May I have my shirt back please

(Beep beep beep beep) (SMASH) "How many times do I have to tell you to stop putting these damn alarms in my room Kai!" "Until you learn to wake up on time." Kai says poking his head through the door…

The classroom door slides open, everyone looks at Ren all of them shooting dagger like glares at him. As he sits down Kaguya approaches him him. "Hey Ryuuichi how are you today." "What do you want Yukki?" Ren says pulling out his book. "Awe man you saw right through me." She said putting her hand on her head. "Listen I was wondering if you could give me your contact information.?" She asked him. "Why". "Umm, well you know in case you need to reach me for something" she said with reddened cheeks. "Sure why not" Ren said passing her a piece of paper and she went back to her seat. Ren began to read his book when whisperers started circulating around the room. "What is she doing?" A whisper that was going along the whole room said. "Hey" Ren looks up from his book to see Kei standing in front of him "oh, what do you need Tokame" "well after class your going to buy me lunch." "And why would I do that?" "As payment for your forgiveness" picking his book back up Ren says "fine I guess so" "hey Kei why are you talking to that loser." She turned around but before she could say anything a voice came from behind her. "Are you looking for another beating Hayama or are you just stupid, don't you know it's rude to interrupt people when there talking." Ren said putting his book on the table. "You little bastard." Kenji said starting to walk towards Ren. Ren got up and started walking towards Kenji also. "Woah hold it you two." Both Kai and Kei jumped in between the two stopping them from meeting. Pointing his finger at Ren Kenji said "you got lucky this time." "Do you want to keep that finger" "what kind of question is that, of course I do." "Then I suggest you put it down." Ren said sitting back down…


After class Ren walked out of the room. "Wait" he turned around to wait for the running Kei who was calling out for him.

"Why where you trying to leave me?" "I have no idea what your talking about." "Yeah right." As the two of them walk through the hallway a lot of people look at them asking a lot of questions to each other and speaking a bunch of nonsense.


The two walk into the closet restaurant by the name of (diamond cuts). Walking up to the front desk Ren holds up his index and middle finger saying "table for two please." "Alright follow me sir." Taking there seats on the opposite sides of the booth they where seated in Ren looks and says "Alright order whatever you want but not to much." Kei ordered her food and once it arrived Ren looked at her and said "are you happy now" looking up at Ren "why does it feel like you don't want to be here right now?" Kei said with a soda mustache on her lips. "Well of cour…." (BANG) Ren was interrupted mid sentence by the loud sound of thunder rolling. "Well of cour what?" Kei said asking him to finish his sentence.

"It's nothing just keep eating." Ren said looking out the window on his right.


They exited the restaurant to see it pouring down rain. "Great it's pouring out here." Kei said sticking her hand out from underneath the restaurant awning. Taking off his coat and putting it on top of keis head Ren said "here use this as an umbrella." "But…" Ren took off running before Kei could get any further into her sentence. (Why would he do that?) she thought.


Passing a few buildings along the way Ren saw something that caught his eye. He slowly went from running to walking as he turned around to see what the strange object was. As he approached the small box he saw something inside of it move. As he opened the box completely he let his words slip out of his mouth. "What the hell are you doing out here."


As Kai stares at Ren not even wanting to ask what happened to him he just said one little word "NO" "why not, look at her isn't she just adorable." Ren said holding the little black kitten up in front of Kai. "No" "you don't get a choice." He said walking to his room. Putting the kitten on the carpet floor he goes to his dresser and grabs a towel. He sets the towel on the bed then wraps the kitten in it.


After taking of his cloths and putting them in the washing machine he lies down. Looking at the foot of the bed Ren whispers "goodnight little kitten." Then went to sleep.


(Purr) the small creature gently nudged Rens head. Walking up to the kittens soft head Ren holds out his hand and pets it on its head "hey there". He says talking to the cat roaming around on his bed. Rolling out of bed and stepping onto the floor he picks up the kitten and gently caresses it's forehead. Putting the cat back down he opens and walks out his door into the living room. "Ah, what are you doing up so early?" Kai says taking a sip of coffee. Walking towards the bathroom through the living room Ren doesn't reply. (That's weird, I wonder why he up so early.) Kai thinks to himself. Out loud Kai says to Ren "hey what where you doing yesterday that took you till dark to get back." Coming out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth Ren says "well not that it's any of your business but I was giving an apology to someone" getting up from the couch and walking over to Ren Kai goes into the bathroom "I hope it went alright" he says shutting the door behind him. "Hey I still need in there." "You can wait." Sitting down on the couch Ren hears the shower turn on. Music begins to play. Ren looks at his phone, the time reads 5:00am Wednesday August 16 2020. "Hmm it is kinda early for me to be up." Ren puts his phone on the couch and gets up.

