

"What?" I was surprised.

I will see them transform in front of me, for the first time. So I was looking forward to it.

Suddenly wind started flowing around us and l could feel that the ground started snacking all of a sudden!


l got scared a bit. "What's this?.!!!!"

Suddenly a trees root and trees flexible thin bunch like things came out of the ground and trapped Arham in. l was afraid at first. But l noticed no one is doing anything to help him so l understood this isn't something bad. Then those roots started mixing with his body in a really fast speed. lt was like those roots were piercing through his body, entering his body. And when it completely mixed in his body he was in a green amour, floating twelve inches above from the ground.

"What? So this is how..... you guys transform into your amour? That's.... really awesome" l said that with a confuse smile in my face

"Yup, now it's my turn" Kota

She rose her hand above, facing the sky and said, "Come forth rain and give me protection, give me your blessing and grant me your power"

Sky above her became a bit cloudy. It was a bit dark and rain started to fall down. But rain stopped all of a sudden. The rains water didn't touch the ground. It was floating in the mid air, right above the ground. lt didn't touch the ground for a mere centimeter. This made the scenery around beautiful.

l was amazed enough. Those drops of rain started to gather above Kota's hand and formed into a ball of water. Then the ball of water grassed Kota fully. And started to reduce. After it was fully reduced, Kota was in a light blue armor.

"It's my time" Hoshino.

He took his two hands on his sides and said "Earth, grant me your power" A pile of soil a bit bigger than his size, appeared in his two sides and


It hit him and transformed into brown colored armor in a blink.

Anabia said, "Mine isn't that stylish so I will have to disappoint you lrwan"

"Don't worry about it. Even if your transformation isn't that awesome, I bet the suit (Armor) you transform into will look amazing."

"Haha....well than, [While transforming] I don't have any spell like others as well. l didn't think yet what spell l should use while transforming. I am just a healer who heals injured and a barrier maker who is able to make invisible barrier."

She was floating above from the ground while spreading her two hands on her two sides. Her eyes was closed, facing the sky. Light Green and pink aura surrounded her. And when it combined and went throw her body it transformed into a pink armor.

Her transformation was looking cute to me


"Didn't you say that yours wasn't that good? Liar"

"Hahah.... You think it was cool? I am glad you liked it." With an extremely happy expression on her face.

"Now stop flirting with lrwan, Anabia. You will have times to flirt with him once we are back" Maikel was making fun of her

l felt shy and looked the other way.

"N...No, I wasn't flirting with him. Damn you Maikel...You are so annoying....." Anabia with annoyed and blushful expression

"Hahah..." (Akira and Kota)

"...." (Mariha)

Mariha didn't say anything she just closed her eyes slowly and circles of ice appeared around her body. It was first circling around her and then merged into her body and transformed into a white armor.

"Hahah... cold as always" (Everyone)

"It's my time" (Akira)

He closed his eyes and then opened it. When he opened his eyes it was on blazing fire. Then his two hands lit up with fire and its spreads in his body soon except the head. The area turned really hot. It also became a bit red. The shed Mariha made with ice melted down real quick. But Others didn't feel the heat.

l assumed maybe because this fore doesn't hurt his teammates.

Fire from his eyes started to make some pattern in his face and than it spread in his full head. Fire started to extinguish from his legs. It was extinguishing slowly while transforming into dark red armor.

" leader. It felt like yours are the coolest. Everyone else's was also awesome. But somehow yours looked really tense, badass" I said that with puppy dog eyes. This cool transformation was making me envious.

"Yeah. His transformation gives different vibe and also he is the strongest amongst us. Fire is really a strong element." Maikel

"Here l am, a cute little boy, with no armor.... (Sob sob) [Acting of pitiful] " (Maikel)

"Yeah... No one to feel our pain brother Maikel. (Sob sob)." l also joined him

"You will eventually get your armor. You don't have to worry.. But I.... I will never get an armor. (Sob sob)" (Maikel)

"Oh yeah. Now that you say it, I don't have to worry about my armor. Well then, you can cry by yourself." l left his side

" AAAAHH.... You.... you damn traitor..... I though you as a brother just a moment ago....." [ with Shocked and crying face]

Everyone started laughing except Mariha and Akira. But Mariha was enjoying this friendly and happy environment. Leader was trying to convince Maikel... "Do....don't worry.. Hah... You have got high intelligence and the power to create teleportation gate. Your power is really on a different level. Intelligence can be considered as the greatest power. And power of creating teleportation gate is really something that anyone would desire. Just like now we need your teleportation power to go to Korea within a minute ." Akira is trying to convince Maikel with sweet words

(sob..sob..) "Hmm..." Maikel stood up. He took out two masks using a little teleportation gate that was connected to his almirah. He wore one and gave another to me saying, "Since you still can't activate your armor, wear this to hide your face. Believe me you don't wanna get attention. At least not now." Maikel

"So if everyone is ready, let's go"
