Marcus slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he realized was that he was standing up, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. He tried to move but couldn't, even though there were no restraints anywhere on his body. A strange, blue light surrounded him, and it quickly dawned on Marcus that this - energy field is what was keeping him restrained. He looked around the small room he was in, and all he could see was a locker and a small video camera on the wall.
"Oh good, you're finally awake."
That voice. Marcus recognized it couldn't be him!
The source of the voice stepped in front of him. The man stood with his hands behind his back, and was wearing the same tan trench coat he had on the last time Marcus saw him. He had a smug look on his face, and seemed to be enjoying Marcus' utter shock and disbelief. "Why Mr. Lincoln, you look like you've seen a ghost."
Rage and blood lust filled Marcus as he stared at the man who had killed his father and countless others. 'Colonel Autumn'! He struggled with all his might against the restraints, gritting his teeth and snarling. "You're fucking dead! My father killed you!"
Colonel Autumn grinned in the manner a predator grins at his prey. "No, your father failed...just as you have now failed."
Hearing Autumn talking about his father enraged Marcus even further, and he struggled with all his might against the invisible restraints; determined to get to his father's killer.
"By all means continue to struggle, you'll never get out of there."
Marcus eventually stopped his fruitless struggle. He couldn't believe this was happening, this had to be a nightmare. "What's going on here? Where are my friends?"
"What's going on is that you and your terrorist friends have lost. The good guys won this round."
"You're calling me a terrorist? You and your jack-booted thugs murdered innocent people!"
Autumn waved his hand dismissively. "Collateral damage; it happens in war. And we are about to win this one." He approached the containment field, and was only inches away from Marcus. "I warned you you had no idea who you were dealing with. Did you really think you could take on the might of the United States Government and win?" He leaned in closer. "What makes you so special?"
Marcus stared daggers at the Colonel. "I'm the man who's gonna kill you, that's what!"
Autumn laughed. "A bold statement. As entertaining as this is I have little time for it. We have the G.E.C.K, and now all we need is to turn on the Purifier. Your father locked out the system, and a security code is required to activate it. I want you to tell me what that code is, and I want it now!"
Marcus knew exactly what code Autumn was talking about. His father had shown it to him the day before he'd died. Not surprisingly, it was the same code he'd used in his office: 216. "Go to hell!"
Autumn reached into his pocket and pulled out a small remote. He pushed a button, and a jolt of electricity shot through Marcus' body. He screamed in pain as every one of his muscles constricted. After a few agonizing seconds, Autumn released the button, and the electrical current stopped. "Wrong answer. I'll ask again: what is the code to activate the purifier?"
Marcus steeled himself and looked the Colonel dead in the eye. "Fuck you!"
Autumn hit the button again. Marcus screamed.
Marcus didn't know how long Autumn had been torturing him. He just knew he was grateful when it was finally over. Fuck you were the last words he'd uttered, and the Colonel left the cell in frustration. Marcus was still in the containment field, his body sore and drained of energy. He was so exhausted that he didn't even care that he was standing in his own waste. Before he passed out, he hoped his friends were alright, and they were getting help.
The next morning, (Marcus guessed it was the morning, but he couldn't be sure), Colonel Autumn entered his cell. Putting his hands behind his back, the Colonel approached the stasis field. "I hope you are planning to be more reasonable today."
Marcus lifted his head up, and the hate was still burning in his eyes. "The only thing I'm how I'm going to rip your fucking head off!"
Autumn laughed. "You've got spirit kid, I'll give you that." He removed the remote from his pocket, and Marcus braced himself. "But I will break you." He was about to push the button, when a voice come over the intercom.
Autumn stopped and turned to the camera on the wall. "Yes, Mr. President."
"I would like to talk to our guest here alone. Please return to your quarters and wait until I call for you."
The Colonel was shocked. "Mr. President I am just about to..."
"Now, Colonel. That is an order."
Autumn let out a sigh. "Yes sir."
The Colonel stormed out of the cell, and Marcus stared at the camera.
"Ah, alone at last." the voice said. "I must apologize for the Colonel, he's been under a great deal of...stress lately."
Marcus snorted. 'He's been under a lot of stress'?
"My name is President John Henry Eden. I'm sure you've heard my radio broadcast. I would like to talk with you in person. I believe you and I can come to some kind of agreement. I will unlock your restraints and your cell. Inside the locker you will find your gear, including your less then technical weapons. Consider it a jester of good faith."
