Chapter 1

~ At an unknown area ~

Crystal POV:

Ah, I am so hungry, where am I anyway, there's nothing around here. purple colored skies and violet environment should've packed more food, well at least I can survive without food for longer than a human could because of all the messed up things that were done to my body.

As I look around, yet again, all I see are Grimm looking at me and not attacking for they seem to know that if they attack they will die without being able to do anything to me, that is weird, aren't they supposed to just attack? When I first got in here, they just attacked me in hundreds, after that, they tried to sneak up on me as stealthy as they could when I was distracted. Now, they just stand and look, after hundreds of their brethren deaths, they just look at me.

After a few hours of more slow walking and complaining in my mind, a Grimm steps in front of me, I am prepared for it to attack and to kill it. But it just looks at me, we seem to be having a staring contest, I ain't losing it, that's for sure. Ain't nobody beating me at a staring contest.

So... I lost. Go figures.

Oh, it's moving away? Well, that was weird, so I just start moving too, but it stops, making me stop, so now it's looking at me again, oh it wants a rematch? It's on, oh, no, never mind it's moving again... So I start moving too, but it stops again and this time two other Grimm join and let out some sort of a growl.

Wait... It wants me to follow them? Well alright, I will follow you, seeing as I've yet to get a rematch for that staring contest, I ain't losing again.

So after a while of following the Grimm, which number at least two dozen now, I seem to be able to see a castle in a distance, hell yeah, food. At least I hope there's food because I didn't find any in this area, but if there's a castle, there should be people and if there are people, there should be food, for they need it to survive. Yeah, there's definitely food.

So the Grimm got left behind the moment I saw the castle, as I just rushed as fast as I could with my starving body.

As I stop by the huge entrance, I see a slightly less 'huge' door and I open it, or at least I was about to, but it just opens by itself.

''Neat, doors have their own minds now'' I say while patting a door as if it was the cutest thing a person could've seen

Sheesh, who could've thought that being hungry makes one delirious?

As I move around the castle, I see a lot of Grimm, they seem to be guarding other doors and since I don't actually kill anybody that doesn't attack me, I am just left staring at them, while making shushing noises and flailing my arms around for them to move out of the way so I could enter a room in search of my prize, food.

But just as I lost the staring contest, I don't seem to be that great at moving animal-like, flesh-eating, little monsters out of the way of doors.

It took me longer than I would like to admit, to realize that they are not guarding the doors, but are leading me to, yet another big door, which of course, opens by itself. So I am left to step into, probably, the biggest room I've seen. seeing as it's a castle, I think it's called a hall, but I could be wrong, ain't the most knowledgeable being in existence.

While looking around, a voice that just sounds so perfect to my ears interrupts my gawking.

''Had enough of looking around?''

As I look to the side where the voice came from, I see a woman, that I have no idea if it's a human or a Faunus, but I do know one thing, she is god dang gorgeous.

''9/10'' I say, loud enough, before continuing ''You're beautiful, and yes I had enough time to look around''

Me saying that, seems to have confused this pale lady before me.

''Me? Beautiful? And what's with the number?'' The pale lady asks with uncertainty in her voice.

''Ah? Yes, you're beautiful, pretty sure, you should know, it's as, I would say a chair is a chair, or a good plate of meaty, juicy, steak is that, you're beautiful, pure, simple truth'' I say nonchalantly as if it was a world given fact, which makes the pale lady even more confused.

''And the number is my instinct to say a number from 0 to 10 on how appealing to me a person is the first glance. And let me say that a 9 is very hard to get, you're only the second person to ever get it from me, I can't really stop on what I seem to find appeal in and the number always leaves my mouth before I say anything else''

And with that, I seem to be in another staring contest, this time with a human? Also, this staring contest, is way more awkward, if that can even be a thing, seeing as my previous one was with a Grimm.

''Right...'' Oh thank the gods, the silence is over ''Anyways the Grimm led you here, by my command, I want to know what you're doing here, a mere Faunus, in these lands, how are you still alive even? How did you not die to the Grimm and how have you not starved to death?''

''Oh, well that's easy, I barely have to eat for reasons that you don't need to know right now, and I just beat the Grimm that attacked me, pure and easy''

''But there were hundreds of them and you don't have a single injury''

''Well, I am somebody that can't be beaten, I am the strongest, so, of course, I am uninjured'' I say proudly to the beautiful pale lady that I've yet to know the name of.

