Ernon walked towards a room with 60 or so students. He stopped a few feet outside the room. He could sense the tension hanging in the room. After all, they were taking a test that could change the course of their life. Becoming a Interstellar Traveller was obviously the best paying job in the world. Not only that, it was a life full of excitement.
Ernon anxiously crept into the room. None of the candidates room any notice of him. He noticed that none of the candidates looked any older than twenty. Ernon thought they were in a trance. They're heads were down, praying, hoping that they will advance into the next tier of training. The Tier one training will give you fifty Cosmic Points. If you achieve a score of 40 or above, you can proceed into the next tier which also consists of fifty points. In total, a candidate must achieve a score of eighty or above to pass.
Ernon took a seat at the right corner of the room. He leant back on his seat. He clenched the fabric of the seat. Even though a score of eighty is a pass, anybody who gets higher will be automatically put into the top fifty. Ernon knew he needed the job. The whole world runs on space exploration. Anyone without a good paying job will be considered poor, the lowest in society.
Ernon had been keeping a secret, but he hadn't told anyone yet. His application to study in one of the best school in the world was accepted early. He did it just in case he failed his test. But Ernon might have made a grave mistake, he declined the offer. He knew he might have made the wrong choice, but Intercosmic Travellers become multimillionaires in just a few years of working their.
The difference between the rich and the poor are beyond repair. But there are less than twenty percent of people that are considered 'poor'. Ernon could feel sweat at the back of his neck. He was deep in thought when a lady appeared through the corridor. She was fairly tall. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello candidates, my name is Candice Peyton and I will be escorting you to the Cosmic test" she said with a smile.
Everyone sat up staraight when they heard the voice. They looked around, apprehensively, wondering who would be the one to take the test first. The first person would leave a clear impression on the test reviewers.
"The first was to take the test is Ivan Merdian"
A quiet scream escaped the mouth of Ivan. He had a look of pure terror on his face. Ernon immedately knew he won't be passing this test. Ernon knew that one of the key skills you have to have to become an Interstellar Traveller is to handle situations appropriately under pressure. He knew that they intentionally make this process as scary as possible to pick out the candidates that collapse under pressure. It was a genius trick... but Ernon knew better. He studied and trained for months preparing for this moment...
Ernon noticed that Candice did not say any words of encouragement to the candidates. He smiled nervously. Even Candice Peyton knew how important this test was. He saw a boy who looked to be sixteen slowly getting up from his chair. Ernon could see the fear in his eyes. He stumbled through the corridor. Candice had a look of pity in his eyes. Ernon sighed fearfully as the two figures disappeared down the corridor...