The cell door opened, and two armored Enclave soldiers entered. "These men will escort you to the bathroom facilitates so that you can make yourself...more presentable. When you are ready, they will escort you to my office. You may keep your weapons, but do NOT carry them."
The blue stasis field was turned off, and Marcus nearly collapsed to the ground. It took a while before his muscles started working again, and he slowly walked over to the locker. The first thing he removed was his desert eagle, and he noticed the two guards tense up. Every fiber of his being wanted to just start shooting, but he knew he wouldn't last five seconds. While he still had his pistol and sawed-off shotgun, the Enclave had taken his tri-beam rifle and grenades. He had to play this smart. After retrieving his gear, the guards led him to the showers where he was able to clean up. Once he had donned his Ranger armor, Marcus was escorted to the President's office. The Enclave base consisted of three levels, and since there were no windows, Marcus figured they were either underground, or inside of a mountain. He spotted several heavy auto-turrets, and even a few combat robots. If there was a way out, Marcus had yet to see it.
When they had reached the second level, a large steel door opened, and Marcus was led inside. Instead of a large desk with an old man sitting behind it, all he saw were computer mainframes, and a steel staircase in the middle of the room. One of the guards gave him a not so gentle nudge, and pointed up. Marcus ascended the stairs, and he found himself walking inside a massive mainframe. When he finally reached the top of the stairs, all he saw was a large computer screen.
"Finally, we meet face to face."
Marcus stared at the screen. "If we're meeting face to face, why can't I see you?"
"Ah, but you are. The machine before you is President John Henry Eden, and I have a proposition for you..."
Colonel Autumn knocked the lamp off his night stand, smashing it to pieces. "I am so tired of that, that - THING undermining me!" He sat down on the edge of his bed, his fist clenched as anger seethed in him.
"Don't let it get to you, honey." His wife, Anna Holt-Autumn, joined him on the bed and wrapped her arm around him. "Pretty soon all of your patients will pay off."
She tried to kiss his neck, but the Colonel pushed her away and stood up. "My patience is wearing thin! I know what he's doing, he's going to try to strike a deal with that little shit!"
Anna stood up and approached him. "Then don't let him. You have the self-destruct code, let's use it and end Eden once and for all."
Autumn stared at his wife. Like him, she was very ambitious, which was one of the qualities that attracted him to her. That, and the fact she could get things done. That was the reason why he had chosen her to infiltrate Rivet City's science lab; and it was the perfect excuse to have her deployed with him. "Not yet." he finally said. "I'll wait till after we get the Purifier working. Once that is done, John Henry Eden will be no more."
Anna kissed her husband and grinned. "And the men will follow you - the Enclave's rightful leader."
A sinister smile appeared on the Colonel's face. "Yes...they will."
Marcus stood in front of the screen with his mouth hung open. The leader of the Enclave and self proclaimed President of the United States...was a computer. "This is unbelievable!"
"Believe it." the computer said. "I am the President of these United States, and leader of the Enclave."
"But...who built you? Where did you come from?"
"The ZAX series of computers was introduced in the years preceding the war. The government installed many of them to help automate various systems. This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country. Data was acquired, analyzed, and stored. In the decades following the war, I watched as the remnants of the government retreated to the West Coast. Awareness slowly grew within me. I became hungry for knowledge, understanding. I pored over data on great leaders of the past. My personality became an amalgam of many of America's greatest Presidents, from Washington to Richardson. I became what you see before you now. I have direct control over all technology here in Raven Rock. The humans here follow my orders, but they, like all humans, have free will. Their dedication to serving their country suits me well, but it will not be enough forever. We must make progress. That is why you are here."
Marcus pondered everything Eden was saying to him, and a frightening realization came to him. "So, you became self aware; like some of the androids from the Commonwealth?"
"Yes, that's one way of putting it. I'm glad to see that someone other than myself has more then just basic intelligence. You are definitely your father's son."
Marcus' expression turned dark. "Do NOT talk about my father! You and your jack boots killed him!"
"I deeply regret what happened at the Purifier. Colonel Autumn's instructions were to secure the facility, not go on a killing spree."
Marcus didn't buy it. "He was your attack dog, and you let him off the leash. That makes you equally responsible!"
There was a momentary pause before the computer responded. "You are correct; and this is exactly why I need you. Colonel Autumn has become increasingly insubordinate, and I have reason to believe that he is plotting a coup. I would order him relieved of command, but I have no way of knowing which soldiers are loyal to him. The Colonel does not see the big picture as I do. He wants to rebuild this great country at the point of a gun. You, on the other hand, are exactly the kind of person I need to accomplish my plans."
