Explaination Of The Situation...

A female teacher suddenly shouted,

"Y... You people found out their location within a few minutes. How did you do that? I suspect you guys are plotting something here"

Maikel smirked a bit. Some people including kidnapped children's parents were saying,

"Yeah!!! We didn't think of it before. How did they findd out the location so fast? There's must be something going on"

Some children's parents said, "What are you saying? Those guys here saved our children and this is how you show your gratitude?"


"What but? Didn't you see that they created a magic portal that can teleport people to wherever they want? They are real life superhumans with supernatural abilities. Finding the location can't be that hard for them."

"This can be a scientific tool that has been created by science in secret"

"Yeah right, even if we accept what you said for the sake of argument, can't they use digital science to find out their location easily?"

" Whatever you say will be back fired to you guys who think those saviors plotted something. Be grateful to them for helping us and stop giving lame excuses"

They keep gossiping and giving their own opinion. Suddenly Maikel started talking again and the crowd went silent cause everyone wanted to know the truth,

"This teacher here asked a good question.... I was waiting for her to say something like this".

Maikel stopped a bit and looked at everyone's expression. They were confused.

" You all are wondering how we found out the location so easily right.....? Well, it's simple..... I don't mind explaining it to you with every single detail so that you guys don't have any doubt in your mind.... Some of you guys saw that I was checking the tires of those buses, right? Didn't you guys think it through? I was looking for clues of where those bus went, and I found some salty sands on it's tier. All those buses had sea sands on it's tiers, deep inside it."

"....." [silent crowd]

"To confirm things I went inside those buses and noticed there were some salty see sands on the bus's ground as well..... That means someone went inside of those buses from the beach, their shoes were filled with sands and it dropped in the bus when those criminals came inside those buses.... You guys can go ahead and check the buses for yourselves"

Crowd remained silent for a few seconds and then started gossiping again,

"Yeah, we didn't think of it that way"

"It actually make sense"

People who gave negative feedback a few minutes ago, started thinking positively now.

"Thank you for your understanding. But I am not finished yet. You guys might think later why we thought of this specific sea beach and not others when there are several sea beaches.....And I don't wanna leave any concussion in your heart, so please calm down and let me finish"

Everyone calmed down.

"Now than, did you guys hear the news that people are going missing into this specific beach....? Now think carefully, if those buses stopped near a sea beach, which one would it be? It would be in a sea beach that has some bad rumors. So I looked for news if something is up with any of these beaches in my mobile. And you know what....? People are going missing in this particular sea beach.... And I believe all of you are already aware of this fact, right? Everyone thought they sinked into the deep sea... But the truth is, they were caught by these captives here and then they brought those people to that tunnel and had their organs taken out by these two doctors hands......"



"They didn't sink into the sea but actually they were killed by these doctors?....."

"Wh.....what would they have done with our children...!!!!"

"I cant even imagine this. How can they be so ruthless.!!!!"

Military commander asked them,

"We understand the situation a bit. But were there..... only these few armed guards guarding that place? This is a dangerous place, there can't be only five guards"

"Nope.... We.... Killed them" Maikel.

"Yo...you guys killed them? But where are their bodies?" Commander

"After killing them, we threw them into the sea as a fish food. I opened a teleportation gate above the sea and threw them there" Maikel with a calm tone.

"You guys....Killed them?.....Threw them?... Just like that? ....Why did you guys need to kill them? Do you guys not obey the military law? Couldn't you guys just capture them?" Commander

"Yeah.... We killed them. We didn't kill everybody right? They started shooting at us the moment we entered the operation room and we killed them.... And Military law?..... I will not make any excuses and be straight....., we, 'EXCUTIONERS' are here to bring justice.... Not to show mercy to people that don't deserve it..... And also we were so pissed after seeing the seen of innocent people's blood on the ground, their body cast aside, put in a box like some tool with their heart wide open, their eyes gauged off etc. etc. etc. , I ask you people standing here, I ask you people who is watching this show in the television, I ask you guardians of these student, and I ask you mister commander, what would you have done if you were in our shoes. At least we killed them in one strike, gave them a painless death before they could understand the pain." Maikel with a serious tone.


Everyone kept silent for a while...

"About law, I let you guys and the government decide, what we have done, was it wrong or right. Whether you want our service or not. Yeah, we have killed those people and I say we will also kill poisonous insects like these in the future. Think logically....., Do you guys still want our service or not."