i lost myself again

Why did they have to go when I needed redemption from my nightmare the most? Who to tell about the sick thoughts now, the neverending downward spiral that had my neck on the verge of breaking to a half? Will they ever undertand what all of it meant?

As I was dying in this pattern, my phone rang.

"We need you, ASAP!"

"Don't act like it when you left me throwing glances I'd never thought I'd throw on my mother."

Silence running through the landline.

"Girl, we were in a rush."

It was Brian's voice, deeper than ever, but suspended tone. As though there were still some blank to fill.


Aurora rushed to kill the void.

"And we have some info that might be of use. If you agree to exchange yours, of course."

"So what? That's it? Our relationship has been an exchange all the way?"

Aurora laughed, a nervous, sad laugh filled with painful sarcasm.

"I would never have left a cancerous mom alone at home to sleep at your hospital room, if that was the case. We didn't stab you in the back, we went to have answers. And it's not our fault if you have trust issues, I'm not there to fix 'em for you."

And right then, they showed up at the door, Brian shooting her with red eyes.

"We're not here to start a fight, but to give something a reborn."

The way he took the bull by the horns made me astonished. That kind of action that once was my 'job', before I got so self-centered and vulnerable for the night.

"What do you want to revive?"

"What your mom destroyed."

Brian couldn't stop her in time, and I was amused, before actually realising what she said. Ego apart, I needed to take a plunge in those secrets that I grew up cradled in.