''Oh? You say you're the strongest? Care to test that?'' She says with a calculating gleam in her eyes.


''What?'' She says perplexed.



''I'm too hungry to do anything''

I think I see a tumbleweed rolling, but it may be a hallucination from starvation.

''So... if I'd give you food, would you let me test that theory of you being the strongest then?''

''Of course, gladly, I think I'd marry you if I'd finally get something in my stomach, and of course, because you're super pretty, that's a bonus'' I say without a care in the world.

Oh, look, two more tumbleweed. Should I try catching one?

I hear a heavy sigh which breaks my attention from the tumbleweed back onto the pale lady.

''Right, okay, I'll give you food''

''Yay'' I start to celebrate.


''Uh oh,'' There's always a but.

''If after the test, you prove yourself to be 'the strongest' you will become a subordinate of mine, otherwise, you get no food, not now, nor later''

''That is just cruel'' I cry out, as I prepare to talk again, my knees buckle and my stomach grumbles loudly.

''You, beautiful, pale, evil, lady, if I wasn't so damn hungry right now, I would not agree with that, but my stomach is literally killing me, so, you got yourself a deal'' I say ''And because you're pretty'' I add lowly so only I could hear, but I think that she also head it, but it's probably yet another hallucination.

''Well, okay, follow me then, I will give you some food'' She says while turning around and walking gracefully.

''So... My name's Crystal, what's your name?'' This prompts her to stop for a while, before continuing.


~ 3 years later at beacon ~

Narrator POV:

We see Crystal in all her glory walking through the halls of Beacon, while all students stare at her, not because of her average looks of course, but because of her two big, long, swinging, silvery tails. she of course doesn't pay any attention to them, for she has something to do and that something is, riding a lift up to an office of the principal of Beacon, Ozpin.

As she steps out of the lift, she sees Ozpin drinking a cup of coffee, at least she thinks it's coffee.As she moves further into the office, so she could sit down, she sees a blonde woman with glasses on and a crop in her hand, kinky.

''7/10'' We hear Crystal say before she looks back to Ozpin and sits down in the chair, of course, she doesn't miss the confusion from the kinky woman besides Ozpin.

''Cookies?'' Ozpin says as he slides a plate over.

''Thanks'' She eats one slowly. '"Pretty good''

''Right, so to whom, do I owe the pleasure?''

''Crystal, the name's Crystal''

''Of course, and my name is Ozpin, this here is Glynda Goodwitch'' He points to the woman with glasses.

''Can I call you Glynda Kinkywitch instead?'' Crystal asks her


''The crop, isn't it for whipping your pets as they're panting beneath you? Or am I missing something?'' The Faunus says, which makes both, Ozpin and Glyndas' eyes to pop out.

''No, I am a teacher here''

''Oh... Then why are you carrying it with you all the time?''

Before this conversation could go away from the topic, Ozpin interrupts.

''Anyways, miss Crystal, what is it that you wanted from me?''

Crystal looks at him, still nconfused about the crop.

''Right... Well I want to enroll into Beacon as the first year''

''But the year has already started, you missed the initiation, so, we don't think, we can let you in'' Glynda answers for Ozpin.

''Ah, I don't care about the initiation, I want to enroll''

''But that's not how it works''

''Sure it is, I want to enroll, so you let me enroll, as simple as that''

Both Ozpin and Glynda look at each other confused before Ozpin continues.

''Sorry, miss Crystal, we can't do that, it would be unfair to others, to enroll with going through initiation, plus you'd be without a team, so that's both unfair to you and others, plus, you're too old to be a first-year''

''Haaah... None of that matters to me, listen here, Ozpin, I don't need a team, for they'd slow me down and I couldn't help them anyway, so it's better that way''

''That's beside the point, even if you don't need a team, you still can't enroll at this time'' Glynda says with little irritation sipping through.

Crystal's mood changes from jovial, happy, and joking to a serious one, which prompts Ozpin and Glyna to become guarded.

''Okay, let's do this differently then if we can't make my enrollment happen easily and without trouble. Let's do it the hard way'' Crystal says as she fishes out a picture from her pocket.She throws the picture on the table for Ozpin and Glynda to see, as they see the picture, they get confused, before looking back up to Crystal.

