Exclusive ATM Card...

This Bank account was made for only us, 'EXCUTIONERS' Maikel threw the ATM card in his hand over to me. I caught it with two fingers. It was an auto reaction...


I noticed it wasn't like average ATM cards. It was of white color and it had golden patterns on it and also a fingerprint system on it.

"Nice catch. This card is yours. It has voice and fingerprint biometric authentication system. You need to put your finger on that biometric authentication and say 'ACCESS' to register yourself. Your voice and finger print works as the pin code to access to the bank account.... Now I don't want to sound like I am bragging or something, but you might be curious to know how did they made it, right?... Modern science isn't able to do anything like this yet. I was the one who designed this. And also this ATM card uses electronic power, so it needs to be recharged. But I made it in a way that it will take some electric power from the machine you put it in. So you don't need to recharge it."

"Wow... You are awesome Maikel..." [With puppy dog eyes]

I was already fond of this card because of it's awesome look and all the features.

"Yeah I know I am awesome. You don't have to mention that. Hehehe" Maikel replied, keeping his right hands two finger on forhead, closing his days, giving a stylish pose.


"Yeah he is definitely bragging..." [Everyone]

"Hmph...You guys are really annoying.... Anyway Irwan, Now put your finger on that fingerprint authentication and say 'ACCESS'. It's necessary to verify the user for the first time."


I put his finger on it and said "ACCESS" The patterns on fingerprint authentic lit up with green color. And a green light lit up two times and turned off after a second, above the card. I couldn't see any light system above but it still lit up.

"You have now registered as the owner of this card. Even if someone try to use your finger while you are sleeping, they won't be able to use the card unless you say ' ACCESS'. Even if they record this word, the recording won't work..."

"Anyway, there is another thing everyone... The parents of the students and the nine teachers that we saved, contacted the principal. They also gave us nearly 2000000$."


"What?..." Everyone shouted.

"Hahah, did you think the surprise was just for Irwan? Now you guys should treat me to a meal. And I wont accept anything you buy from restaurants. I want all of you to make food for me by yourselves as my reward."

"Hahah, you got it..." Akira with a smile on his face.

Others were also smiling and agreed to it.

" By the way Irwan, Don't hesitate to use the money however way you please. You don't have to ask for our permission while using any amount of money. We believe in you, that you will use it wisely. So just use it however way you see fit. "

Ofcourse I will use it as I like. But why is he saying that?

I asked him, "I don't want to sound like an asshole, but... if it's my money then why should I ask for permission?"

"Hmm? Oh I didn't mention it, did I?... Well, I have to admit, you have got sharp instincts..... For your question, there might be eight cards, but the bank account.... is only one. That means, all of the money we have earned so far and will be earning from now on, will be in this single bank account, with eight cards. So you might think you need others permission when you need to or want to use more than what you have, so I told you in advance, it's fine. We are a family...., what we want isn't money, .... it's peace and happiness....." With a bright face...

I looked at others. I was a bit surprised. It's not long since we met and it's like they are handing over all of their property to me. Although it was for all of us, but still...

. Everyone had gentle smile on their face. And they nodded yes, with a voice coming out of their mouth,


My heart skipped a bit. My eyes became bigger. Why would you treat me like that? How long has it been since I joined this group?

"you guys..."

My eyes was wet so I looked down,


"Alright, I have to do something else so I will be going now. Bye..." Maikel left.

Akira stood up and said,

"Ok, Everyone back to training"




Day passes like this. I practice all-day long. I don't practice fighting much. I do it a bit, and most of the times, I do exercises. Majority of it, I uses in running. Sometimes, I go to missions with everyone else. I hardened my training schedule every single day bit by bit and I also complete it no matter what.

In maintaining daily exercise limit, Hoshino was the first. No one could match him in exercise. Akira was second. And I managed to take the third place within a month after the incident of the kidnap. Everyone was surprised and also got fond of me too much that whenever everyone gets free time, they come to exercise with me. My hardworking display also inspires everyone to do their best.

More half a month later,

[ Around two months since I got kicked out of the house ]

I was doing exercise as always. Hoshino called me,

"Irwan, stop exercise for now. We will give sparing more priority from today onward..."