Chapter 22: Descent into Hell

'If there is a hell, this is what it must look like', Marcus thought. After leading his companions through the back door of Vault 87, they found themselves standing in the reactor room. Just like Vault 106, the reactor was barley functioning, and only a few red emergency lights were on. The smell of death and human waste hit his nostrils, but Marcus barley had time to register it, since a Super Mutant Brute (who was just as surprised as they were), began charging at them. Marcus fired three shots from his plasma rifle into the Brute's chest, and Charon added his own fire from his shotgun. The Brute let out a blood curtailing scream as he fell down dead.

Cross looked down at the mutant's corps. "It looks like we found the 'monsters' the children were talking about."

Marcus sighed. He wondered just how many they were going to run into down here. "Let's keep moving. If the G.E.C.K is down here it would most likely be in the lab, or science wing." They continued to move deeper into the Vault, and the deeper they went, the more horrors they came upon. Human remains and bags filled with gore were scattered around. Human blood was splattered on the walls, and the air was so rank and stall it was difficult to breath. They were about to walk up to the next level, when Marcus spotted a Super Mutant standing at the top of the stairs with his back to them. The trio ducked back around the corner. They had to take him out quietly or they would risk alerting more mutants. A plan was forming in Marcus' mind, and he signaled Cross to get ready with her super sledge. Taking a deep breath, Marcus whistled.

"What was that?" the mutant said as he turned, and slowly began to descend the stairs. Marcus waited until he was on the bottom step, and smashed the mutant into his knee with the butt of his rifle. The clumsy creature cried out and fell face down on the ground. Before he could get up, Cross brought her super sledge down on his head, crushing it like a melon. They continued on to the next level, and were making their way down a hallway, when Marcus spotted one of the most horrible looking creatures he'd ever seen coming towards them. It had four deformed legs, the torso and head of a man, no arms, and three tentacles coming out of it's mouth. As Marcus stared at the abomination, Cross knocked him against the wall. "Look out!"

The blob of radioactive acid flew in an arch toward their position, and struck Cross in her left leg. Marcus could hear a sizzling sound as the corrosive material began to melt the metal on her power armor. Luckily the thick metal held, and aside from a first degree burn, Cross was protected. The creature continued to advance, and Charon and Marcus unleashed a salvo that put it down. Marcus approached the Star Paladin. "Are you alright?"

Cross nodded. "Yes."

They slowly approached the dead creature, and Marcus was even more horrified now that he was looking at it up close. "What the hell is it?"

"It's called a Centaur; they're like watch dogs for the Super Mutants." said Cross. "The venom they spit is highly corrosive. Normally, we only encounter them near a Super Mutant camp or nest."

Marcus sighed. "So we're not just dealing with a few stragglers down here."

"Correct. We can expect to run into even more mutants."

Marcus shook his head. "And now they know we're here. Just once I'd like to go on a mission and run into something out here that's cute. But no, it's always something that's big, and mean with...lots of teeth."

Charon chuckled. "You never know, Marcus, we might find a unicorn someday."

Marcus laughed. "Yeah...and it would probably spit fire and eat human flesh."

They continued to make their way through the Vault, and they were soon at the entrance to the Vault's atrium. It was even darker then the hallways, and there were several metal carts and tables scattered about. In the center of the room was a small barricade made up of steel beams and sheet metal. Marcus could see four doors, two on each side, leading into other rooms, and the exit was on the opposite side. Marcus said out loud what they were all thinking. "Nice place for an ambush."

Cross agreed. "We'll head for that small barricade in the middle. Marcus you take point. Charon, watch the left side, and I will watch the right."

Marcus slapped a fresh micro-fusion cell into his rifle, took a deep breath, and moved out. They had only closed half the distance to the barricade when he heard Cross scream: "Grenade!"

Marcus heard the sound of a frag grenade hitting the ground, and he and Charon quickly scattered. Cross didn't hesitate. She picked up the grenade, and threw it back from where it came. The Super Mutant emerged from the room too soon, and the grenade struck him in his face, just as it went off. More mutants emerged from all directions: the left, right, and up front. Marcus felt a sharp pain in his left thigh, as an AK-47 round struck his Ranger armor. The Super Mutant Master charged the forward position, and Marcus quickly took cover behind the barricade and fired as many plasma rounds as he could, turning the mutant to green goo. But there was another mutant, armed with a nail board, right behind the master, and Marcus only got off two shots before the creature was on him. Marcus instinctively raised his rifle to block the blow, and the Super Mutant knocked the weapon out of his hand, damaging it beyond repair. Marcus quickly tried to back up, but the wound in his leg caused him to fall flat on his back. The mutant was now standing over him, raised the board, and brought it down. At the last moment, Marcus rolled to his right, and the board missed him by inches.

