300,000 miles away across the vast blacknes, hidden in the corner of infinite space, was Earth. The planet had really went through significant changes in the past 100 years. Humanity was as its peak and discoveries were being made nearly every week. People found how to build an enhanced atmosphere preventing solar radiation from ever reaching the earth. They build huge buildings 5x the size the human eye can see.
Humans conquered all the planets in their Solar System and went beyond it, consequering distant planets next to their Solar System. Every year, they recruit 50 astronaughts to go into distant galaxies and explore and colonize. Every candidate must do a test and get a score of 80 or over. Only 30 students make it in every year, but 50 is the limit. If there are over 50 students that received a score of 80 or over, they have to take part in a battle of strength...
Humanity's first ever home. Five billion people inhabited Earth, the other 4 billion was sent to colonize other planets such as Mars and Venus through Intercosmic Travel. Planets that were thought to be hospitable and extreme, the ones that were once thought to be impossible to inhabit, was made possible.
And in the plains of the south of England, far away from the large city buildings and the noise of passing cars, lay a youth. All around them, the area was plain and beautiful, like always. After the discovery of Intercosmic travel, pollution and climate change ceased to exist, erased from the world completely. Now, the world was filled the buildings that stretched far into the sky, further than the eye can see...
The name of this child was Ernon, and he was sixteen. He had slightly dark skin and dark brown hair. His eyes are a piercing nut brown. Next to him was a pack of Coca Cola bottles. The youth took one out and opened it. He slowly sipped away staring into the empty space above, dreaming of the day he could be part of the ISA. In just under a year, Ernon would have to take a test. One that could decide the rest of his life.
Ernon was back into his own reality, hearing the sound of distant footsteps. "Ernon" said a voice. The voice was unmistakable. He looked up to see a goofy smile. "Jayden" Ernon said, Glad to have company. The boy sat next to him. The two youngsters were best friends since the beginning.
But Ernon knew the horrible news. Soon, they will have to go their seperate ways, finding their own meanings of life. "I wish you all the best in your Cosmic test" he said, grinning. But Ernon knew there was a twinge of sadness on his face. Ernon, taking out a Cola bottle said "Don't worry, we'll see eachother someday" But Ernon knew that wasn't necessarily true. He handed the bottle to Jayden. He opened it and Ernon stared at the bubbles fizzed and popped.
'God, why does the world have to be so cruel' Ernon thought...