''See that picture? That person was kidnapped by me and locked somewhere where nobody would find, so you enroll me into the school, for some information on that person'' Crystal says as she fishes out another picture and throws it yet again on the table for them to see.

They see the person, to be locked in chains on both feet and arms to restrict as much movement as possible.

And just like that, Glynda attacks, making multiple things to fly and hit Crystal, she doesn't let out a single sound, even when blood is rolling down her forehead for being hit by a cup, she just smiles at them.

Just as Glynda was about to try and lock up the girl, Ozpin interrupts.

''This person should be dead, but if your second is to be believed, you say, you have her locked up'' This makes Crystal to stop looking at Glynda and back at Ozpin.


''And you want to enroll to Beacon in exchange you give us information about the person?''


''What makes you think, we would just let you go after this information, yet let you enroll?''

''Simple, for if you do anything to me, neither could you find this person, even if you could, it'd be too late, for they'd starve, so you need more information, so I am here to make a deal''

''But why would we make a deal, when we can just lock you up and get the answers we need that way?'' Glynda cuts in with a deathly glare.

''You can try, but do you really think, I'd just walk into Beacon, where there's not only professional huntresses and trainees but also the principal and teachers, without any sort of plan?'' Crystal says it as if it were obvious

''No, but, I don't know if any plan is good enough to get away'' Ozpin cuts in.

''Get away? who said something about getting away?''

This makes both Ozpiin and Glynda confused.

''I wouldn't be getting away, I'd just kill as many people as I could before going down, but, newsflash, there's not a single person that could ever beat me, every single huntress, every single student, every single teacher you have in this school, would die by my hand, not only because you couldn't easily just enroll me, not only because you would fail at a deal, but also because you seriously think that you have any chance at this, I hold all of the keys in this, like knowing the information you need, you not knowing anything about me and my power and just being rude in general with your petty attacks without talking through, what if that outburst would've killed me or something? Then by default, you'd get no information about the kidnapped victim, so, you're just pawns'' Crystal says while smiling and grabbing to eat another cookie from the plate which somehow survived Glyndas' outburst.

And with that, both Ozpin and Glynda now looked at Crystal as if she was the biggest enemy of their lives, both sending her extremely cold looks.

''So, miss Crystal, you want me to enroll you into the school? I can do that''

''Oh, so, now you can do it? Why couldn't you earlier? What, needed some threats to do it? Ha, pathetic, tell you what, before all of this, I would've gone along with all of your terms and nonsense, but now, we are doing this on my terms''

''Bu-'' Glynda tries to say something before getting interrupted.

''But nothing, miss Kinky Goodwitch, now stay put like a GoodBitch and let me and your boss talk through our deal, your premature attack from before already proved to me that you can't sit still and talk, so I don't want to hear from you again''

Glynda is left fuming not only because of the situation but because of the change of her name, but she needs to stay calm, or at least try to, for this deal to go through before it goes haywire, so she takes it and shut up.

''Now Ozpin, now I want to enroll to Beacon as a first-year, without a team, without any initiation, with you personally giving me any resources that I'd need for the school, like money for dust or whatever it is that you need here and I will think of a few later, but because of the rudeness of that attack, I will be giving you information later, not now, because I am quite annoyed by it, do you understand?''

''How can I have any guarantee that that person is alive and well? And that this is not just some sort of a messed up joke?'' Ozpin asks.

Crystal just looks at him, takes out her scroll, makes a call, which gets picked up almost instantly, as if it was ready, and gives it to Ozpin.

''Ozpin, don't listen to anything she says'' But before Ozpin could say anything or hear anything else, Crystal takes back the scroll and quits the call.

''Now then, is that enough of a guarantee for you?''

''Yes, yes it is'' Ozpin says before continuing ''I agree to your deal, you can start your school year at Beacon, but eventually I will come for information, for now, could you leave, because, you know, reasons''

''Haha, of course, well I will leave now'' Crystal says as she stands up and starts to walk away, before stopping and looking at Glynda.

''Oh and, since I will be a one-woman team, I don't need a dorm room or anything, I will just live with Kinky Goodbitch'' With that she leaves, taking another cookie with her, leaving both Glynd and Ozpin in deep thought and looking at the pictures on the table, before they start to make plans.

