
~ At Junior's club ~

While there's loud music blasting, people drinking, people making out while dancing, there's also a two-tailed silver-haired Faunus girl sitting at the bar, waiting for her drink. She's looking around the place, checking out people, that, of course, being only girls, for she can't stand the male populace, yes she can be somewhat like herself while talking to them, but if they step over the line, they'd be flat out on the ground.

''Hey, here's your drink'' A low voice intercepts, making her look at the short and black-haired man before her

''Thank you'' The Faunus takes her drink and sips, making a slight hum of approval proved by her two tails lightly swinging back and forth.

''So, sweetheart, you have a name?'' The bartender asks.

The girl looks at him, a little bit disgusted because he called her 'sweetheart'.

''Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?''

''Ah, where are my manners, the name's Hei Xiong, but you can call me Junior''

''Crystal, Crystal Rose, so you're the one that runs this place?''

''One of them, yes, why? Is there anything you need from me, sweetheart?''

''No, not in particular'' Crystal pauses ''But now that you mention it, there is one thing''

''Oh yeah? And what is that one thing? Sweetheart'' Junior says with a smug look.

''For you to stop calling me sweetheart, even if I was into men, you wouldn't be close to somebody I'd be with'' And just like that, that smug look cracked.

''Melanie did you hear, what the Faunus said?'' A quiet, almost shy-like voice interrupts the two before Junior could say anything.

''Indeed Militia, she just shut poor ol' Junior down, how sad'' Another voice cuts in a joking manner, this time confident-sounding, which makes Crystal look at the two people who interrupted the nice conversation she was having.

As she looks at the two girls, she sees one with red clothing and another with white clothing, she analyzes them, before finally opening her mouth.

''6/10'' She says while looking at the white-clothed girl before cranking her head a little to the side and looking at the red-clothed girl and saying ''7/10'' Which makes the twins look at each other a bit confused and the conversation between Crystal and Junior forgotten.

''What's with the numbers?'' The twin with the white dress asks ''Oh and my name's Melanie and this here, is my twin, Militia'' She says while sitting on your left and her twin sitting on her sister's left.

''Crystal and, those numbers are something that I do, practically, by instinct, with every woman I meet, before talking with them, you can say it's a rating system, 10 is the best and 0 is the lowest, while obviously, 5 being the middle ground''

''Oh?'' Melanie quirks her brow a little before it goes into confusion ''So why am I only a 6? While my sister is 7? As twins, I'd think it would be the same?''

''She's wearing red'' Crystal says as it was obvious.

''Seriously? Because she's wearing a red dress, she's supposedly more beautiful in this 'rating' system of yours?''

''Yes, though saying it like that, sounds pretty bad, it's not all about 'beautiful', it's just what I can see from first looks on how a person carries themselves, see, your sister is more quiet, maybe due to her shyness or maybe she just doesn't like to talk much, so she stands near you, but not with you, she always tries to be behind you an in she tries to be the background, for what reasons, I don't know''

''And you got that in a few seconds while looking at us? Quite impressive'' Melanie says.''Yes, thank you, so the system is more like what's more appealing to me at the first glance instead of being beautiful, and because she wears red, for I really like the color, she got one more point than you by default''

''Oh so if we were both wearing red, both of us would be a 7?''


''You hear that, Militia? Because of your clothing, you're more appealing to our company''

''Yes, Melanie, I hear it'' She says to her sister, before looking at you ''Thank you, I guess?''

''Anyways'' Melanie starts ''What kind of Faunus are you if you don't mind me asking? I don't think I've ever seen one with two big tails like that, they're beautiful by the way'' She changed the topic really quickly, probably because she can't take that her sister got more appeal, just because of clothing.

''It's fine, I'm just a fox Faunus, but somehow I was born with two tails''

''At least, they are pretty'' Militia says behind her sister.

''Thank you Militia, you're pretty too'' She smiles a little while blush is creeping up on her ears, but the same couldn't be said about the other twin, as she's frowning a little, sore loser, much? ''Melanie you're pretty too, sorry, that you didn't choose the right color''

And with that, she also got a smile, still not a big one, because now she thinks that her fashion sense is worse than her sisters'.

''Junior bring us some drinks, you're being ignored here anyways, so what's the point on staying'' Melanie says arrogantly, making Junior grumble and slump away ''So, foxie, what are you doing here on this fine evening?''

''Sheesh, you went on him even harsher than I did'' Crystal says while giggling a little bit before continuing ''Just to get some stress off for the night, drink a little, maybe get somebody to spend company with, you know, normal bar things''

''Neat, neat, so, is our company adequate for that?''

''Indeed it is, in fact, it's probably one of the better ones, I've got a two in one deal, pretty happy with that''


Just as Junior brings in the drinks, a dude is flying by into the wall, making all four heads turn in the direction of the action. To see a girl with pink/brown hair with her fist in front, making it fully known who just punched a guy through a wall, before the girl starts walking away and walking out the bar, while she's doing that, she sweeps over the crowd, meeting eyes with almost everybody, that also includes Crystal, which prompts Crystal to lowly say.


Both of the twins heard it, of course, making one of them frown, while the other one is secretly smug about her win over her sister.

''Well, girls, seeing as the commotion sobered me up a little, I think I will go home and crash, but perhaps I could get both of your numbers?'' Crystal asks.

''Ah, sad, leaving so soon, but yes, yours truly will give you her number'' Melanie quirks while writing down her number and passing it to her sister, who looks at it a little bit, then at Crystal and then back at the paper, writing it down and giving it to you.

''Thank you'' Crystal says ''I'll call you'' And with that, she starts leaving.

Just as she leaves through the door, she bumps into another girl, which prompts her to stop for a bit to apologize.

''Ah, sor- 8/10'' The other girl, who now is seen to have long blonde hair replies.

''It's fine, are you okay? And 8/10?'' The blondie says in a confused manner.

''Ah it's nothing, sorry, again, but I have to go, you know, sleep, and other nightly things''

''Right... Well have a good night'' Blondie says and moves into the bar.

Crystal finally makes her way to her hotel room for a good night of sleep, while thinking of the first woman to ever get a 10 out of her 'rating' system that she does by instinct upon seeing or talking to a woman, even her wife is only a 9, yes, there were only two women in total with a 9 in her life. But now that 10 left her in a need to meet and talk with that pink/brown-haired girl.

''Haaah... I want to sleep''

~ End of prologue ~