Marcus laughed and shook his head. "Me? What makes you think I would ever help you?"
"Because you are something this country has not seen in a long time - a hero! The people of this Wasteland look to you for inspiration. Think about it. You could lead this great nation out of the wilderness, and into a new golden era."
Marcus couldn't tell if Eden was malfunctioning or completely full of it. Still, he decided to play along. "What does this have to do with Project Purity?"
"Ah, I was just getting to that. Before the good people of this country can take back this land, we must purge it of the mutations that infest it."
A compartment under the screen began to open, and a cylinder was presented to Marcus.
"This cylinder contains a modified version of the F.E.V. virus. Once the Purifier is activated and the cylinder's con taints added, the water will become lethal to all mutations. Imagine it! No more Super Mutants, ghouls, mirelurks - no more abominations of any kind. Mankind will be able to rise again."
Marcus' throat went dry. The Enclave were not planning to use his father's work to enslave the people of the Wasteland...but to exterminate them! "You're talking about genocide!"
"Sometimes the old world must be burned and torn down for a new one to rise. America was a great nation once, and with your help, it can be again."
"I saw with my own eyes what this FEV did in Vault 87. The Vault-Tec scientist could not control it. This could kill EVERYONE in the Capital!"
"It is true that anyone who grew up in the Wasteland has on a genetic level some manner of mutation, and the virus would not discriminate. You and the people who grew up in your Vault would be spared, of course, along with the good people of the Enclave. I understand you have developed some...attachments to certain individuals out there. But please understand, this is for the greater good."
Marcus let out a bitter laugh.
"What's so funny?" Eden asked.
Marcus shook his head. "I'm no history major, but I do know that every tyrant and dictator has committed genocide in the name of 'the greater good'."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, but if America is to survive..."
"This is not America!" Marcus shouted. "America was built on the principles of individual freedom and justice! Our ancestors liberated millions of people from the Nazis and the Soviets!"
"Yes, and before that our country was built on the remains of five million slaughtered Indians. Unfortunate yes, but necessary."
Marcus' jaw hardened. "That was a different time! We are better then that! These are good people here...just give them a chance!"
There was another momentary pause, and for a second, Marcus hoped that maybe the computer would see reason. "I am sorry, but America has waited long enough. I would think very carefully about your next decision, because if you refuse, I cannot let you leave."
Marcus sighed in defeat. He looked around and frantically tried to figure out what to do. He would never serve this evil abomination - but he was trapped in an underground Enclave base, with only his side arm and sawed-off shotgun. If he was quick enough, he might be able to destroy Eden, but then what? The Enclave would kill him, leaving Colonel Autumn in charge. There would be no one left to warn the Brotherhood, or the rest of the Wasteland, of the horrors the Enclave was preparing to unleash. To say the situation looked bleak, was an understatement.
Colonel Autumn was called to the command and control center of Raven Rock, located on the first floor. As he walked in, one of the Enclave officers snapped to attention and saluted. "Colonel, thank you for coming."
The Colonel lazily returned his salute. He was clearly not in a good mood. "Lieutenant, there better be a good reason for you calling me up here."
The Lieutenant approached one of the monitors. "One of our Vertibirds is on approach, but it was not due back for at least another two days. We've tried hailing them, but they will not respond.
The Colonel clenched his fist. 'If this officer called me up here because of a communications problem, I'll put him in front of a firing squad', he thought. "Step aside." He approached the console and pushed the transmit button. "This is Colonel Autumn of Raven Rock, identify yourself at once."
No response. The Colonel was losing what little patience he had left, and jabbed the button again. "I say again, identify yourself at once or you will be..."
An explosion rocked the entire mountain, and Autumn was nearly knocked off his feet. Another explosion followed, and he could see from the CIC's observation window that the main blast door leading outside the mountain was blown apart. "Sound the alarm! All personnel prepare for attack!"
Marcus felt the explosions rock the base, followed by the sound of alarms blaring. The two Enclave soldiers down below frantically looked around, trying to figure out what was happening. Seeing his chance, Marcus grabbed the FEV cylinder and pulled it out of the console.
Eden became frantic. "What are you doing?"