But before they could say anything to each other, Glynda screams in pain and clutches her head, which is now bleeding at the same spot that Crystal got hit before.

~ Next day at Beacon's cafeteria ~

Crystal POV:

I am just sitting here, looking at all these younger students who are smiling and talking between each other, while they don't know that there's a person, blatantly staring at them, which, of course, is me.

As I bite down on an apple, I hear a scream that pierces through the cafeteria, it makes me look in the direction of the scream and what I see makes my blood boil with rage, but what makes me even angrier, is that nobody is trying to stop it, but because nobody else will, doesn't mean I won't, but unfortunate for the person that made me so angry, it's worse for them that they aren't going to be stopped by somebody else.

As I stand up to walk to them, I call out.

''What are you doing''

That prompts for them to stop, and both the Faunus girl that got her cute bunny ears to be pulled and her weak, worthless, trash of bullies to look at me.

''8/10'' I say as I look at the bunny girl before I look at worthless men ''You'd better stop and walk away before you regret what you're doing''

''How about, no?'' The main one with the burnt-orange hair says before pulling the ears of the bunny Faunus again, which just sealed his fate.

''I give you one more chance to stop and walk away, if you don't, you're going to regret it'' I say in a murderous voice.

With that, he lets the girl go, as the girl scrambles away past me while saying a quick thank you, the guy looks at me and then to, what I presume, are his teammates, but I'd rather call them yes-men and saying.

''Lookie here, we have ourselves a hero, so she doesn't want us to pull the ugly bunny ears, so how about we do it with the ugly tails of this one instead?''

''Oh?'' I say, and just punch him, which of course doesn't do much damage as I am not that physically strong, but that's just what I want.

''You filthy bitch'' He says and starts punching me, while I fall on the ground, he and his teammates start kicking me and stomping at me and my tails, pretty sure some of my bones are broken by now, after a while, seven people step up to my body and try to defend me, the men stop as the main guy says.

''Okay, boys, let's leave, I think the bitch, has learned her lesson'' As they start to walk away, I just start laughing, maniacally. This makes them stop, and the 7 people near me look at me like I was crazy.

''Hahaahaha, you worthless, stupid, insignificant, weak, racist .pieces of shit. sons of whores, you think you won, you think I'd let you walk away after all that you've done to that cute bunny? You think you can just walk away by touching me?'' I say as I stand up all bloodied and bruised.

''Weak? Are you stupid? Your punch barely did anything, we literally pummeled you into the ground, but if you want to die, be my guest'' He starts running so he could punch me again, which makes the red-haired girl stand in front of me, but it is not needed as the pathetic man and his team screams out louder than I've ever heard.

As I put my hand on the red-haired girls' shoulder and move her so I could look at all the sweat damage that I did to them. Now all of them lay on the ground with blood running out of their bodies in places I had blood running before, with broken bones, where my broken bones were, with bruises everywhere where I had them.

''Hahaha, look at you weaklings, you screamed like little, little girls, that's all the damage you did to me, yet I didn't even let out as much as a single sound from all the punches and kicks you laid on me, that's how pathetically weak you all are and yet you scream so hard, so worthless, yet you want to be future hunters? In my opinion, you should just resign and go suck on your mommies breasts, because I don't think you're even remotely cut out for this''

With the 7 people around me included, everybody is now looking back and forth between me and the little kids on the ground in silence, the only sounds being the crying of my victims.

''Oh and Kinky, you can come out now and take them to the infirmary or whatever, and before you say anything, be a good girl and just leave with them, we'll talk later'' Just as I say that Glynda comes out, looks at me with anger and some fear in her eyes and does her magic thingy and floats them away while sparing me one more glance, before leaving.

Now there's silence again, before, a childishly-short, cute-looking black-haired girl jumps right in front of me and looks at me while shouting.

''That was so cool, how you've helped the bunny girl and how you started punching him, now them beating you wasn't that cool, but everything else was, you talking back at them and whatever it is that you did, now, wait aren't you hurt, hey there's no blood on you, no injuries, how cool'' She exclaims non-stop while patting around my body to look for injuries.

Which makes a taller blonde-haired girl lift the shorter girl by the scruff of her collar and hold her hilariously off the ground.

