Unravelling The Truth...

"Why... are you shaking mam? Are you afriad by any chance?.... But... WHY?"


"Perhaps are you the one?" [With a cold tone]

That female teacher was shaking and said, "Wh..wh..what are you talking about? Yo.you c..can't just falsely accuse a hard working, an honest teacher like me..!"

"Yup, you really work hard. I dare not deny that. But.... in which way do you work hard? We have to count that part as well...." Maikel

Reporters then said,

"sir please tell us why do you think like this."

"Yes sir, an international school's reputation is at the stack now. Everyone wants to know what is actually going on here."

Maikel then turned towards the crowd and said,

"First I would like to say something to everyone, this school is not not related with today's incident. It's just that a venomous snack entered in this school..... All of you are aware of the fact that this school is an international school and it's security system is far better then any normal school.... But they couldn't detect this snack cause it was really good at hiding.... So I would like to request you to think everything logically. Some of you already caught on of what is going on here and you are thinking of transferring your children elsewhere. But I am requesting you, don't blame this school for today's incident and don't make rush decision about transferring your kids school..."

"Remember, if this international school is not safe then other schools are not safe either. So please don't blame this school and don't transfer your children without thinking everything through"

Most of them nodded their head.

Maikel then asked the principal madam to come in front. When she came Maikel then said,

"Please madam, we need your cooperation. So I am requesting you to answer all the questions that I ask of you"

She kept silent for a few seconds and then nodded her head and said,

"....hmm..yes I understand"

"Ok then, first give us some details about this tour" Maikel

"This was a seven day planned tour. Since it's an International school, the amount of students are really great. We have twenty eight sections of elementary class. Each section with 50 students. So we made a plan that each day will only 200 students from four sections will go to the tour. The next day another 200 students will go. The bus will leave in early morning and come back before evening, to the school, in the same day. By this we will be able to complete the whole trip within seven days" Principal madam

"This process is so big. Surely you can't do all the task by yourself, right?" Maikel asked her...

"Yes. I can't do this task alone, so I gave some task to some teachers"

"Thank you for your honest answer. Now...., if I am not mistaken, this female teacher that we suspect, was the one who took the duty of managing bus for this trip, and furthermore, she was the one who requested for this task herself and so you assigned her with this task, you didn't give it to her willingly. Am I correct?" Maikel [with a confident voice].

"Ye..yeah...!", principal madam.

Maikel turned in front of the crowd and said,

" Now everyone think carefully,.... why would those bus drivers stop near a sea beach? Because, the drivers were also connected to this matter.... She and the drivers were with those kidnappers. I asked principal madam to talk with the owner of those buses and get the information whether the drivers were newly joined or not, and the owner replied all of five them joined not long ago. This makes it clear..... The driver joined because of this specific mission"

That female teacher tried to run away but those military caught them. Military commander said her,

"You trying to run away makes it more clear that you were connected to this matter and everything that masked guy said, was true.. Yeah, you could say that it's just a coincidence. But this type of lame excuses isn't gonna work here anymore since you were the one who questioned us out of the blue cause you were nervous, you were afraid, you were shaking and you tried to ... run away...! All this things says one thing. You are directly or indirectly connected to this incident"

"Le...leave me, let me go .... let me go" She starts crying out of fear and shouting to let her go....

Crowd was gossiping about it.

Maikel clapped his hands twice to get the crowds attention.

" I believe you have got all the answers you needed. But, there's still one point missing. You guys might think, there were two teachers in each buses to take care of the students. So why didn't they say anything to the drivers when they saw the driver taking them to a wrong rout...., right?"

Military commander said then, "Ye..yeah.... I was wondering why wouldn't they say anything?"

Then the commander looked towards those nine teachers "were they also connected to this?"


Those nine teachers freaked out and replied,

"No we weren't connected to this at all"

"Now now, don't jump into conclusions... I am clearing everything up so that you don't have any confusion..... When we entered the room those teachers were unconscious. And they didn't say anything because they didn't get the chance at all. The food that they ate in the bus, there was something mixed in that food I believe. Everything in this school trip was arranged perfectly, including eating. When it's time to eat they will eat with all the students, not before that. So everyone ate at the right time. Teachers food is more special and the pack is larger than the students. So it's easy to say which one is teachers meal, and so it [those specific packs of foods] was poisoned. They all fainted at the same time since they ate the food the same time."

"hooooo, so that was the case...." Commander with an amazed face.

"This isn't finished here. We just captured these criminals. There are still those drivers and the organization that are connected to organ trafficking and selling children. You have to question this captives to find out further information. Now about everything else is up to military. Our job is done here" Maikel
