Crowds Support...

It's already evening but the area was light up heavily. Military thought this mission would take a good amount of time since this kidnapping was not a trivial matter. And also there was press with heavy lighting system and some cars light was turned on.

The crowd went silent after hearing Maikel say that. No one said anything, It was completely silent.

(shooo~~~) [sound of wind]

It was summer but cold wind was blowing. Suddenly someone from the behind shouted,

"You are asking whether we want your help or not?.... If it wasn't for you guys, who knows what would have happened to our children. If it wasn't for you guys god knows how many people would have lost their lives in the future."

Crowd turned back and moved a bit to see who was talking from behind. They separated into two parts, making a way for someone, and that way leads to the person that was talking at that moment. It was a guy in a white shirt, looked like around 35-40 years old, holding his sleeping kid behind his back. And also a woman, seemed like his wife, nearly the same age was standing beside him.

Press moved their camera to that person. Everyone there was looking at that family including military, my team mates, everyone. Even those captives were also looking at them. Even though he was shouting, his son seemed to be in deep sleep.

That guy started again,

" Showing them mercy!..... asking whether it was right or wrong that you killed them!..... ??? You know, I just thought what would I have done if I were in your position. I thought the situation carefully..... I don't know about others..... But if I were in your position,..... [His voice started shaking a bit and his eyes became wet] If I had powers like you..., I would have cut of their fingers first. Then I would have chopped off their hands and give them a painful death..... I could have done worse then this....., [Tear was falling down from his eyes] thinking what would have happened to my son if he wasn't saved..... But.... For the sake of humanity...., for the sake of not becoming a monster....., I would have given them only this little pain..... What you guys have done...., is far beyond merciful for a human. My hands are busy as you can see, but... my respect for you people, my gratefulness for you, I can't describe it with words... I won't wish for your good will like this, I will hold onto this..... But, I salute you guys, team 'EXCUTIONERS', from deepest part of my heart. And will always remain grateful to you...."

His voice was shaking.

"Let the military, and government do whatever they want, but.... believe in me, and also believe that some people who appreciate what you guys have done today, what you are doing, will always stand for you whenever you need. We will stand against anything that comes in your way..... Go our heroes, do your job. This world needs you people....."


Silent crowd, for a while.

"Well..., we came to public for a little while before. But we left soon after our job was done... We didn't come to public like this before..... And you know what?.... I.... actually like this feeling...." Maikel said that with a gentle voice...

I and everyone else from the team listened to everything he said whole heartedly and it really encouraged us, mainly me to save people in need.

I cant just sit down and hear them encouraging us. I have to get stronger as soon as possible so that I can help this people as well....

And soon after crowd started to gossiping,

"What was I thinking, not supporting them after what they have done for us"

"Yeah, what this man said, I feel the same deep down my heart. Damn, now I feel like an asshole..."

"If it wasn't for them, there is a high possibility that we wouldn't have seen our children and here I was thinking of them as killer that we need to stay away from. I really am an ungrateful bastard. Aren't I ?"

Everyone was giving their own opinion and the feedback was 100% positive this time. They soon started shouting for 'EXECUTIONERS' cheering for them.

"We support you team 'EXCUTIONERS' "

"Yeah go for it, you are doing a good job there. Rest assured, no one can stop you."

This situation was really lively. But Maikel suddenly spoke,

"Thank you guys for your support. We really appreciate your support.... Now then, lets finish this matter quickly. [With a serious tone]. I feel sorry to say that...., there seems to be a parasite in this school who helped those kidnappers"



All the guardians and teachers shouted accept the female teacher, she was shaking out of fear

Maikel then came near to that female teacher and asked her,

"Am I right, mam?"