''Okay, okay, Ruby, calm down for a second, you're making the poor girl, uncomfortable'' The now-proclaimed Ruby looks at me with an apologetic look.


''8/10, It's fine'' I say as I look at her.

''Uh... what?'' Ruby asks confused.

''Nothing, anyways, I will be going back to my apple now, haven't finished it yet'' I say as I start to leave.

But of course, it doesn't go my way, all I wanted is my apple, now I have to interact with people.

''Wait'' Ruby shouts a little too loud for my liking and appears right in front of me, while some rose petals fly around before disappearing, I would've bumped into her if I kept walking.


''Come sit with us, I want to get to know you, you were cool''

''Uh... Okay... Who's 'us'?''

''Well'' She starts pointing and saying names ''That's Lie Ren'' she points to the only man in the group, oh wait, there's another one now, that wasn't with them before ''That's Jaune Arc''

''That's Pyrrha Nikos'' Ruby points to the red-haired girl.


''That's Nora Valkyrie'' Ruby points again, at, a shorter orange-haired girl.

''NORA'' The said girl screams her name again.


''That's Blake Belladonna'' Ruby points to a tall black-haired girl, with a pretty bow on her head.


''That's Weiss Schnee'' Rubby points at the white-haired one


''That's Yan-'' The cute short girl gets interrupted.

''Wait, wait, pause, what's with the numbers? And why no numbers for the guys?'' The blonde tall one says.

''Rude'' Says Ruby ''Anyways, That's Yang, my sister, and I am Ruby Rose''

Just as those words left her mouth, I looked straight at her intensely, which made Ruby fidget around a bit. Before it could get awkward I introduced myself.

''Crystal Rose, that's my name, nice to meet you''

''Huh, weird, we have the same last name, but I like it, anyways Crystal comes, come, sit with us''

Ruby says without thinking about it at all and just pushes me to their table... my apple...

''Anyways...'' Yang starts ''The numbers, what's up with them?''

''Oh that's my 'rating' system of appeal when I first look at a woman, I say numbers from 0 to 10 by instinct, 0, being, the worst and 10 being the best, I can't seem to stop it even if I try, so I just let it happen now and have to keep explaining this''

''Huh...'' Before Yang could say anything, Weiss interrupts.

''Wait how come I only got a 5? And everybody else got more? Especially the pipsqueak with a full 8''

''Because I quickly analyze as much as I can about a person from how they carry themselves, and I and my own instinct know that they don't like overconfident people that border arrogance, oh and a Schnee talking to a Faunus? What world do I live in'' I finish while staring at Weiss.

''What? How dar-'' She gets interrupted by Yang.

''Okay, okay, no fighting anyways, why no number for me? If you say it to every woman you meet? Don't tell me you don't see me as a woman? That'd break my heart sweetie''

''No, of course not, it just means I already said a number on you before''

''Huh? When was that?''

''A few months back, at a club, it was called Junior's Club, I bumped into you while leaving''

''Oooh...Yeah now that you mention it, I do remember that happening, so what was that number again?''


''Hey, lookie here, little sis, we got ourselves the same number, we are special, unfortunate for Weiss'' Yang says with a joke which only made Weiss look at her with an icy glare.

''Anyway, how do you, or your instinct measures that number?'' Asks Pyrrha

''Hmm... Well it first sees your outward appearance, as if, how beautiful you are, then sees what color clothing you wear, if it's color I like, that adds a bonus point, same with hair color and such, for example, the color red is my favorite so your hair color instantly gave it an additional point so instead of a 7 it was an 8, then there's the prior information I knew of the person, which is rarely a thing, but... Schnees don't like them, so that instantly takes a few points off, it'd be the same if I knew a person that I wouldn't like would get low points, like that guy that got hauled off to infirmary, if he was a female, I'd say he'd get a 2, because anybody that does stuff like that makes me instantly hate them, so basically 5 is an average, I mainly never give below that if I truly don't like a person, so everything above that, will be heard a lot if you're near me, then there's also as I said previously, on how a person carries themselves, for example, Weiss, is instantly seen as arrogant, no matter how you look at her, spoiled too, that's not to say that she doesn't have her own problems, but my instinct doesn't like arrogance like that and also because she's a Schnee but sadly, that's my own prejudice, but I can't stop it, for how her father is, that's why I didn't give her below 5, but if it was her mother or father, it'd be below 5, that's for sure, pretty sure her father is a 0, a person I'd kill without a heart beat'' Before I could continue, Weiss interrupts me.