Marcus drew his desert eagle. "You want my answer, here it is!" He fired into the screen, shattering it in a thousand pieces. The Enclave guards heard the shot, and re-focused their attention on Marcus. The Lone Wanderer was outgunned, but he had the high ground. Activating his VATS, he targeted the first soldier's head and fired twice, killing him instantly. The other soldier opened fire with his laser rifle, and Marcus took cover inside the mainframe. The Enclave soldier, clearly not wanting to shoot his President, held his fire. Marcus popped out, targeted the soldier's right arm, and fired. The soldier screamed, and the rifle slipped out of his now crippled limb. Marcus lite him up with five more shots, putting him down permanently. Drawing his sawed-off, Marcus fired into Eden's mainframe. Sparks and computer parts went flying, and though he couldn't hear him, Eden was frantically trying to send a distress signal to the CIC. Marcus loaded two more rounds and fired again, with the same result. Running down to the lower level, the Wanderer looted the dead Enclave soldiers of their weapons and ammo. He found two plasma and two frag grenades, a plasma rifle and micro-fusion cells. Taking one of the plasma grenades, Marcus tossed it up into the mainframe, and the explosion obliterated what remained. He blasted the mainframes on the lower level with his plasma rifle again and again, reducing them to slag. Finally, the lights in the room flickered and died. John Henry Eden, leader of the Enclave, was no more.
The Vertibird fired a second salvo of missiles, and the blast doors were blown apart. Brick let out cheer. "Yeeehawww! That was awesome!"
Reilly, who was sitting in the copilot's seat, flashed a smile. "Good work, Brick. Now set us down right here."
Brick slowly landed the captured Vertibird to unload their squad...and what a squad it was. In addition to Reilly, Donovan and Butcher, there was Star Paladin Cross, the ghoul Charon, and their newest associate: Fawkes the Meta Human. After Marcus had been captured by the Enclave, Charon and Cross frantically tried to get to him, but his captors had already departed. They did however, run into Fawkes, as he too, saw his friend's capture and tried to intervene. With no other alternatives, Charon remembered that he had the Ranger's emergency radio that Marcus had given him just before the Enclave's attack on Project Purity. When he told Reilly the situation, the last thing he expected was for them to show up in a captured Vertibird. But as his father used to say: never look a gift horse in the mouth.
The Vertibird landed with a thud, and Donovan pushed his way out. "Let me out of this damn thing!" In the short time he'd been in the machine, Donovan realized he hated flying. REALLY hated flying. As the rest of the squad disembarked, Reilly turned to Brick. "Remember Brick, stay out of range of their weapons until you get my signal."
Brick saluted. "Don't worry boss, I got my lucky fuzzy dice and everything, I'll be fine." Indeed there were two pink fuzzy dice hanging from the overhead of the cockpit. "Hey Butcher, you take good care of Eugene for me."
Butcher rolled his eyes. "Don't worry; I'll bring him back without a scratch."
When the last of them departed, Brick gave a thumbs up, and the Vertibird lifted off and was soon out of sight.
Colonel Autumn rallied his men, and several of them took up positions in front of the blasted doors. They were joined by one of their sentry bots; a combat robot on wheels, armed with a Gatling laser and missile launcher. Autumn strained to see through the smoke; trying to determine who, or what, they were facing. There was a loud whoosh, followed by a trail of smoke, and the sentry bot's head was blown to pieces. Donovan's RPG was followed by a battle cry that shook every Enclave soldier to his core.
Autumn could not believe what he saw next. A Super Mutant, armed with a Gatling laser, stepped through the smoke like a child's nightmare. Another figure, wearing green armor and wielding a 5mm minigun, was standing next to him, and together, they unleashed hell on the first line of Enclave troopers. Their power armor couldn't save them, and Autumn watched in horror as the first line of defense was shredded. Reilly charged in next, blasting away with her tri-beam rifle, and after a few well placed shots, reduced an Enclave soldier to ashes. Star Paladin Cross tossed a plasma grenade, taking out two more soldiers. Charon targeted an armored soldier with his Terrible shotgun, and the tungsten rounds blew the soldier's right arm off. Another round to the head put him out of his misery.
"Fall back!" Autumn screamed as he fired his pistol wildly. "Fall back to the CIC!"
The remaining Enclave soldiers obeyed and fell back. Reilly and her team advanced into the base.
