Chapter 6 - Losing Patience


"So, what happened last night?" Jey asked while grinning like an idiot. We're here in the casino and she's been pestering me all day about that girl, I mean now she's my girl. No, my slave. Yes. My slave. I frowned at her for the nth time.

"Nothing happened Jey. How many times I should tell you? NOTHING HAPPENED. OKAY?" I emphasized every syllable, hoping it can get through her stubborn brain.

"I doubt it. I really doubt it. Holy shit! How can you let that opportunity pass by?! Hello!" She snapped her fingers in front of my face, as if she's waking me up. I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"Jey! I'm not like you! I won't take advantage of her just because she's intoxicated. Plus, I'll see her again this week", I told her without sounding excited. I bet she'll think maliciously if ever there's a hint of excitement in my voice, but still, I know how her mind works. She always thinks like that.

"Wait! Wow! Wow! Really!?" She asked excitedly, holding both of my shoulders, and shaking them lightly. I shoved her off and walked to the near slot machines.

"So, are you dating her now? Holy shit! I can't believe that someone was able to capture the untamable Khali Luciano!" She exclaimed in exaggeration. I sighed frustratingly, stopping myself from shouting at her despite her annoying questions.

"No, we're not dating. It's part of a bet. She actually humiliated me here and as a payment for the damage she made, she's going to be my slave for a week", I gave out a smug smile, sounding proud of myself for closing that deal.

"Wait. What the hell!? Khali, I didn't know you're way worse than you already are", she gasped and shook her head as if she's not believing what she had heard.

"I've always been like this, Jey"

"You know what? You'll die a virgin if you keep doing that", she said which made me laugh.

"You sure?" I asked her sarcastically. Her mouth formed an "O", after realizing something afterwards. But I'm not proud of that.

"Oh! Yes sorry, you're not a virgin anymore. Who's that lucky girl? Ooh! Wait. Hold on. Don't tell me. I remember that name", she held up her hand and I just furrowed my brows then left her there. I know she's just pretending not to remember. She hated that girl so much after what she did to me. My best friend just likes to piss me off.

"Ah! Yes! That's Carmine!" She pointed a finger on me as if she hits a jackpot. My jaw clenched hearing her name again. Jey cleared her throat, sensing my awkward silence.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to let you remember, but dude, when are you going to move on? It's been 3 years", she patted my shoulder.

"I already moved on Jey. You know that. That's why girls are not my priority right now", I told her, in all honesty. She just pursed her lips inwardly, then inhaled sharply before nodding.

"I understand. But what if this girl—what's her name again? Jane, right?" She asked and I just forcefully nodded.

"What if she's really the one", she smirked at me.

"She's not going to be the one. I highly doubt it", I retorted and transferred to other tables.

"Look. Jey, I'll be dealing in 15 minutes. So better stop pestering me with your weird questions. I need to focus", I told my best friend, which she didn't argue with.

"Alright. Just think of what I told you. I'll just roam around, hoping I'll find some hot girls", she grinned widely then waved before she walks away. I sighed in relief and focus my attention to the poker game. I'm just observing. I also like poker but blackjack is what I like the most. Poker is Steven's expertise. I suddenly wonder, what if Jane came into Steven's table instead of mine. What could have happened? Maybe he already banged her, because I know Steven. He always finds his way under the girls' pants. I shook my head, not liking the idea of Jane and Steven doing those things. I decided to go and get a drink before my game starts. I don't want to lose my focus. Maybe I should text her. Tomorrow should be her first day being my slave. I searched her name on my contacts. Yes, we exchanged our numbers so we can contact each other. It will be just for a week, anyways. I paused as I remembered something. I smirked when I finally thought of something that I'll ask her to do tomorrow.

"This is Khali. Don't forget, it's your first day being my slave tomorrow. Don't be late :)" - Khali

I hit send and waited for her reply. Two minutes have passed, still nothing. After five minutes, there's still no reply from her. Ten minutes passed and I'm already losing my patience. I typed on my phone again.

"Remember our deal or your dad will know ;)" - Khali

I hit send and after a minute, I received a reply from her. I flashed an evil smile before opening her message.

"I don't have time tomorrow, I have lots of meetings. Can you just set it every weekends instead?" - Jane

I scoffed reading her message. Does it mean that I have to adjust? It's not my problem. I scorned, then replied to her.

"You are my slave. It's my rules, and you should follow. Take a leave for a week." - Khali

"You're surely a stubborn one", I murmured before I sent the message.

"You sure, you don't want money? Can I just pay for it?" - Jane

I laughed sarcastically. I breathed out to calm my nerves.

"No. I don't need your money. I want something that money can't buy" - Khali

It's only 5 minutes before my schedule starts. I kept my phone first, not checking if she already replied or what. I'll just check it out later.


"No. I don't need your money. I want something that money can't buy" - Khali

I read her message which made me confused. What does she really want from me? Suddenly, I remembered what Reese told me earlier. My eyes widened with my realization.

"No! No! No! I'm not going to give my body to her. Never!" I whined, a little bit teary-eyed because I was already getting mad. I hate it when I'm mad because I really get too emotional.

I bit my lip, thinking what I should tell her. Honestly, I'm free this week but I just made an excuse. Yes, she's attractive and I don't think it's my loss if something will happen between us. But I don't even know her family background. What if she's a mafia boss? Or what if she's a part of syndicate? I have lots of thoughts in mind and it's not good, really not good. I'm not in a desperate state to just jump in those kind of situation. I ruffled my hair and rolled around my bed.

