Chapter-2 Entrance Ceremony

"Here it is." Ren said looking at the doors leading into the auditorium.

"Ren, wait up!" Kale yelled from behind Ren.

Ren turns around to look at him and says "What happened to you, you take a detour or something."

"Shut up and how did you get here before me?" Kale said looking at Ren.

Holding up a piece of paper Ren says "Well unlike you I followed the map of the school campus."

"Oh, silly me." Kale said putting his hand on his head.

"Let's go in and grab some seats." Ren said opening the doors.


"Looks there are some seats up in the front." Kale said.

"Thanks but no thanks I'm gonna take the ones in the back." Ren said while walking towards the back.

As both of them sit down Ren pulls out his book and when he begins read a woman walks out on the stage and she reaches the middle she says "Welcome first year students."

She then goes on to say stuff like the rules of the school like "You are not allowed to leave the campus unless of a medical emergency or a death in the family."

She also said "You are not allowed to have contact with anyone outside of the campus for the three years you are here."

looking up from his book Ren begins to think 'those are two of the very reasons I enrolled in this school, you can't have contact with anyone from your old life and you can't leave the school grounds for the three years you live here, this place truly is amazing.'

The women then talked about the students living arrangements and that concluded the



"Ren we're going to be in different classes right?" Kale says as they exit the auditorium.

"Yeah it looks like your in class A and I'm in class D." Ren says looking up from his book.

Grabbing the book from Ren Kale says "You shouldn't read while walking you could hurt someone or yourself."

Grabbing the book back Ren says "And, am I supposed to care.?"

"What's the point in trying to tell you to be nice to others since you never listen to me anyway." Kale said before closing his eyes and slapping his hands together saying "Oh God please give my idiot brother a hint of kindness so he can finally get a girlfriend."

Looking at Kale Ren says "I don't want nor do I need a girlfriend."

"Your weird." Kale said looking at Ren.

"No I just want to focus on my school work." Ren said looking at Kale.

Kale looks down at the ground and says "Says the guy who got into class D on purpose, why did you do that anyway.?"

Looking down at his book Ren says "Because I don't want the attention that being in the best class would bring me."

"Ha, I was right your a total weirdo." Kale said.

Looking back at Kale Ren says "It took you this long to realize that.?"

"No, I've always known." Kale said.

Looking back at his book Ren says "Good."


They passed a few buildings before Ren stoped in front of a large brick building.

"This is where the first year dorms are." Ren said before walking into the large brick building.

Walking up to the man at the desk Ren says "We're here to get our room keys and students IDs."

Looking at Ren the man says "Names?"

Ren says "Ren Ryuuichi."

Then the man looks at Kale.

Kale then says "Kale Ryuuichi."

Looking down the man says "Brothers ehh."

Kale then says "Yes sir."


After fumbling through some tags he says "Ah here they are Ren and Kale."

Picking them up he says "Here you are." Giving them to the two boys.

Turning around the man grabs two keys off of the wall and gives them too Ren and Kale before saying "Your room numbers are on your IDs."

"Thank you."Kale says before turning around and walking away.

In the hallway of the first floor Kale says "Hey Ren what's your room number?"

Looking at his ID Ren says "702."

Looking at Ren Kale says "So we're in different rooms, I'm in 106."

"Yeah it looks that way well I'm gonna head up to my room." Ren said walking towards the middle of the hallway where the elevator is.

Reaching the elevator and getting inside Ren sees there's only 7 floors 'I guess that means I'm on the top floor.' Ren thought as he pressed the button for floor 7.


Getting out of the elevator Ren walks down the hallway to find his room.

When he reaches his room he sees that the light is on when he opened the door.

Walking through the little hallway into the room he saw the big room with the light on.

When he reached the room he heard a voice coming from the corner of the room saying "And enter the roommate, looks like I can call off the search and rescue now that you're here."

Getting up from the chair he had been sitting in he walks over to Ren and holds out his hand and says "My names Kai Toka it's a pleasure to meet you."

Walking past Kais hand Ren says "Which room is yours."

Kai putting down his hand says "Well that was rude but as for my room it's that one." He says as he points his hand towards the left then he says "Both rooms are the same size and have the same layout, and the kitchen is over there along with the laundry room." Turning around he points to another place and says "The Bathroom is over there and the shower is in the room next to it."

Turing back around to look at Ren Kai realizes that Ren was gone.

"Wait where'd he go?" Kai said while looking around the living.

He then looked in the open room to see Ren fast asleep on the bed.

Kai closes the door to the room then turns around and says "Wow my roommate is really rude." Then headed off to bed himself after shutting off all the lights.