Chapter-4 Apology

Leaning up against a wall Kale says "He's late." while looking at his watch.

Just about the time Kale said that Ren round the corner of the wall and said "Did I keep you waiting long.?"

"No." Kale said.

"Alright then, let's get started I've got it all planed out, did you know that they have a mall, a movie theater, restaurants, and almost every store you need on this campus." Ren said looking at Kale.

"Yes I did know that, so where are we going today.?" Kale said while walking down the sidewalk.

Ren pulled a peace of paper out of his pocket and started reading off what was written "Ok first we've got the movie theater then there's karaoke and I've also made a reservation at a restaurant and that's about all for today."

As Ren finishes reading their plans he hears a voice from behind him saying "You there stop right there!"

Ren turns around to see Kenji running after him.

When he finally caught up to them he stopped and said "Your name is Ryuuichi right?"

"Last time I checked it was." Ren said as he turned back around and started to walk away.

stumbling forward a little Kenji said "Wait I have something to tell you."

Ren stops but he doesn't turn around.

Theres a moment of silence before Ren says "What is it I don't have all day.?"

Kenji stood straight up that way Ren could see how much bigger he was than him.

Then he said "You owe everyone in class an apology for what you said."

Still facing away from him Ren said "Is that all?"

Kenji was now just alittle confused at what Ren had said. "What do you mean is that all?" Kenji said with a confused look on his face.

Ren then turned around to say "what I said was if thats all you had to say ill be going now because I've got somewhere to be and I don't feel like wasting my time with you, so if that's all I'll be on my way." As Ren starts to turn around to walk away Kenji grabs his wrist and says "You can go do whatever you to do, after you give me and the rest of the class an apology."

Ren turned around to look Kenji in the eyes and said "Why should I apologize for doing something the teacher told me to don't you remember because if I recall the assignment correctly she said to give your name and something you like to do and that's exactly what I did wasn't it, so if you would be so kind as to let go of my wrist.?"

Kenjis expression changed just a little to where it now looked like he was mad and then he said "Apologize first then I'll let go, and why'd you have to say that it wasn't nice to meet anyone in the classroom and that you didn't like anyone."

Ren then says "Well I told the truth unlike some of the kids who had to lie to make themselves sound cool."

After hearing that Kenjis grip got even tighter and he said "What did you say."

Ren brought his head right next to Kenjis and whispered in his ear saying "I think you heard me."

Bringing his head back he then said "So would you please let go of my wrist."

Kenji hardened his grip even more as he said "APOLOGY FIRST!"

Ren just looked at Kenji and said "You may be bigger than me but don't think for one second that that makes me scared of you, now I've asked you nicely twice now this will be the last time I ask so would you please let go of my wrist.?"


This time Kale budged in and said "Dude he asked nicely so just let him go."

Kenji then looked at Kale and said "Shut up you little bitch this is none of your business so piss off!"

Around the same time he said that the air around him started to feel like it was freezing.

"What did you just say to my brother." Ren said as he grabbed Kenjis wrist and started to squeeze.

Kenji brought his head in and whispered in Rens ear saying "I think you heard me."

Hearing that Ren tightened his grip and said "let go of my wrist before I break yours."

"I think you should apologize first." Kenji said.

This time Ren didn't say anything but instead he squeeze as hard as he could until Kenji was on the ground.

Kenji finally let go and so did Ren and then Ren walked off as Kenji was lying on the ground holding his wrist.

"Ren." Kale said from behind.

Not even flinching Ren just kept walking and said "Let's go Kale I can't help that this bastard tried to screw up our plans, if you ask me he got what he deserved."


One hour later

As the two boys exit the movie theater Ren looks at Kale and says "So what'd you think about the movie?"

Kale looks up and says "I gues it was ok."

Ren looks at him and says "Come on your not still thinking about that jackass from before are you.?"

Kale looks down and says "Maybe, but I don't think you should have done that."

Ren simply says "Kale that guy got what he deserved and that's that so let's not talk about this anymore and let's go do some God awful singing."

"Alright fine."


Three hour later

Ren unlocks his dorm room door and walks in, as he walks down the hallway he starts to think that he could have handled what happened on the sidewalk a little better by just saying that he was sorry.

He then just hits fist against the wall which causes Kai to come tumbling out of his room to see what's going on.

Once Kai got to where he could see Ren he asked "is everything okay?"

Ren looks at him and just shakes his head then Kai asks "Do you maybe wanna talk about it?"

Ren just shakes his head again and starts to walk to his room.

Kai says "What are you going to do.?"

Ren looks up and says "Sleep."

Then walks into his room and shuts the door behind him.