"But what can I do? I can't let my dad know what I did that night. He'll just force me to date Nicholas", I sighed and just stared at the ceiling.

She's hot, she's pretty, she's rich, she's arrogant, she's bossy, she's attractive, and she's wise. I chewed my lip, trying to weigh everything. I sat up and rubbed my face with my palm.

"Okay, Jane. This is just for a week. If she just wants sex, then so be it. After a week, you'll forget everything", I tried to convince myself.

"Yeah, that's right. Okay", I gulped before I took my phone and type in.

"Okay, fine" - Jane

I'm still scared of what's going to happen but I'm holding on to the fact that she saved me and she covered me up from my dad. I'll just follow my instincts that she's a nice person. Fuck! But what if I'm wrong? Ugh! It doesn't matter, there's no other way out here, anyways. I just wish she won't torture me or chop me into pieces and process me into burger patties! I buried my face on the pillow and punched my bed.

"I don't want to be a processed meat!" I yelled but I stopped. I sat up and slightly slap my face.

"I should think positive thoughts. I think I'm going insane. I should stop watching thriller movies." I mumbled to myself. I need to unwind for a bit. I decided to go out and go somewhere else. Actually, I don't know where to go, but I'm hoping I can find a place where I can think properly. I dressed up, wearing my IRO Almo dress and Chanel tights. I drove around the city, finding a decent bar in the area. I made another turn and finally, I found the perfect one. I like its ambiance. It's cozy and the music just matches my liking. It's actually a restaurant and a bar at the same time. A guy in black and white suit welcomed me with a smile and led me to my table. I chose the spot where I can sit comfortably and then ordered some wine and steak. Some people might think I'm a loner for going here alone, because most people comes here with a date or with friends. But I really don't care, I just want to be alone, and to enjoy my wine before my judgement day tomorrow. The waiter served my wine while I'm still waiting for the main course. Then, someone caught my attention. She walks inside, then the waiter led her to the table across mine. She glanced at me and then she silently gasped when she finally recognized me.

"Jane?" She muttered.

"Jasmine", I simply smiled at her.

"It's good to see you here. How are you?" She asked. She decided to sit on the couch opposite to mine. She's wearing a woman's suit that fits perfectly on her. Her features were almost the same as far as I can remember, and she's still friendly and nice.

"I'm good. How are you? Wow, it's been like 10 years?" I chuckled and she nodded.

"Yeah, wow. You never changed, you're still…. beautiful", she complimented.

Funny, how I wanted to unwind yet, here I am meeting my past. Well, technically, she's my past because she tried to court me back then, but I turned her down many times.

"Thanks, you too. You look hotter than you were before", I decided to return the compliment because that would be awkward if I tell her that she's hot but still I don't feel anything about her.

"Would you mind if I share a table with you? Do you have someone with you?" She politely asked. Maybe a company won't hurt. Honestly, I want to be alone, but I guess I could lessen the weirdness if I have a company.

"No. I'm alone. It's fine", I told her.

My phone suddenly chimed and I checked it. I'm already expecting that it's Khali.

"Okay. Be here as early as 7. Don't be late" - Khali

I groaned and rolled my eyes which caught Jasmine's curiousness.

"Having a bad day?" She smiled softly at me.

"Yeah kind of", I decided to change the topic and asked things about her instead, even if I'm not really interested at all.

"So, what are you doing these days?" I asked.

"I finally reached my dream, to be an international athlete and I just came back from the US." She grinned proudly. I remember she used to tell me that someday she will be a known athlete and she'll be traveling to different places and continents, representing the country. That's impressive that she's finally living her dream.

"Congratulations! So, you really made it. Wow", I said and took a sip on my wine.

"Thanks, how about you?" She asked. I was going to answer but I was interrupted by the sound of my phone. I took a peek on it, but left it on read again.

"I have some rules. One of the rules is never leave me on read. You should always reply to me. Even if it's nonsense, I should be the one leaving you on read." - Khali

I scoffed and laughed sarcastically when I read it.

"What an asshole", I muttered.

"I'm sorry?" Jasmine blinked a few times staring at me, confused.

"Oh no. I'm sorry. It's not you. Someone was just pissing me off", I chortled ineptly and she just nodded in understanding.

"Your boyfriend?" She queried again. I raised my brows then knitted them, and shook my head.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have plans to have one. I don't like guys", I told her, slightly scrunching my nose.

"Oh. So, girlfriend?" She asked again. I sucked in some air a bit. It's getting annoying already.

"No, I don't have one", I gave out a small smile but I can sense that she's thinking about something with the way her mouth forms into a smirk.

"I see. Do you want to go somewhere else?" She asked straightforwardly, and I can guess what's going to happen next.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I have to go somewhere. It's really nice to see you here", I stood up and said goodbye to her.

"Ah, yeah sure. No problem", she laughed awkwardly and stood up as well.

I left some cash on the table and went to the door, I can still sense her gaze from behind, but I just ignored her. I sighed when I finally got inside my car.

"Now where should I go?" I mumbled to myself, leaning my head on the steering wheel. My phone chimed again, making me roll my eyes.

"You're really not going to reply?" - Khali

"You're so fucking annoying!" I yelled. Eventually, I decided to reply.

"Where are you?" - Jane

"At the casino. Why?" - Khali

"I'll wait for you in your apartment" - Jane

"What? Why?" - Khali

I didn't reply anymore and just drove to her apartment. Let's just get this over with.