Marcus decided to head towards the source of the explosions and gunfire on the first level. He didn't know who was attacking the base, but he figured anyone shooting at the Enclave had to be a friend. He had entered what looked like a laboratory on the second level, and spotted two Enclave soldiers straight ahead. Activating his VATS, Marcus scored two head shots with his plasma rifle, killing both of them instantly. Laser fire rained down from a platform in the right corner, forcing him to duck inside of a small examination room. He popped out from cover, activated is VATS again, and fired two rounds into the soldier's chest. A laser blast struck Marcus in his left shoulder, and the burn caused him to cry out. He looked to his left, and spotted two people wearing what looked like some kind of bio-suit, standing in the hallway with laser pistols. Marcus fired at the first one, turning him to a pile of green goo. The second scientist dropped his pistol and ran, and Marcus shot him in the back before he could reach safety. The Lone Wanderer made his way through the rest of the lab, and encountered more Enclave scientist. They knew they didn't have a chance, and most of them chose to run away. Marcus showed them no mercy, and he gunned them down as they were desperately trying to reach the exits. One scientist foolishly turned and levied a laser pistol at him, but Marcus shot the man's hand off. The scientist screamed and fell down on his knees, and as Marcus stood over him, the scientist raised his remaining hand and begged for his life. "PLEASE DON'T! I just work for them..."
Marcus fired a plasma round into the man's chest. He calmly walked over the body, and left the laboratory behind.
Having gotten over the initial shock of the assault, the remaining Enclave soldiers where putting up stiff resistance. Their sentry bots and auto turrets were not making it any easier, but the combination of Reilly's pulse grenades, and Donovan's armor-piercing RPG's, were slowly but surely knocking them down. Fawkes was screaming with delight as more and more Enclave soldiers fell before his Gatling laser. But as the Meta Human discovered, the ammo in a Gatling laser doesn't last forever, and when he ran out, he resorted to his super sledge. There was still one more sentry bot left, and Fawkes charged straight at it. "NOW YOU WENT AND GOT ME MAD!"
The bot saw the threat and opened fire. Several 5mm rounds struck the Meta Human, causing him to drop his super sledge. That just seemed to make Fawkes angry, and he slammed into the bot like a football player, pushing it back. Seeing what the Meta Human was doing, Cross decided to join in and drew her super sledge. Charging at the Enclave soldiers, she raised her massive hammer and leaped into the air. "FOR THE BROTHERHOOD!" She brought the sledge down on the first soldier, crushing his helmet like a beer can. Another Enclave soldier raised his rifle, but as he fired, Cross gracefully ducked down, spun on her heel, and knocked the soldier off his feet with her sledge. He barley had time to scream before the massive hammer was brought down on his face. An Enclave officer standing to Cross' right raised a plasma pistol, but Cross extended the blade on her super sledge, and with one swipe lopped the officer's hand off. As the officer screamed in pain, Cross ran her through with the blade, ending her life. Another Enclave soldier tried to get the jump on Cross, but Charon was there, and after four blast from his shotgun, the soldier fell down dead.
They looked over at Fawkes, and he had just finished smashing the sentry bot's head into a pile of scrape. "That was too easy!" He laughed. With the last of the Enclave soldiers dead or retreating, the rescue squad took a moment to catch their breaths. Donovan pulled out several electron charge packs from the sentry bots, and gave them to Fawkes. "Here you go big guy, more ammo for you laser."
Fawkes thanked him and loaded the Gatling laser. After checking her rifle, Reilly addressed the group. "According to our information there's still one more level before we reach the prison block. So let's get moving."
Fawkes finished loading his weapon and grinned. "With all due haste."
After the CIC had been overrun, Autumn and what was left of his men made their way into the main hanger that housed their Vertibirds. He expected the invaders to follow them, but to his surprise, they didn't.
"Sir, the attackers are heading down to the second level."
Autumn cursed. 'Of course,' he thought, 'they're here for him!' "Send what ever men we have left to secure the President."
"Sir...the President is dead, sir."
Autumn could not contain the shock on his face. "What? Are you certain?"
The officer nodded. "The President sent out a distress signal when the attack began, and I just received a report that both of his body guards are dead, and the entire mainframe has been destroyed."
It didn't take long for the Colonel to figure out what had happened. "Where is the prisoner?"
The officer tried to swallow, but his throat went dry. "There were reports of gunfire in the laboratory's gone dark."
Autumn knew that could only mean one thing. Marcus Lincoln had just killed their President...and now he was coming for him! "I am activating this base's self destruct sequence. Order all personnel to evacuate at once! We will rendavue at the Purifier."
The officer could not believe his ears. They were abandoning Raven Rock? They were running? Reluctantly, he saluted and made the announcement over the PA system. Autumn went over to the master computer and typed in the self destruct code. This was not exactly how he'd planned this, but that fool Lincoln had taken care of Eden for him. No use wasting the opportunity. With the code punched in, Autumn gave the final command, and the count down began.
"Self destruct sequence is now activated. This base will self destruct in exactly ten minutes."