….. going through his clothes he noticed that his school jacket was missing and he couldn't remember where he put it. Ren was beginning to worry if he had lost it somewhere. Just when he thought the worst he remembered something. Last night (here use this as an umbrella.) "crap, that's right I gave her my coat to use last night then ran off like and idiot."

Putting on the parts of his uniform that he does have he walked out the door. As he's walking down the hallway he starts to realize ( you know now that I think of it I don't know Tokames room number and I also have no idea what Makabes is so I can't ask her) he presses the elevator door button (I've got to get to Tokames room and get my jacket back before we get to class or else there might be some serious misunderstandings if she gives me my jacket back saying something like "you forgot this last night" that would be a hard hole to climb out of) he walks into the elevator and shuts the door pressing the 1 button the elevator starts to descend. (But if I don't know her room number then there's no way for me to get it back before class.) going even deeper into his thoughts Ren doesn't see the elevator door open or the person getting in. ( maybe I could just wait in the lobby for her, no that would be to creepy what if she thinks I'm stalking her) "Ryuuichi" (but even if she does think I'm a stalker I have to get that jacket back) "Ryuuichi" (yes that's what I'm going to do I'm going to wait in the lobby for her) "Ryuuichi!" "Huh" snapping out of his train of thought trance Ren sees the girl standing in front of his "Ryuuichi?" "Oh Yukki how long have you been there…" an idea sparks in Ren mind. Grabbing Kaguyas shoulders Ren says "your it" looking flustered and confused Kaguya replies "I'm what" with stars in his eyes Ren says "your the answer to my problem." "I'm the what". She says blushing. Getting closer to her Ren says "listen I need a favor" "what is it" "I need you to tell me Tokames room number" the red flees from kaguyas face as she says "oh so that's what you needed." "May I ask why" "well I let her borrow something of mine and I need it back" "oh really what did she borrow" Kaguya says with a cat like grin on her face. "Umm I let her use my coat as an umbrella yesterday." The elevator door opens.

As they both exit the elevator a sharp laugh comes from Kaguya "ha so that's why you need her room number alright then I'm pretty sure it's 208." As soon as he hears the numbers he runs towards the stairs instead of taking the elevator "thank you Yukki I owe you one." He says jumping over the railing to the stairs.

Running up the stairs he passed a few people on the way "sorry" "scuse me" reaching the second floor he opens the stairwell door and enters the hallway. As he walks down the hallway looking for room 208 a few girls exit there rooms and watch him carefully as he walks down the hallway.

"Ah there it is" he exclaims. Ringing the door bell a resounding (Ding Dong) reverberates throughout the hallway. The door slowly opens "hello" a small quiet voice said from the inside. As she steps out side of her room the look of worried and stress completely fades from Rens face change if into one of shock confusion and surprise as he sees her appearance. Rubbing her eyes with her sleeve she looks at Ren "oh it's you what do you want." Looking at the floor Ren says "well, may I have my jacket back please." "Oh that I think it's in the washer I'll go grab it" she turns around to walk back inside but is stoped when Ren grabs her arm. Whipping around she says "what do you want now." Holding up his index finger and pointing at her he looks up and says "your wearing it."

Looking down at where Ren is pointing she says "I'm wearing wha…." She stops talking once she sees that Ren is pointing out that she is wearing his jacket. She begins to blush as she yanks her arm away from Ren and slams her door. A few seconds later the door slightly opens just enough for her to fit the coat out "I'm sorry" she says taking the coat Ren thanks her "thank you" as he's walking away he hears her say one last thing before shutting the door "your still an asshole" the door closes. (Wonder why she said that) Ren thinks to him self as he walked away.


Sitting with her back against the wall inside her room Kei muttered "Your such an asshole."