Charon put five 12 gauge shotgun rounds into the charging mutant, ending his life. He turned around and saw the mutant standing over Marcus, and he took aim. Before he could get a shot off, he was knocked off his feet by another Super Mutant, and his shotgun was knocked out of his hand. Charon was back on his feet, and he gracefully spun out of the way of the charging mutant. While the creature's back was too him, Charon delivered a devastating kick to it's knee, and he heard a loud pop. The mutant screamed in pain, spun around, and grabbed Charon in a bear hug. He lifted the ghoul off his feet, and Charon screamed as he could feel his Talon Company armor starting to buckle under the mutant's grasp.

Cross was tossed like a rag-doll against the wall, and she barely had time to raise her super sledge in a defensive posture before the master slammed into her again. The mutant grabbed the handle of her super sledge with both hands and pushed it against her throat. Cross fought with all her strength, but even her cybernetics were no match for the master's muscle. She struggled for air, and the world began getting darker.

Marcus rolled to his left, dodging the nail board for a second time. He drew his desert eagle, rolled onto his back, and put three rounds into the mutant's face. The .50 caliber rounds blew the back of it's head out, and the creature fell on it's back.

Charon grabbed the sides of the mutant's head with both hands, and drove his thumbs into the creature's eyes. The Super Mutant screamed in agony, and Charon pushed his thumbs further in, until green fluid squirted out around them. The mutant dropped Charon and his hands went up to his face. "My eyes! You've blinded me!"

Marcus quickly got up and surveyed the situation. He determined that Cross was in the greatest danger, took aim, and activated his VATS. Taking aim at the master's right arm, Marcus fired, hitting him in the shoulder. The master screamed in pain, and loosened his grip on the super sledge's handle. It was all Cross needed, and she slammed the handle into the mutant's chin, knocking him back, and freeing her weapon from it's grasp. She swung the hammer with all her might, striking the creature in the left side of it's face. The master staggered, and that's when Cross pushed the button on her weapon's handle. A nine inch long blade extended from it's bottom, and Cross drove it into the master's throat, and out the back of it's neck. After a few sickening gurgles, the creature had breathed it's last.

Charon removed a plasma grenade from his belt, then gave the blinded Super Mutant a snap kick that sent him stumbling into one of the rooms. Charon tossed the grenade into the room, and it landed at the mutant's feet. "Here, hold this!" Charon hit the control panel, and the door slid closed. A second later there was a loud explosion, and the inside of the room's observation window was painted with Super Mutant guts.

The trio gathered in the center of the room. They were bruised and battered, and Marcus' leg was bleeding, but otherwise they were alright.

"Everyone okay?" Marcus asked.

Everyone nodded. Charon grabbed his side. "Yeah, but I think I'm going to need some new armor after this."

Marcus retrieved his plasma rifle, and realized it was a total loss. "Shit!" Tossing the rifle aside, he sat down against the barricade and examined his leg. Though the bullet penetrated the armor, enough of it's energy had been absorbed that it did not do serious damage to his limb. Charon knelled down with the med kit and prepared a med-x shot.

"No," Marcus said, "I gotta keep my wits. Just...pull the bullet fragments out."

Charon obeyed, and though it was agonizing, the fragments were removed, the leg was bandaged and a stimpak injected above the wound.

"Can you go on, Knight Lincoln?" Cross asked.

Marcus limped over to a dead master and picked up his AK-47. "I'm fine. And Cross, it's just Marcus, okay."

Cross nodded. "Of course."

After looting two magazines from the master, Marcus led his companions into the science wing of the Vault. Inside one of the rooms, they found a computer terminal still working, and Marcus sat down in front of it and plugged in his PIPBOY. Once he was past the firewalls, he began searching the Vault's records for anything on the GECK.

"You find anything?" Charon asked.