''You'd do what?''

''Uh... Your father? I'd kill him if he even touched a Faunus before my eyes, the man's as evil as one can be, if you're going to protect him and defend him, don't even talk, besides I myself see how you hate him, before I said anything about killing him, you had this look that said 'he's not great, but, listen, girlie, he's not only not great, he is the worst, he deserves to suffer, you may be in a pickle because he's your father, but that doesn't remove the facts that he shouldn't be left alive for how he is''


''We will talk about that later, or you know, never again, I'd rather get to know you and everybody here, instead of souring our moods and making enemies''

There's a silence so thick that you could hear heartbeats of people

''Fine'' Weiss finally says, which makes me quirk a smile at her.

''Anyway, as I was saying, a cute, bubbly, personality like Ruby, is quite likable, and because she also has some reds in her clothes, she got an easy 8, Nora also for those reasons, but well, no red, no bonus default points, so that's a 7, moving on to Blake, it's a 7 because she's fake, not embracing her full beauty'' That makes everybody look at her confused, while she stares at me.

''And Yang, is just quite a bombshell, the best feature though, those lilac eyes, could get lost in them''

''Aww, thanks, I know I am one big bombshell, that just proves it'' Yang rubs it in.

''Indeed, oh and the men thing, they aren't my thing, so neither I nor my instinct says anything about them'' Everybody is fully on board, while Ruby looks a bit confused.

''Little Ruby, that means, I only go for girls, romantically or sexually, you see your sister here? Yes I could totally be a thing with her''

''Oh...OH'' She says while blushing, quite cute.

''So you'd have a thing with me? Well maybe we could strike some sort of a deal, little fox'' Yang says huskily. Which makes everybody look at her like she's crazy.

I stand up to walk away because I still want an apple and say.

''Sure we could if you can handle me and my wife together''

And the last thing I see is, all of their jaws dropped to the ground and eyes popped out before I hear, a loud ''WHAAAT?'' from a certain gold-haired girl.

I chuckle as I leave the cafeteria happily with my newly acquired apple.

~ At the room of Glynda ~

I seem to be having yet another staring contest, there's so many of those, this time with the teacher, who attacked me, I mean, she had a valid reason, but it was still rude.

''So... where's the second bed?'' I ask her to break the silence.

''There is no second bed, we have no time to do so, it will arrive next week, you can sleep on the couch or floor, I don't care'' Glynda says while still staring with the same look she gave me earlier today.

''Oh come on, don't stare at me like that, I don't bite, much'' I try to lighten up the mood, but it seems to work backward as she gets even angrier.

''Okay, okay, don't get angry, I will stop making sexual jokes, hell, I won't even call you Kinky anymore... ah... oops'' I say before stuff is flying at me.

''Oh come on, that was a slip up'' I say while running around, dodging, wait something soft hit me in the face, I take it off and look at it and then at the red tomato blushing Glynda and then back at the purple lace panties in my hand and then back at her again ''Gulp'' I say aloud as a joke.

Here I am, sitting on the floor, with a bloody lip and a red handprint on my face and a smirking Glynda looking at me.

''So... Can we talk now? No throwing stuff around? No more cute panties in my hand? Actually that second one, I could do some more of that'' Glynda glares at me again.

''Fine, fine, none of that either''

''Right... Anyway, what was that about in the cafeteria earlier today?''

''Oh, those wimps? They pulled ears of a bunny-Faunus right in front of my eyes, so they paid the price, plus you can't say anything to me, for I wasn't the one to hurt them, I barely even touched any of them, all of their injuries were their own doing''

''Yeah, care to explain what's up with that? I still have a bandage on my head because of that'' She pulls up her hair a little and shows me the bandage.

''Oh, I completely forgot about that, when I left Ozpin's room, I used my semblance on you, well on myself but it hit you because you hit me with that coffee mug because of our outburst''

''You mean when I lost my cool and you got hilariously hit with a mug''

''Indeed, so my semblance basically is unbeatable, thats why I am the strongest and need no team, for I couldn't help them''

''Oh? And what is that semblance that gives you such confidence''

''Well I call it Take/Pay, or Transfer, the first name is because I take the pain and give it back and the second is self-explanatory I transfer back the pain I got, so in easy terms, any pain I get from anything in any way, I give back when I activate my semblance, so as you saw with yourself and those worthless bullies, they got back what they dealt, you on the forehead and some other places that were dealt with me with your outburst and them, well, they got broken bones and a lot of bruises in places they dealt''

''That's... wow... so you either die before you can activate your semblance or you win'' Glynda says baffled.

