Mall Scouting

7:30 A:m Sunday morning

"Wake up sleepy head... WAKE THE HECK UP!!!" Kai yells while beating Ren with a pillow.

"What the hell are you doing to me." Ren says while trying to avoid the barrage of pillow bashes coming his way.

"I'm waking you up stupid don't you remember we're going mall scouting." Kai says with a grin on his face.

Catching the pillow Ren says"No what you mean is your going girlfriend scouting and your using me as your copilot."

letting go of the pillow Kai nodds his head and says "essentially, yes... so get dressed dude."


As their walking out of the building Ren says "I don't know wheither to feel disgusted or honored that you choose me as your wing man in hunting down you a girlfriend."

"Oh buddy we're not just hunting one down for me but for you to." Kai said with another grin growing on his face.

Looking up at the sky Ren said "Oh no Kai, I'll help you find yourself a girlfriend but im not interested in finding me one."

After hearing the words Ren spoke Kai jumped about six feet away and said with a conserned look on his face "Wait are you gay?"

"No you idiot I'm just not interested in dating." Ren said with a blunt look on his face.

"Oh well its cool either way I just wanted to know if I was sleeping in the same dorm as a gay guy." Kai said walking ahead of Ren.


As they were walking along the side walk they heard a familiar voice call out from behind them.

"Toka Ryuuichi wait up."

As they both turn around they see a familiar glowing orb of silver hair rushing towards them.

Turning back around Ren sighed and whispered underneath his breath "Shit it's her again."

As soon as the girl reached them she reached out her hand and said "hello fellow first years I am Sara Makabe and it's nice to make your acquaintance."

Kai grabbed Makabes hand "good morning Makabe." He said with a bright smile on his face.

Then she reached over to shake Rens hand saying "And good morning to you to Ryuuichi."

Turning around to walk away Ren said "I don't remember giving you my name how is it that you know it."

Putting her hand down Makabe steps in front of Ren causing him to stop.

Looking at her in front of him Ren started to say something before he got interrupted by Makabe bending her head down in a forceful manner as she yelled "I'm sorry for my behavior the other day will you please forgive me!"

Ren took a few steps forward till he was right next to Makabe then said "You didn't answer my question… how did you come by my name."

While her head was still down Makabe managed to point her finger toward Kai and said "Well… Toka gave it to me."

Ren shot Kai a glance then continued walking.

"Don't let it get to you he's always like that." Kai said as he put his hand on Makabes shoulder.

Ren got a little further down the sidewalk when he came to a stop "Are you two just gonna stand there all day because if you guys don't start moving I'm going back to the dorm.?" He called out before starting to walk again.

"The two of us?" Makabe said starting to pick her head up.

"Well unless you've got anything better to do you can feel free to tag along with us." Ren said while walking away from the two.

After hearing Rens words both of the students behind him started to run after him.


30 minutes later


"Ren come look at this! Ohhh what's that!? And that too!?" Said a boy with wide eyes as he's speeding around the mall.

"What are you a child.?" Ren said while looking at the speedy ball of energy who's name is Kai Toka.

"Ryuuichi come look at this." Said a voice that came from behind him.

He turned around to see what the voice was talking about only to see Makabe looking at a item with the same expression on her face that Kai had.

"You too.?"

"I swear it's like I'm walking with two children here." Ren said thrusting his right palm onto his forehead while making a groaning sound.

He took his hand of his head only to see Kai standing in front of a price tag with the numbers $450 on it.

"Don't even think about it." Rens voice said while pointing straight at Kai.

A giggle that turned into a laugh came from Makabe.

As the two boys stood there watching her laugh Kai starts to join in and a slight smile grows on Rens face.

"What's this!? Are you…Smiling I didn't think it was possible.?!" Kai said with a surprised look on his face.

"Ohh shut up you idiot." Ren said while pushing Kai a little bit.


Later that day

All three students are now back at the dorm building saying there goodbyes.

"That was fun guys." Kai said looking at Makabe.

"Yeah, we should definitely do it again sometime." Makabe replied with a smile on her gentle beautiful face that lit up the area surrounding them.

Looking at the beautiful silver haired girl Kai started to blush before he said "Sorry guys, I've got to go take a shower and head to bed so I'll be leaving first."

"Goodnight Toka!!!" Yelled Makabe as Kai walked through the door.

Now it's just the two of them left, the boy with white hair and the girl with silver hair. A few seconds pass by and there's still not a single sound coming from either one of them


A few moments later

The sudden sound of feet moving causes Makabe to be startled. As she looks up she sees Ren walking towards the door when she felt a voice in her heart saying 'Dang it he's gonna leave without saying so much as b….'


Her thoughts where cut short by a gentle voice coming from the direction of the door.

She then notices that the voice is coming from Ren.

Startled by the sudden change in his voice she hurriedly answered "Yes."

There was a short moment of silence before Ren carried on and said "About earlier… I forgive you and also…. I'm sorry Makabe."

After he said that he walked into the building leaving Makabe all alone.

She stood there for a few seconds before her face turned a bright red color.


Walking into his room Ren took of his coat to hang it on the rack hanging on the wall.

As he reaches the end of the short hallway he sees Kai fast asleep on the couch.

Walking into Kai's room he grabs his blanket and goes back to the couch where Kai is currently sleeping.

He lays the blanket on Kai and then heads to his room.

As he slowly starts drifting away deep into sleep a thought pops into his mind causing the smile he had on his face to quickly turned into a cold and bitter look.

Then he fell asleep.