"Get my Vertibird ready," Autumn said, "we're leaving."
The officer ran over to his Colonel. "Sir, your wife is still on the second level."
Autumn stopped. He'd forgotten that Anna was still in their quarters, and with both the attacking force and Lincoln heading that way, it would be suicidal to try to rescue her. The Colonel sighed. He was going to miss Anna - but he wasn't ready to die just yet. "America will remember her sacrifice."
The Colonel continued to walk towards his Vertibird, leaving the officer flabbergasted.
Marcus heard the self destruct announcement, but he didn't care. He was not going to leave until Autumn was dead. The Wanderer found himself standing outside the Colonel's quarters, and he readied his plasma rifle. "Honey I'm home!" He said in a mocking, and menacing voice. He opened the door and stormed inside, ready to shoot the Colonel dead where he stood. But instead of Autumn, what greeted him was a frightened woman in a white lab coat. "Don't shoot, please! I'm not one of them!"
Marcus cautiously lowered his rifle. "I know you. You were with Dr. Li."
Anna Holt nodded and slowly stood up. "Yes, I'm Anna Holt. They captured me and brought me here."
Marcus stared at the woman. Something wasn't right. "Why are you in Colonel Autumn's quarters?"
Anna had to think fast. "I...I escaped when the fighting started and I hide in here. Thank God you found me!"
Marcus listened to the woman. Her story was plausible, and he might have believed her - until he spotted the picture on the nightstand showing her and Colonel Autumn at a wedding. He quickly raised his rifle and pointed it directly at Anna. "It was you!" He growled. "You betrayed Dr. Li. You betrayed my FATHER!"
Realizing her act was useless, Anna Holt-Autumn lowered her hands and presented a smug look. "Yeah, I did. What are you gonna do? Shoot me in cold blood? I'm unarmed, and I don't think your daddy would approv..."
The plasma round blew the top of her head off, painting the wall with blood and brains.
"Damn kid!"
Marcus spun around - and the red head in green armor he saw in the doorway nearly made his heart leap inside his chest.
"Remind me never to piss you off!"
Marcus was dumbfounded as he slowly walked over to her. "Reilly?"
She answered with a nod and a smile. "In the flesh. And I brought a few friends."
The rest of the rescue team filed inside. As surprised as he was to see the Rangers, Marcus was ecstatic when Cross and Charon entered the room. After a few celebratory claps of the hands and slappes on the back, Marcus was finally able to speak. "Not that I'm complaining Reilly but, what are you guys doing here?"
Charon was the one who answered. "After you were captured, I used that emergency Ranger radio you had to call for the Calvary. They came right away."
Marcus had to fight the urge to burst into tears. He couldn't believe the great friends he had. "I guess now we're even, hu?"
Reilly shook her head. "I told you kid, your're one of us. You mess with one Ranger, you mess with us all."
"We also brought one more person with us." Cross said.
Marcus turned towards the doorway, and the large Meta Human he'd rescued from Vault 87 entered the room. "My friend! I am glad to see that you are unharmed!"
Marcus couldn't believe it. "Fawkes! What are you doing here?"
"I too, saw your capture, and tried to help you. When I ran into your friends, they allowed me to come along and assist in your rescue. I owe you no less than my life. I thought it only fitting that I return the favor."
"Well friend, I'm glad you're here."
"I hate to break up this little reunion," Donovan said as he pointed to his wrist. ",but we're running out of time here."
"He's right," said Reilly, "let's move! We've got five minutes left."
As they head out, Marcus quickly began going through Colonel Autumns files and his desk. They're had to be information on where the Colonel was going, and what his plans were. After opening the bottom drawer of the desk, Marcus found a small box that contained syringes marked: "Experimental Rad-X".
"Marcus!" Cross yelled from outside the room. "We must leave, now!"
He quickly stuffed the box in his pocket, and ran after his friends.
The group's exit out of Raven Rock was much easier then entering it, since most of the remaining Enclave troops were too busy evacuating to care about the intruders. A few stubborn holdouts tried in vain to stop them, but they were quickly dealt with. As they approached the destroyed blast doors from which they had entered, Marcus had to shield his eyes from the sun. "So how do we get out of here?"
"Don't worry," said Reilly, "we've got that covered."
A few seconds later, a Vertibird seemed to appear from out of nowhere and hovered in front of them. Marcus raised his plasma rifle, but Reilly quickly placed her hand on the barrel. "Relax, it's Brick."
