Blue eyes

Every single sound in the room had dispersed, all of the students are now staring at the figure standing in front of Ren. Shocked from the unexpected attack all of the students found themselves unable to move or speak. With his face now pointed towards the ground Ren begins to move his hand toward his face to wipe the blood off his busted lip. Pulling the hand down Ren looks at the blood now on his palm and slowly begins to look up. "Well well I didn't think you had it in you Hayama, color me impressed." Ren said starting to laugh.

A little startled by Rens reaction a bitter look formed on Hayama's face. "What's so funny?!" Hayama said in a louder tone.

Rens laughing came to a abrupt stop, he slowly started to lift his head "The only funny thing here is you." He said with a cold smile on his face.

"You little." Hayama said as his hand quickly traveled toward Rens head. Just as soon as his arm almost got there he felt a hard resistance and his arm completely stopped. Looking at the end of his arm Hayama saw someone's hand tightly wrapped around it. "This isn't your fight Toka, bud out.!" Hayama said with a hateful attitude.

Throwing Hayama's arm away Kai takes a step further and speaks in a cold tone "This is no ones fight, not in this classroom, if you want to fight take it out side…"

Keeping the bitter look on his face Hayama says "Fine." As he started to walk off he turns his head "Toka the next time you bud in I won't hold back, even if you are the son of…." Before Hayama finished his sentence a white blur similar to that of a shadow appeared in front of him before his head slammed down on a desk. All of the students who where still quiet from the shock finally realized what had happened. Standing above Hayama was Ren. He was holding Hayama's arm with one hand and was keeping his head on the desk with the other. The girl that had been screaming at him earlier had finally realized what happened as well and started yelling "Let him go your hurting him!" Tilting his face up to look at the girl with his piercing blue eyes Ren said "What if I don't want to.?" Starting to push his arm back a little farther. After Ren did that the girls face changed from one of anger to fear. As the girl started to cry Ren looked back down at Hayama and whispered into his ear "You can thank that girlfriend of yours that I don't break your arm, but the next time you threaten someone I'm fond of, not even God will be able to protect you." Ren the let go of Hayama's arm and walked towards is desk."you should probably take him to the nurse." He said while sitting down at the desk in the back corner of the room.


"That was awfully merciful of you Ren." Said Kai as he was taking his seat next to Ren.

"What was?" Ren said pulling a blue leather back book out of his bag.

"Well you know, not breaking his arm when you could have i would call that pretty merciful." Kai said pointing his index finger at the ceiling.

"Merciful? You call that merciful.?" Ren said as he opened the blue book titled (To Live Is To Die)

"What do you mean?" Kai looked at him oddly.

Still looking at the book in his hand Ren said with a hint of laughter in his voice "I embarrassed him in front of all the people he was trying so hard to impress, not only did I do that in front of the class I also put him on a desk in front of his girlfriend so if you are to look at it from my point of view you can clearly see that that was the most merciless thing I could have done to him.

Due to Rens tone Kia shifted his vision towards Rens eyes. As he looked at the normally ice blue eyes which had shifted into a darker shade before going back to the original color.