Marcus shook his head. "It says the GECK is here, but it doesn't say where exactly." He opened up another file and his eyebrows went up. "This is intereting. Says here the Vault's mission was to experiment with something called the Forced Evolutionary Virus, or F.E.V. According to this, they were going to use it to great a breed of super soldier for the war." Marcus rubbed his chin. "Vault 106 had a similar experiment going on: mind control for the soldiers. This was designed to make them faster and stronger."

Cross shook her head in disgust. "These Vault-Tech people were playing God."

"Either that," Marcus said, "or somebody read too many Captain America comic books when they were a kid."

Charon stared at the words on the screen - and a frightening thought entered his mind. "You don't think..."

A blood curtailing scream (a human scream), echoed from down the hall, and the trio quickly headed in that direction. As they got closer, they could the hear the voice of a human male crying for help. "NO! No please! Not that!"

Marcus picked up the pace, and he peeked around the corner in time to see a Super Mutant Master throw a wastelander into a small room and lock the door. The mutant pushed a few buttons on a control panel, and a sinister grin appeared on his face. "Puny human." He turned and started walking down the hall, and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the three humans standing at the end of it. Before the creature could react, Marcus fired a 40mm grenade into his chest, blowing him to pieces. When the smoke had cleared, the trio quickly made their way over to the room, and Marcus stepped up to the panel. "There has to be a release button..."

"Marcus!" It was Charon, and Marcus turned to see both of his friends staring at the room's observation window with terror in their eyes. Marcus looked through the glass - and his eyes shot wide open. "Oh my God!"

The man was writhing in pain on the ground, animal like screams escaping from his lungs. His cloths began to rip, and the man's body began to grow in size. His hair began to fall out, and his skin began to turn a light, green color.

Marcus was able to snap himself out of his shock, and he rushed back over to the panel, frantically trying to figure out what to do. The answer came when he saw a command on the touch screen: purge. Without hesitation, he pushed the command, and the inside of the chamber was suddenly engulfed in flames. The man, or creature inside was incinerated in seconds. When the fires had died down, the three friends stared at the charred remains through the glass. Even Star Paladin Cross, who had seen more then her share of horrors, was shocked at what had just happened. "By the Creator! Do you know what this means?"

Marcus had to take a moment to catch his breath. "Yeah. This is where the Super Mutants are from. They were created by the F.E.V. It explains why they capture humans. They must use the weak and wounded for food, and the rest are turned into more of them."

Charon nodded in agreement. "Makes sense. I've seen a lot of things in my day, but I've never seen two Super Mutants mate."

"Okay," Marcus said, "thanks for putting that image in my head."

Cross could barely contain herself. "Do you understand what this means? We have been trying to figure out where the Super Mutants where coming from for twenty years! This is vital intel, we must get it back to the Citadel and Elder Lyons."

"I agree, but first we need to get that GECK." Marcus lifted his Ak and they continued forward.

They continued to make their way through the science wing, and though they had not run into any Super Mutants, the trio discovered the horrifying extent of the FEV virus. Inside the dozens of chambers were all manner of failed abominations. Most were dead, but some were still alive. But what happened next, was even more bizarre...

"Hello? Is someone there?"

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and looked around for the source of the voice. Marcus walked over to an intercom mounted next to an observation window - and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a Super Mutant staring right at him.

"You...are you human? Are you...real?"

Marcus could not believe what he was seeing or hearing. "No way." he whispered. Carefully he pushed the intercom button and spoke. "Yes, I am human but...what are you?"

The Super Mutant seemed...surprised? "Me? You care who I am? Forgive me, but I'm not used to pleasantries. I'm more used to grunts and being struck about by the others. My name's Fawkes. I've lived in this... cage all my life."

"It's a trick!" Cross said. "Super Mutants do not have names, or talk to humans."

"Ugh. Must you use that vulgar term?"

The mutant's response took them by surprise. Trick or not, this Super Mutant was different than the others; and that peaked Marcus' curiosity. "Well, Fawkes, if you don't like the term Super Mutant what should we call you?"

"I was born in the F.E.V. Chambers but a Super Mutant I certainly am not. I prefer the term Meta Human. Suits me better don't you think?"

Cross closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "This is impossible! I have fought Super Mutants for twenty years, and I have never heard of one that you could carry on a conversation with."

"I have." Charon said.

Now Marcus and Cross were staring at him. "What?" Marcus asked.

