somewhat brighter era :)

(Cecilia's pov)

"So I gotta be careful, right?"

"Yes, but you could also take advantage of what you have. No more effort to grab forks and spoons! Every curse is a blessing, you know, and nothing is ever one-sided."

Her brother and she gave me bye signs and jumped from the window. I couldn't manage to get any sleep that night.

On my mind, iron rainbows and silver shining fairytales. Friends who look too glam to be true, powers that make too much sense to be unreal. Most of all, I could never forget that picture of me with the green sparkle in my eyes, that feeling when the metallic glass met my cold skin. Either now I will never be the same, or I've been tricking myself into believing I was something else throughout my whole miserable life.

I lay on my bed and put on a Taylor Swift playlist. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in"

Should I sing this to my violent heartbeat of that damn day, to Aurora, or to Brian? The way each one of them was going to take my life to the next level was far from measurable. At 7:00 am, I finally managed to get some sleep. Waking up in the afternoon, a lightbulb thought hit me: Why us? Was it really a coincidence? In the same high school? And those twins! They don't even lack the same electrolytes, no explanation could really make it. But for now, I'm not supposed to figure that out. Probably pass my finals and my uni tests first, and, then, I would PERHAPS give a damn about the rest. Therefore, I couldn't help but feel like something was awkward in the whole arrangement of things. 7.9 billion people on Earth and we are the chosen ones? Was it even a matter of choice? Are there others? What could be able to achieve if we ever gather?

With all the atrocities going on, we might have piles of work to do. I got up and put my stuff together to get back to school the next day.

In the corridors, I could easily spot Aurora, and I suddenly understood why I kept meeting her everytime : that goddamn blessed magnetism, with all the love/hate I could send towards it.

"Hey! Could we have a talk?"

I realised she was forcing herself not to move for her eyes not to shine again.

"Look, she said. I completely conceive how enthusiastic you are to figure everything out about your abilities. But you gotta move on with your life, girl. Horizons are great, and you're so much more than a pointless charge."

" It's not pointless, and I'm pretty sure we could exploit it usefully, together, to make big things..."

People were scrutinizing us. We had never been seen together, atl east not having those fervent conversations where decibels rose that much and gazes were that scorching.

"Fine. I'll climb your window after school", she conceeded.

At 5:00, she was sitting on the corner of my window, both feet dangling. Brian was on her side, legs crossed, scratching his hair, visibly in the clouds. I heard Brian talk for the first time:

"So your theory is, we look for the others to help us help people?"

" Exactly!!

"How's that?"

"Let's do a dance contest, for example. That could work..."

" No. Thousands of dance contests are being organized yearly and nothing extraordinary happens."

" They don't match the right people with each other!"

"Look, we're not going to sift through the pack, it's going to take us forever. If we are doing something, we're doing it ourselves. Our powers together are strong enough to fight for the good cause, you can trust me on that."

Just as much as Aurora gave off those impulsive vibes, Brian smelled like confidence. His voice, his thoughts, his philosphical, almost mystic presence, everything was so confidence-boosting in a mesmerizing way.

"Look, he continued, when it's time to act, we are gonna do so. But for now, live your life. Aurora and I could bring you to some party tonight, so you'd forget. No drinking, I promise. " He blinked when he saw my hesitation.

"That could be fun. To forget, why not?"