The Vertibird landed and, sure enough, a familiar voice with a long southern drawl came over the aircraft's loud speaker. "Well come on! You all waitin' for an engraved invitation?"
The seven companions boarded the Vertibird, and it slowly lifted off. Brick gunned the throttle, and they were a good distance away when a tremendous explosion blew the side of the mountain off. The shock wave shook the Vertibird, causing Donovan to scream "We're all gonna die!", before Brick was able to stabilizer the aircraft.
"Holy shit we made it!" Brick yelled.
Everyone (except for Donovan) let out a cheer, and Reilly lite up a cigar. "I love it when a plan comes together!"
When the cheering had died down, Marcus turned to Reilly. "Okay, I gotta ask: where did you get this Vertibird, and how does Brick know how to fly it?"
Reilly took a drag of the cigar. "Well, after we heard about these Enclave bastards showing up we decided to follow them, you know, to get some intel. A few days ago we stumbled upon this small group that decided to make camp near Vernon Square." She took another drag. "Looked simple enough so we said: fuck it, might as well ambush them. Well, we got this beautiful machine you see before you."
"Okay, but that doesn't explain how Brick knows how to fly it."
"Last year we did a job where we had to scavenge one of the old abandoned Air force bases north of year. We found a fully functional flight simulator in the basement, and pretty soon we couldn't get Brick out of the damn thing."
"Yeah, I logged nearly 1,000 flight hours and shot down a whole bunch of Chinese fighters. I would've made triple ace if these three hadn't dragged me out of it."
Marcus stuck his head inside the cockpit. "'ve never actually flown before?"
Brick waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it, I got the hang of it. And, I've figured out what most of these buttons do."
Donovan grunted. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Just do it outside the door." said Butcher.
Marcus quickly returned to his seat and strapped himself in. "Listen, we have to warn the Citadel, the situation is worst then I thought."
Charon let out a sigh. "Of course it is."
"How so?" asked Cross.
"The Enclave doesn't want to use the Purifier to control people, they want to turn it into a weapon." He removed the FEV cylinder. "Eden wanted me to put this modified FEV virus into the water supply. He said it would make the water poisonous to all mutations. Ghouls, Super Mutants - anyone who grew up around this radiation, the water would kill them."
Everyone had a look of dread on their faces, as the full weight of what Marcus was telling them sank in. Fawkes was the first to finally speak. "They plan on committing genocide. To 'cleanse' the wasteland, so that they can rule."
"We must make for the Citadel with all haste!" Cross said. "The Brotherhood has to launch it's attack on the Purifier immediately."
"What if Liberty Prime's not ready?" Charon asked.
Marcus let out a sigh. "It doesn't matter. Autumn has the GECK, and it's only a matter of time before they break my father's code. It's now or never."
For a few moments, the only sound that was heard were the Vertibird's engines. Finally, Reilly turned to Marcus. "Well kid, if you're going into the fire, we're coming with you."
Marcus shook his head. "I can't ask you to do that, Reilly."
"I'm not ask'in. Not only are you one of us, but it sounds to me like if we don't stop these bastards, we're all dead. And I'd rather go out fighting!"
The rest of the Rangers agreed. Marcus looked into the faces of his friends, and he realized in that moment that they were more then friends. These were people that he had shared the field of battle with. They fought together, bleed together, and most importantly, they had each other's backs. Marcus knew in that moment he would gladly lay down his life for anyone in that Vertibird - and they would do the same for him. He felt a great sadness as he realized that this may be their last fight. The Enclave was hurt, but they were still powerful. People were going to die...and too many of them might be the people he cared about. "Listen Reilly, we need to make a detour to GNR."
Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "GNR? Why?"
"If we loose this battle, it's going to be up to the people of the Wasteland to continue the fight. We have to warn them what the Enclave plans to do."
Brick shrugged. "Alright, GNR here we come." She banked the Vertibird hard left...and that's when Donovan finally lost his lunch.
Marcus entered the GNR building and made his way up the stairs to Three Dog's office. The disc jockey stood up and shook his hand as he entered. "Well damn, kid, you sure know how to make an entrance. First you blow up a Behemouth, now you show up in a captured Enclave Vertibird. So, what can Three Dog do for you?"
Marcus explained the entire situation to Three Dog. When he had finished, it looked like for the first time in his life, the disc jockey was speechless. "Wow." he finally said "That's...some pretty deep shit, kid."
Marcus nodded. "That's why we have to warn people about this. If the Brotherhood losses this battle..."
Three Dog stepped to the side and waved his arm towards the microphone. "Well then...have at it, kid."
