
June 15th

Diagnosed (as of today): 214

Deaths (as of today): 93

Total diagnosed: 2,088

Total deaths: 928

"Well, this is new," the doctor said. He scrunched up his face, hands trembling as he examined Asher's face and body. "We've never seen anything like this before."

"Do you think there's anything behind this? Did you take any medication, inject something new into your body, eat something that didn't agree with you?" He looked up with a stone cold expression.

But of course. Could it have something to do with the medication he had gotten prescribed for the disease?

"Actually, I've been injecting some prescribed medication from a nearby hospital. It cured me from the disease that's been spreading around the world over the past few months. I don't know if it, by any chance, has something to do with this."

"Interesting," the doctor said thoughtfully. He paused. "Well, there's nothing we can do at the moment other than take your blood test. Results will come back in a day or two."

"However," he turned around. "Is there even a need for one anyway? It's pretty clear that you're turning into a wolf."


They walked out of the room and silently closed the doors. The hallway was quiet; patients lined up against a wooden bench. He could hear heads turning and feel many pairs of eyes stare through his ski mask as he walked down the hallway. The stench of fear was ever so strong in the atmosphere as they took the elevator down to the first floor.

You have arrived at the 1st floor, the elevator sang, almost in a mocking tone.

The doors glided open to reveal Jamie standing at the doorway.


"Ah! Jamie, what a coincidence to meet you here."

"Indeed," Jamie paused and stared at the tall figure standing stiffly next to her. "And who's that?"

"Ah. Um, that's Asher."

Asher felt his sweat drip through the thick layer of fur he had grown over the past few days and drench his mask. He felt slightly warm dressed in his winter attire, but was relieved that he hadn't worn his normal day to day clothes.

"What's with the ski mask?"

There was an awkward silence between the three of them. Constance took Asher's hand and shuffled out of the elevator. "Nothing much," she said nervously. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we're in a hurry to go somewhere."

"I'd suggest you not leave through the front entrance."

Constance looked over Jamie's shoulder into the hospital entrance not far away. Of course, the usual group of journalists were clustered at the doorway. There was no way they'd make it through that crowd without keeping Asher's wolf form a secret.

Jamie took a step towards them. "I can take you guys to the basement. There's a small exit at the side of the room. Trust me, there aren't any more fans there at all."

"Fans?" Constance asked.

"Journalists," Asher mumbled.

They took the elevator down to the basement. It was strangely quiet down here, almost as if they had entered Hades' underground world. Machines whispered silently to each other across multiple rooms.

Jamie led them inside a room and closed the door. "This way."

Although Asher worked at the hospital, he was not familiar with this part of the building. The lights were only dimly lit alongside the hallways. Water dripped from a tap installed into a nearby sink. I hope he wasn't lying about what he said earlier, he thought to himself as they entered the room.

Jamie walked over to the door as promised. EXIT, the green glowing sign said at the top of the doorway. Asher breathed a sigh of relief, and felt Constance's grip loosen on his hand.

"Sorry," Jamie suddenly stepped in front of them.

And before Asher could react, Jamie's fingers had wrapped themselves around his one layer of protection. He felt a gust of fresh air blow against his face as the soft fabric material brushed against his fur and was lifted clean into the air. A blast of cool air hit his face. It took him a full five seconds for his reflexes to function properly.

He watched his own colleague's face turn pale white. Jamie's brow twitched slightly; his limp hands trembling at his sides. His bloodshot eyes stared blankly into Asher's.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Asher grabbed his hand, the ski mask dangling at the tips of his fingers.

A fiery surge of anger arose in his body, and all of a sudden, his body was filled with adrenaline from head to toe. His fur spiked in all directions, and a low growl echoed throughout his throat.

"Asher!" Constance cried weakly.

But then he felt something cold and wet, dripping alongside his fur and into the sleeves of his winter coat. Jamie's stone cold face stared fearfully back into his eyes.

"You created this whole mess yourself. And now I have evidence that you don't deserve the fame this world can offer you," his colleague finally found his voice again.

Blood gorged out from Jamie's right arm. It trickled down his pale, ghost-like skin and scattered onto the floor. The wound was large and wide, and it was clear that he was attacked by some sort of animal. Asher's mind raced as he slowly backed away towards the exit.

"I knew something was wrong," Jamie muttered. "You were always the worst at lying."

No, no, no, no.

"Jamie… I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to."

And there was the answer to his biggest worry. Aside from the physical changes taking place in his body, Asher Smith was starting to act like a wolf as well.