"Many years ago, before I became Ahzrukhal's slave, I encountered a Super Mutant that called himself Uncle Leo. He was non-hostile and spoke as if he was educated. I never saw him again after that."

Marcus shook his head. "A friendly Super Mutant. Now I have seen everything." He pushed the intercom button. "Why have you been imprisoned?"

"Because I'm a curiosity; an anomaly. They don't know why I'm different than they are and I think it fascinates them. When my captors placed me here, they were too stupid to realize this room contained a working terminal. I've spent all my life teaching myself to read and speak based on the information stored on the Vault's Mainframe."

The last part of Fawkes' statement caught Marcus' attention. If he had access to the main frame..."Do you know anything about the GECK?"

"Yes. I know what it is, I know where it is and best of all, I know how you can get your hands on it. "

Marcus had to struggle to contain his excitement. The GECK was here. "Why would you help me?"

"Because, you can help me. Let me out of this place! I can't take it anymore! I can't even recall how long I've been here. Take me with you, and I'll retrieve the G.E.C.K. for you."

Marcus could hear the desperation in his voice, and for a moment, he actually felt sorry for the mutant. Still, he was very leery about releasing him. "How do I know I can trust you, and why would I even need you in the first place?"

"The chamber in which the G.E.C.K. resides is absolutely flooded with radiation. It's unlikely you'd survive very long. Myself, on the other hand, have surprisingly inherited a useful trait from my fellow Meta Humans. I am highly resistant to radiation. Let me out of here, and I will place the G.E.C.K. safely in your hands."

"I have a ghoul with me, so we don't need you." Marcus said.

He could see the Super Mutant's shoulders begin to sag.

"A Marcus," Charon said, "that's not going to work."

Marcus' eyes shot wide open. "Hold please." He released the intercom button and turned to his friend. "What do you mean that's not going to work? I thought you were immune to radiation."

"I am...within reason. If I'm exposed to too much I might go feral." He motioned towards Fawkes. "But these guys, they could stand on the sun and live."

Marcus began to rethink his options - and there weren't many. "Well, he did warn us about the radiation. Maybe we can trust him."

"This is unwise." Cross said. "I don't care how well he can speak, he's still a Super Mutant!"

Marcus looked over at Fawkes. "Maybe," then his tell-tale grin appeared on his face. ",but I didn't get this far being cautious."

Before Cross could object, Marcus was back at the intercom button. "Okay Fawkes, you have a deal, but I've killed many of your brethren so if you try anything..."

"I understand. I give you my word."

"Okay. So, how do we get you out of here?"

"At the end of the hallway to your right is a maintenance room. Inside, you'll find the fire control console for the medical area. Trip the alarm on it, and I'll be able to get out. A word of warning though. Tripping the console activates a fail safe and will open ALL of the recovery rooms in the medical area."

Marcus let out a sigh. "Great."

"Now, get me out of this place. I can't stand it anymore!"

When the maintenance room entrance was in sight, the three companions could see it was being guarded by two Super Mutants. Using his last two 40mm grenades, Marcus made quick work of them. Charon and Cross took up position outside the door, and Marcus ran inside and found the fire alarm controls. "Get ready. Once I do this, who knows what's going to come out of those cells."

Cross readied her laser pistol. "We are ready. Do it."

Marcus hit the switch, and the fire alarms blared throughout the Vault, and the sprinkler system activated. As water rained down on them, they could see every manner of horrible creature coming out of the cells. Centaurs, Super Mutant/human hybrids, and other abominations they could not even begin to describe. A few started attacking and killing each other, but the others charged at the three companions, who unleashed a hail of lead and laser fire down the hall. The carnage was unbelievable, and soon bodies, blood and body parts littered the floor. The last of the abominations had fallen, when a new threat emerged from around the corner. A Super Mutant Overlord, armed with a tri-beam rifle, advanced toward them. Marcus immediately regretted using the last of his 40mm grenades, and instead removed a frag, pulled the pin and tossed it. Charon added another frag to his, and both weapons exploded at the overlord's feet. The creature screamed and stumbled, but it continued to fire and advance. Marcus slapped his last mag into his AK and opened fire, but it only seemed to be angering the creature.

"WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!" the overlord screamed as it was nearly upon them. He didn't see the super sledge that came smashing down on the back of his skull, causing the overlord to scream and drop his rifle. He quickly recovered and spun around, just in time for Fawkes to smash him in the face, breaking his jaw. The overlord responded with a vicious right hook, then sent the smaller Super Mutant staggering back. The three companions saw their chance and advanced on the overlord, pumping it's back with more lead and lasers. The onslaught was too much, and the overlord finally fell face down dead.

The water from the sprinkler system had finally stopped; the Vault's water reserve being depleted. The three soaked heroes stood in the middle of the carnage, catching their breaths. Fawkes, still holding the massive super sledge, approached them. Cross immediately readied her own, and both Marcus and Charon tightened the grip on their rifles. The Super Mutant stopped and let out a triumphant yell. "Finally... freedom! True freedom! I cannot thank you enough for this gift. You have no idea how long I've pictured this moment in my mind... and it feels far better than I'd imagined."

Everyone let out a sigh of relieve and relaxed.

"Now, for my part of the bargain. Follow me." Fawkes turned and began heading down the hall. Marcus relieved the dead overlord of his tri-beam, and as they followed the meta human, Marcus noticed the torn Vault 87 jumpsuit that Fawkes was wearing. "You were in the Vault before all of this happened?"

"Yes. I don't remember enough to tell you everything about my former self. My metamorphosis destroyed a good deal of my long term memory. However, I can recall being in this place when it wasn't the macabre laboratory that it's become. I remember walking around this place and seeing other humans in white lab coats and blue jumpsuits. I feel like my identity is so close to me... I can almost see myself as a human but can't recollect the details. It's maddening."

Marcus could hear the sadness in the creature's voice, and his jaw hardened at the thought of what those Vault-Tech bastards had done. "I'm sorry." Deciding to change the subject, Marcus asked a different question. "So Fawkes, hu? That's an unusual name."

Fawkes grinned. "It was taken from a historical entry in the computer. The name comes from a man who was willing to fight and die for what he believed in. I felt it was appropriate given my circumstances."

Marcus smiled as he realized what historical figure he was referring to. "Remember, remember the 5th of November."

Fawkes stared at the human in amazement. "That is correct. You know the story of Guy Fawkes?"

Marcus nodded. "My father loved history, especially British history since that's where our family originated from."

Fawkes was impressed. "Your father sounds like a very insightful man."

Marcus struggled to swallow the lump forming in his throat. "Yes...he was."

As promised, Fawkes led them to the chamber that contained the GECK. Though they had run into more Super Mutants, the four companions easily took them down. After entering the heavily radiated chamber, the friendly meta human emerged with the miracle device. It weighed about forty pounds, and had straps attached to it that allowed someone to carry it on his back.

"As promised, here's the G.E.C.K. I hope it's worth it."

A huge relieve washed over Marcus. He reached out and touched the devise, and almost began to choke up. If only his father could be here..."Thank you, Fawkes."

The meta human gave a weak smile. "Well, I'm afraid this is where you and I part company. I'll find my way out of this place, don't worry."

Marcus was caught by surprised. "You could come with us."

Fawkes shook his head. "Where you are going, my kind will not be welcome. Maybe we'll meet again somewhere in the Wasteland."

After giving his back pack and grenade launcher to Charon, Marcus placed the GECK on his back, and he led his two companions back towards the reactor room. It wasn't hard - they just had to follow the trail of dead mutants.

"It's pretty ironic, isn't it?" Marcus said. "Vault-Tech tries to create Captain America down here, and instead they create the Hulk."

Charon thought about his statement. "True, but remember, the Hulk was able to turn back into a human; Fawkes can't do that."

Marcus stepped over another dead master. "Okay."

"So wouldn't that make him more like 'The Thing' from Fantastic Four?"

Marcus thought for a moment and pointed at his friend. "You're right, you're right."

Cross rolled her eyes. "What are you two talking about?"

Marcus chuckled. "Just some Old World geek stuff, Cross." He had just stepped into the atrium, when a beeping sound from above caught his attention. The small, flashing metal sphere looked harmless enough, but when the beeping and flashing began to speed up, Marcus didn't hesitate. He spun around and hit the door controls, trapping himself inside, and sealing his two friends inside the hallway.

Charon rushed for the door, but it was too fast, and the ghoul began pounding on it. "MARCUS!"

Marcus barley had time to cover his head when the sphere exploded.