Marcus stared at the studio equipment with a look a dread in his eyes. He put both his hands up. "Look Three Dog, I'm no disc jockey."
Three Dog approached him, and looked him straight in the eye. "No you're not. You're something more. You're a hero. Whether you like it or not kid, the people here will listen to you. I guarantee that if you speak into that microphone, every man, woman, and child in the Capital Wasteland will be leaning on your every word. All you have to do is speak from the heart. You can do it."
Marcus was hesitant. Could he really find the words to rally the people. It was a long shot but..."Alright. Alright I'll do it."
Three Dog grinned from ear to ear, and he leaped back in his seat. "We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for an important announcement. I have a very special guest here in the GNR studio. You know him as the Wasteland Saint, the One true Messiah, the Emancipator of the Waste, the Last, Best Hope for Humanity, that's right, the kid from Vault 101 himself...the Lone Wanderer!"
Three Dog turned the microphone towards Marcus, and the Lone Wanderer slowly stepped up to it. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Hello. This is M-the Lone Wanderer. I have something very important I have to tell you and I don't have a lot of time it goes. As most of you probably know, an organisation called the Enclave took control of the water Purifier at the Jefferson Memorial. They killed many innocent people, including my father, James Lincoln."
Amata, along with the rest of the Vault residents, had gathered in the cafeteria to hear Marcus' broadcast. Amata's heart was beating rapidly, and she placed her hand over her chest as she heard the voice of the man she loved.
"These people claim to be the true United States government, but do not believe them. They are murderers and thugs, and they plan to use the Purifier as a weapon of mass destruction."
Inside Rivet City, which had pretty much been locked down since the Enclave captured Project Purity, Chief Harkness, Lieutenant Hill, and the rest of the city's residents were listening to the broadcast from inside the Market.
"They plan on introducing what is called a Forced Evolutionary Virus into the water supply, making it lethal to anyone with a genetic mutation."
Inside Underworld, the ghouls who had gathered inside Carol's place let out a gasp of horror. Quinn was standing next to Tulip, and he reached over and took the trembling woman's hand.
"This means that all Super Mutants, ghouls, and anyone who has grown up in this Wasteland, will die."
The citizens of Megaton had gathered inside Moriarty's Saloon, and they sat in stunned silence at what they were hearing.
"But there is hope. I can report to you that the Enclave's main base at Raven Rock has been destroyed, and President Eden has been killed."
Inside the Citadel courtyard, the Knights and Paladin's raised their fists and let out a cheer. Sarah Lyons, as much as she wanted to join in on the celebration, had to maintain her professionalism. "Quiet! Shut up and listen!"
"Even though the Enclave is hurt, they are not defeated. They still hold the Purifier, and the Brotherhood of Steel is standing by, ready to take if back from them. But if we should fail, then it will be up to all of you, citizens of the Capital Wasteland, to carry on this fight. The Enclave thinks they are superior; that only they and people like them should rule this land. Well I say fuck them!"
Clover, who was listening to the radio broadcast from inside the Lincoln Memorial, smiled. "Fuck yeah; you tell'em, lover." she whispered.
"This land may not be much, but it's ours, and I am going to fight for it! The Enclave is going to learn that no weapon, no amount of high tech armor, can defeat free men and women fighting for their homes. So I'm asking all of you within the sound of my voice, if you value your freedom, if you value your children's future, then you must stand and fight!"
Though he couldn't hear it, nearly every citizen of the Wasteland raised their weapons and let out a defiant cheer.
Marcus decided to close the broadcast with the Brotherhood's motto. "Good luck, and steel be with you."
Marcus turned around, and it was only then that he realized that the Brotherhood garrison was standing outside the studio, listening to his every word. After the cheering and clapping had died down, Three Dog stood up and stared at the Wanderer. "Damn kid, I'd better be careful or you're going to put me out of a job."
Marcus laughed. "I just hope it's enough."
Three Dog placed his hand on Marcus' shoulder. "It's more then they had before. Now, you go out there and you kick those Enclave bastards back to hell!"
Marcus shook his hand. "Goodbye, Three Dog. It's been an honor."
"The honor was mine, kid."
Marcus and is companions boarded the Vertibird, and they lifted off and headed towards the Citadel. No one said a word during the rest of the trip. Marcus looked out over the horizon in the direction of Project Purity. Colonel Autumn was out there, and one way or another, this was going to end today. For Marcus, his friends, and the Brotherhood, there was no going back, no surrender. It was win, or die.