''That's correct, but I can't even die by normal means, I trained to such extent, that I am numb to almost any pain at this point, I had people attack and slice my fingers off and I would activate my semblance just as I saw them start cutting, so as they were cutting my finger, they would cut their own finger, same with arms, legs, other parts, and even heads, I basically locked up human/Faunus trash that doesn't deserve to live, tortured them until they could barely move, gave them a knife and forced them to try and hurt me and cut me and such, that way I trained myself as much as I could, so I could be as fast as I could while activating my semblance and at this point, there's nothing that can beat me, try and cut my head off? Well, the very next moment your head would roll instead, so, yeah, there's nothing anybody could do to me, not even Grimm, as when they bite me, I activate my semblance and they themselves get the damage and the wound and because they can't live with extensive wounds, they just evaporate, that's also why I can't have a team, for a few reasons, mainly because I couldn't actually help them much with this power, nor would anybody from my supposed teammates would like to see one of their own get smacked, beaten and bit repeatedly, so I could activate my semblance, it ain't good for the heart''

''Okay, that's a lot to take it... I will need to sleep on that, but first let's take a shower each, I will go first, while you get yourself comfy on the sofa there'' Glynda says as she moves to the bathroom.

Yes, of course, I will get comfy, but not on the sofa, it will be on the bed, I ain't sleeping anywhere else, there's nothing she can do about it anyway, plus it's only for a week before another bed comes, there's no harm in doing so.

so after Glynda comes out of the shower, I quickly walk in, put my stuff around and turn on the shower, while under the warm water and scrubbing my tails, I think about what a long week I had so far, ah, some good sex would be great right about now to get that stress off, but alas.As I walk out the bathroom with a t-shirt on and only panties that are specially made by me so that my tails could be free, I see Glynda staring at me with wide eyes, but I shrug it off and just jump on the bed.

''Hey, hey, what are you doing, the sofa is there'' Glynda points at the sofa on the side after snapping out of her stupor.

''Yeah, you are indeed right, the sofa is there, you should be a teacher or something, I think you'd be cut out for that'' I say without any care. Which makes her roll her eyes.

''Right, so you should go there and sleep on it''

''Nope, I ain't sleeping anywhere else but the bed, goodnight'' I say as I roll on the side and not look at her, my tails hiding my head from her.

''Haaah... Whatever''

Glynda POV:

This little, over-confident girl, is getting on my nerves, but now not only is she getting on my nerves she's also getting my tent harder by the second, because of the position she is in, her tails completely up and hiding her head, but by doing that, her panties are rolled down a little and I can fully see her curves and perky butt, it's been a while since I got any release and now I can't even do that because she's here sleeping without any care while showing off her sexy body, she was right when she called me out on that crop, I would really love to just whip her a bit and then take her from behind... Stop, Glynda, stop, she's an enemy, she has a kidnapped victim and she doesn't seem to care about hurting people to get what she wants... God damn it, now I am hard and I can't do anything about it, it will be a long night. I hope I can fall asleep.

Crystal POV:

Ah, what a good night's rest I had, as I sit up to look around, I see Glynda still sleeping, but as I look down, I see... Hmm, seems like while the mind is sleeping, the body isn't, haaah, I would really like to touch it right now, to get off, to relieve some stress off, but, no I can't, I barely know her, not only that, we aren't even on good terms, but now that I think about it...

She did look at me intensely when I walked out of the shower, well, well, Glynda dear, it seems me calling you Kinky, wasn't without its truths, well then, in this week's time, before the bed comes. I guarantee it, we will have sex, all I got to do, is use some light seducing and voila, she's mine and both of us will be happy, since I can assume she won't be able to get herself off because I will be living in her room, hehe, I wonder if I can make her take me without me saying it out loud, well only the future can tell.

''GOOD MORNING GLYNDA'' I scream, it makes her roll off of her bed.

~ End of chapter 1 ~