First Payment...

"Irwan, you are logical. You can figure out what's right and what's wrong. You can understand the difference between good and evil if you try to think everything through. If you think it's wrong and you don't want to kill human no mater what their crime is, no matter how dire the situation is, than we won't force you.... You will always be a part of this family and join us with our mission. We are a family, we want your happiness. If you think killing isn't for you, than it's fine." Akira...

I was looking down, thinking about what I should do and what I shouldn't....

We were all silently sitting, They were looking at me. Waiting for my answer. A few minutes later I replied to them after thinking everything through...

"I have though everything..."

Akira was startled a little bit and said,

"Yeah? So fast...? So, what's your opinion?"

"whoaaaa" [Inhale]

I took a deep breath, held my head high and replied,

" You guys are right... Being innocent will do nothing good. Leaving them as it is, letting them do whatever they want will be just giving them more chance to cause havoc... If we let them be like this, they will kill countless people.... It's better to kill one insect rather than letting 10 innocent people die in their hands... So, I will kill whoever I have to kill, so that I can bring peace, so that I can let those people who suffered because of those degenerated bugs, can live a life without a regret... It's just retribution for them..... I will eliminate those degenerated bastards so they experience the fear, the pain innocent people went through because of them.... They must be hold accountable for their deeds... Yeah, it will take some time for me to get used to this, but this is what I,... no, this is what we must do..."

wrinkling their forhead they looked at me, an expression in my face that shows desire to complete a vow, an expression I made without even knowing ... . .

[They were looking at Irwan, looking at the expression on his face. And they were thinking, What is this expression on his face... Is it confidence? ... Arrogance? ... Passion to bring justice...?]

"Ha...Haha... You are... something else Irwan.... You really surprised us all... When I told others [ Means other teammates ] about killing, they were still hesitating. They didn't think everything through.... Maybe they did, but they realized what they needed to do it later. Only Maikel was able to think everything trough, but he was also hesitating..... But you....."

Akira's expression changed. With a nervous but strange smile on his face,

"The answer you gave..., I bet none of us expected this answer. The expression, the vibe you are giving,... you.... deserve the title 'Special, chosen one' .... Even your dialogue made my blood boiling..."

"Haha, you are embarrassing me. Anyway, I still need to slowly get used to this things. So... it might take some time", I replied while itching behind my head.

" Don't worry. You can take as much time as you need. You see, only one of us is more than enough to destroy a country and kill everyone within a few days, change the tide of a war. So I don't understand why we needed this many super humans..., there's still something big that we are missing I guess. We will have to wait a bit.... I guess I got a bit out topic, what I wanted to say is we are really strong and can do many thing by oneself. You don't have to worry about our safety. You don't have to think like, 'OH MY, IF I DO NOT HELP THEM THEY MIGHT SUFFER TROUBLE' Just take your time to get used to this things and become stronger." Akira with gentle smile.

Everyone had gentle smile on their face at that moment.

"Hmm... I understand..."

Akira stood up. Along with him everyone stood up except

"Well then, lets get going. We need to go home, get freshed, eat our dinner and then go to sleep. We are really tired... Haaaaim....."

Maikel opened a gate that connecets to our house...

"Humph.... thanks guys."

Next morning. Everyone woke up early. They washed themselves and was waiting for me. I am the only one to reach at a table in the end, as always... We ate an egg sandwich as our breakfast. Today's breakfast was made by Anabia. And everyone ate only one piece since we have to exercise soon after...

After eating breakfast, everyone went to practice. We first ran for a while. While running I asked Akira,

"Where is Maikel? He ate breakfast but didn't come to practice."

" Maybe he is busy with something else. Don't worry about him."

"Oh ok..."

After running 25 laps of 500 meter distance we were taking a short break. Everyone was wiping their sweat and drinking cold drink. Right at that moment Maikel came to the training field.

Maikel clapped two times and said,

"Hey guys, practicing? Well I have a news"

Everyone's expression was normal cause they already knew what this news is except me. Maikel came near us.

"We have got our payment for yesterday's mission. The government and Seoul International school's principal madam paid us 500000$ in total. This money has already been added to exclusive bank account."


"What...??? 500000$?... Holy moly.... How can they casually give away this much money?" I was really surprised.

Maikel replied,

"Yeah. We knew you will be happy to hear that, so no one told you about it. But we get this kind of payment most of the times. Or else how do you think we have this big mansion and this giant field just to practice?"

I looked at everyone.


"Signh.... hahah, that's good.... By the way what is exclusive bank account that you mentioned?"

"It's a bank account that can be used in any country. You don't have to worry about paytm, paypal or anything like that"

Maikel took out a white ATM card like thing, " This is an exclusive ATM card. This card works in all kind of ATM machines and also all kind of mobile apps. So you can get access to your nearest any kind of ATM booth, bank mobile banking apps and everything else..... And you know what? This cards only belongs to us, "EXCUTIONERS" ....