The start of it all

It happened out of nowhere. I was playing an rpg on my computer, when all of a sudden, my vision was blocked by a green screen with black text on it.

[Good Morning Planet Earth! The Multiversal Power Organization, or TMPO for short, has finally prepared your home to accept the power source called Mana! Due to this, everyone on the planet will be integrated into the TMPO System and will be given further instruction after this message. Beware that various other beings, sentient and not, will invade your world through what you fantasy nerds would call dungeons. This is not a temporary thing and will become a permanent part of your life. So either get stronger, or Die.]

Before I could even think further on what the ominous message about what is about to happen to the world, the system message appeared.

{Welcome to the TMPO System Night McLow. As you have been informed previously, this is the TMPO System that will be administered to every sentient being on Planet Earth. There are various features of the system, but cannot be accessed until the first phase has finished and the dungeons have been fully implemented. Seven hours after this message, the dungeons will start spawning in randomized locations across the world. Don't fret though! You can choose a starting class of your choice from the long list that has appeared in front of you, along with a second list that will let you choose three basic skills. There are no starting class skills, so keep that in mind when choosing your starting skills. That is all the information you can receive at this time, the countdown has already begun.}

I started to cold sweat when I realized that I was living out one of those system apocalypse novels in real life. I quickly browsed through the class list and realized that it went on forever. I used the search function instead of aimlessly searching, and found the class I was looking for.

[Golemancer: A Golemancer can create anything involving golems or the equipment that they would need to be provided utilizing their imagination. Gives a 50% Experience bonus to all skills related to golems. 10% decreased cost of golem related skills.]

I was always fascinated with golems and if I could make any type of golem as long as I was imaginative enough and had enough power, I would survive without any problems. I already decided on my three skills as well.

[Golemancy Rank G: The core skill required for a Golemancer to create golems. Allows the user to make golems with various materials or pure magic. The rank of the skill determines the limit on what materials could be used, what a golem made with pure magic could be made out of, and what skills can be implemented into the golems.]

[Inventory Rank G: A spatial skill that allows the user to store items within. Only non-living items can be stored, time is stopped within the inventory, and size is determined by the rank of the skill.]

[Water Magic Rank G: The ability to manipulate the element of water. At this level, only small amounts of water can be utilized.]

From what I could tell, I only saw these skills, some form of system currency that was at zero right now, and my name on the system screen once I finalized everything. At first I thought it would be a stupid idea to get magic when I could probably give my golems magic, but I thought that there is no way I would be able to do that right at the very beginning, especially since I had no idea how the skill worked or what my current limits are. I imagine that I am very limited right now though, so I went with the first thing that came to mind and made a golem using magic. A bright light appeared in front of me as I was sitting in my gamer chair in the open space of my room. What was in front of me was a vaguely humanoid figure that resembled a dummy, made out of stone, wielded a wooden spear with a stone tip, and had a stone shield.

I felt a minor headache after I finished. It probably had to do with the drain of my mana after making the golem. I went to see if I could observe it, and apparently I could. A system screen appeared in front of me showing that it had a rank of G and could rank up after a certain amount of kills.

[Stone Golem]

[Rank G]

[Kills Until Next Evolution]: ??

The amount had question marks, so I ignored it for now. I started to plan out what I needed to do next. Since I lived on my own, and didn't have any relatives to worry about, I first decided to store all of my food and water into my inventory.

I had a good amount stocked up, enough to last a month or two if I ate sparingly. I didn't want to do that, so I made one more golem of the same kind before I rushed out to my car in the garage. I rushed to the convenience store far down the road. I lived in the suburbs and my house was far off from any others since I prefer the isolation. It took 45 minutes to get there, and it was chaotic. Various people were panic buying everything they could, I rushed inside and just stored what I could in my inventory as discreetly as I could, because I didn't want anyone to notice that I could store stuff in an inventory.