First Mission...

Principal Madam already sent the location of where they are now to some newly big-shots with superhuman ability called "EXECUTIONERS". It was not the college but a field where the kidnapped buses were abandoned after they took the kids. In that place there were a few reporters. They were questioning the principal.


"Madam, who do you think can do this kind of thing? Is there someone you can think of?"

"I heard they wanted money. Since it's an international school it's understandable that they hope to get a big amount of money from this school."

"Please madam answer us, parents of those children's are really worried. Do you have anything to tell them?"

"Do you think police can solve this problem?"

Principal replied, "Everyone calm down a little bit. Police is working on this matter. As for they wanting money from us, I can't tell you about it right now since they didn't even call us. It's just a rumor. I want to tell the parents of those students not to worry. We have already mailed the 'EXECUTIONER TEAM'. I didn't get any answer from them yet. If they agrees to help us, we will have a better chance. Please try to calm down. We are doing everything we can."

Reporter: "Principal Madam, those 'Executioner team' you are talking about, Who are they exactly? Can you clarify it?"

"They are the superhuman that came to public not long ago" Principal madam replied them

Another reporter: " Do you believe in superhuans? Madam, don't you think that this super humans could be a made up story? I mean all of us present here knows that supernatural things doesn't exist."

Some Parents of the kidnapped children were there and they started to shout

"What the fuck are you talking about? What superhuman? It's not the time to joke around. If we don't get our children back, that wont be good of you and your school."

"Yeah it's not the time to joke around. Get serious"

Principal was really getting restless and worried. She was shaking a bit and said, "Pl...please calm down everyone. The email address of the executioner was given by the government. Surely they know something about this 'EXECUTIONERS'. Government won't do some joke like this in this kind of situation. Please try to understand our situation a bit. We are doing everything we can."

"Fuck your excuses.....!!!!"


"Wh....what's happening here? What is this thing?"

Everyone looked at the position that guy pointed. It looked like a dark plate like thing started to form in the air out of nowhere.


Everyone was surprised and the whole place got silence at that moment. It was quiet all over. One people said with fear in his eyes, his voice was shaking,

"Wh....what.... is that....?"

A sudden appearance of black portal surprised everyone.

"SO...Something is coming out of that thing..."

They saw People with armor came out from that portal. Six people in cool armor and two person came out with only mask on their face and no armor. In total, eight of them.

"Wh...who are they???"

"It''s....Is it the 'EXECUTIONERS!'"


" Executioners?" Crowd shouted

Principal came near them while shaking, "Are... you guys the 'EXECUTIONERS?'"

"Yes... We are the 'EXECUTIONERS'... Are you the principal of 'Seoul Politon International School' who mailed us?" Akira asked with a calm voice.

"Y..yes.." [Principal]

Principal's voice was still shaking. Everyone also was in fear.


I am a bit nervous. I am not a fan of crowd, I never was one. Come to think of it, I was always alone and I am still not used to be in crowd...

"Signh...." Akira....

"Everyone, You don't need to fear us. We... are team 'Executioners'. We shouldn't waste time to introduce ourselves at this serious moment. But I would like to say, we are here to help you. So I would appreciate if you guys cooperate with us properly. Proper introduction can be done after we save those kids." Akira.

Everyone calmed down a bit. A few reporter came near them to ask questions. But Maikel stepped before them and said, "I believe this isn't the time for chitchat. This is a serious matter. So if you have any questions you want to ask then wait till we save those kids."

A reporter, " All of us know that super natural things doesn't exist. It's just fantasy. How do you think that normal folks would believe your sweet words?"

"Good grief, you guys believe in god and yet you say you don't believe in supernatural things? And another thing, it's you who is having trouble believing it, not the crowd. If you don't believe in supernatural things even after seeing how we came here, then it's fine. It's your choice whether you will believe in us or not. We will just leave after our job is done here." Maikel replied to that reporter..

"Sir please just a few questions"...

Parents of the kids stopped that reporter and said, "Didn't you hear that goverment is also involved in this matter? The government gave the principal the contact info of these 'EXECUTIONERS' to help us? If you don't wanna lose your job and go to jail for not letting them do their works, then just stay quiet, or maybe you can go and f****ing save our kids, right?"

"Please sir, you go ahead and save our children"

Maikel nodded his head and went to principal. "I have noticed that there are five buses here from the same company. And this place is not near your school. And there are quite a few amazing cars, those cars should be of the guardians of those students. So... I believe the students were in these five buses, right?" Maikel

"Yes. These are the buses and these buses were found abandoned in this place. Drivers were also kidnapped along with the students we think."

"Then please let me have a look. Irwan, follow me." Maikel...

I nodded my head and went along with him.

Maikel first observed the tiers of the buses. It seemed like he was checking the remaining dust in those tires. He observed two different tires of each and every single buses. Then he checked inside the bus. He was observing the bus's ground carefully. Just like the same way he observed the four other buses. Then he was searching something on his mobile phone. A few minutes later Maikel came out and said,

"Get ready guys, I guess I have found the location of those kidnappers."
