First Mission Part Two...

"It's time for some action"

"You already found the location of those kids?" Principal madam asked us (me and Maikel).

"Yes, of course" Maikel replied...


What does he mean? I am now confused a bit.

" What is he talking about? This guy didn't do much. Did he really find the location already?"

Everyone in the team knows Maikel very well except me. Akira approached me and said,

"You seem to be confused. Don't worry, just believe in him"

"... ok"

" Open gate" Maikel opened a teleportation portal

" Wait" (A father of a kidnapped student shouted


"C..can we go with you?"

Maikel thought something for a second and then he replied,

"..... Yeah sure. If you guys wanna come then you can come. But just stay at your place when you reach there through this teleportation gate. This isn't a vacation. This could endanger your children's life." Maikel

"Ok. thank you." [Few of those parents ]

Maikel made the gate a bit bigger. First team 'EXECUTIONERS' went through that teleportation gate. After that almost everyone including parents, principal, some other teachers and reporters went through that gate.

They reached in a sea beach. After reaching there Maikel looked behind. He looked at the crowd for a few seconds. He saw a woman a bit afraid and worried. Her behavior looked a bit suspicious.


Maikel asked Hoshino to make seats out of sand for those guardians of those students. As he said, Hoshino made seats out of sand for them.

Maikel then said to everyone, "everyone, stay here. Sit on those seats that we made just now and wait for us here. Don't move a feet. Let us do our job. And Anabia, make a barrier so that no one could get hurt in any way or no one can run from this place."

He then looked at the crowd and said, "This is for security purpose. Sometimes being extra cautious is good. I hope everyone will understand. "


Reporters were doing there job as usual.

And then Maikel turned around. There was no other people in that beach. Then he was looking at the huts in the sea beach. There were some attractive huts but one poor looking hut. Maikel went there and entered the poor looking hut.

"Hoshino, can you move the dust from the ground?" Maikel

"Hmm??? Yeah sure"

Hoshino rose his right hand in front and the dust begin to dissapear. After the dust was cleared out, they noticed a gate. After opening that gate they noticed an underground tunnel like thing.

"Well, Hoshino and Arham , you go ahead As planned, Mariha will stay with Irwan and protect him. Leader and Hoshino will go offensive while Arham will capture them without hurting them using his roots power. Anabia will be with me. Once I see the children, I will open a teleportation gate near them. And after going near them, Anabia will make a barrier. And if the situation doesn't support this technique, then we will change our plan. Do you guys understand?" Maikel

"Roger" (Everyone)

Hoshino went ahead. Everything was going as planned. While going through that tunnel, they found some armed guards. But they were easily suppressed. Arham use his tree roots power to tie up their mouth so that they can't shout. After walking for a while, they noticed the kids in big cage like thing. There were 23 cages with 11 empty cages and 12 filled with 20 kids each. There was total of 200 students from that school in their school dress and 18 kids in normal dress. Most of those kids looked like they were from slum. Many of those kids were silent and some of them were crying but not so loudly. There were three armed guards. They were talking,

"Woooo..... we have caught a big catch this time."

"Yeah. 200 kids in one go. Not to mention, this kids are from prestigious family. They are top Quality kid with good health."

"If we sale them in black market as a slave how much money do you think we will earn?"

"I was wondering, why boss doesn't ask for money to these kids parents? Their parents must love them so much that they will give any amount we ask of them. We will earn bigger sum if we just ask for money to these kids families."

"Who knows what boss wants. He might be a fool"

"Yeah right, hahahahah"

"Hey you two, keep it low. If the boss heard a single word like this, we won't get to see the sun anymore."


. . .

My team overheard everything. We noticed a closed door with high security system in the end of the room. So we easily understood that there must be something important behind that door. Maikel said in a lower voice,

"Do you guys see that closed door in the end of the room? Since there has a closes door and its with high security sytem on it. That must means there's something that they are hiding from these kids. Although these little kids can't do anything to them yet they are hiding it from them? It seems really fishy "

"Yeah. Somethings fishy about that door. So what do you suggest?" Hoshino"

"Arrham, tie them up and their mouth just like before. Try to make it as quiet as possible" Maikel

"Roger" Arham

"Hey wait just a second. Anabia, can you make soundproof barriers around every cage? Cause if the kids see us, they might get exited and begun to shout."

"Yeah well,... I tried it before many times, but the success rate is very low. I can make a soundproof barrier. But there's a chance to fail at the same time" Anabia replied to Maikel in a low voice

"Put your whole heart into it. Look at those kids, their life depends on it" Maikel at a lower voice but a passionate expression on his face. He was actually trying to emotionally weaken Anabia.


".....Don't be so dramatic. Since we are here, nothing would happen to those kids" Anabia replied.

"Heheh, I.... was just putting an act with the situation"

Anabia was thinking, "I shouldn't delay anymore time. I have to cast this spell successfully"

She rose her hand in front and kept her eyes closed for a few second and opened all of a second " CREATE SOUNDPROOF BARRIER" a light green barrier was created around all cage. But unfortunately..... Guards noticed.


"what's that?.... Who's there?"