how to fight. And Anbia will heal you after you are done training, if you are injured..." Hoshino

".....Well.... That's good I guess"

We were running. I was breathing heavily. After a short while everyone else came to the ground to exercise and practice with us.

At first they all started running with us. We all ran for one and half an hour.

I am running with Hoshino from the beginning. So I am really exhausted. I am feeling like i am gonna fall on the ground any moment.

I already fell a few times and Hoshino helped me to get back up. Sometimes he supported me while I was gonna fall, but didn't let me stop.

After the running is done, I laid down on the ground. And somehow managed to drink some water while laying down. It took me some time to even drink a little bit of water.

"Huh...Huh.... [Akira, a bit out of breath] how was it, the training with us. Although it's just running, what do you think about it?

Akira said it just to tease me, I could understand that.

I Tried to talk. But I am too exhausted to even talk a little bit. I just rose up my hand and showed them " A LIKE".

Others were laughing at my situation.....

"Complete your today's training, and we will show you something good." Akira said that to me.