Chapter 7 - You're Not My Type


She's so fucking crazy. I told her to just come at my apartment tomorrow and she's telling me that she's going to wait there now? As in now? Now that I have a very busy night here in the Casino. I'm the pit boss today and I can't just leave my post unattended. Seriously, she's such a pain in the ass, a very stubborn one. I hate unplanned situations and this girl is ruining everything. She's so unpredictable. I used to read people's mind so easily. I can easily predict what's running through their mind, what they're going to do next, and what their possible plans are. But this brunette, she's making it hard for me. She's a challenge, I can't predict her plans, or does she even make plans? She's like a bug in my system, making me behave in unintended ways. I asked someone whom I trusted the most when it comes to Casino operations to watch the Casino for a while.

I hit the gas and drove fast heading to my apartment. I parked in front of the building and hurriedly went to the lobby and to the receptionist. Good thing it's Esther who is on duty tonight. I've known ever since I transferred here years ago.

"Did someone arrive here looking for me?" I asked her while panting.

"Oh! Hi Khali. Yes. Miss Jane Terranova is looking for you." She said with a wide smile, glancing at me and looking back to her computer.

"You know her?" I curiously asked.

"Yes! She's really famous! She's a model of Chanel and CEO of JT Telecom! I can't believe she's your girlfriend. I would have asked you to get her signature!" She squealed like a giddy teenager.

I laughed awkwardly, breathing out before I muttered, "Thanks", then I headed to the elevator. That's not surprising but I'm a little amused, she really has an impressive background. That makes me feel more eager to crush her ego, and that will surely feel more satisfying. I'm still wondering how she was able to get inside without my permission, but I have guessed that she used her charm to get a key card from Esther, knowing that the receptionist is a fan of hers.

When I reached my floor, I stepped out out and immediately walked towards my front door. Taking a short pause before punching my code to open the door. I stopped when I saw her standing by the kitchen island, wearing a black sexy dress and a poker face. I gulped as I felt an unusual feeling inside me. Is she usually this sexy and hot? No! No! I shook my head, trying to keep my focus. I can't let her deceive me by her looks.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a firm tone on my voice. She looked at me and she slowly strutted towards me. I couldn't move a muscle when her hips sways sexily while walking. The sound of her heels felt like syncing with every beat of my heart. Why the fuck am I nervous? I was holding my breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm myself down.

"I can't wait 'til tomorrow", she answered with her seductive voice. I ignored the loud beating of my heart and tried to hide the fact that I was so affected by her.

"Is that your way of showing how badly you want to be my slave?" I raised a brow at her and smirked.

"What do you want me to do master?" She stopped in front of me but I felt uneasy with our proximity. I felt the danger when she's near me, but I can't let her sweep me off my feet. I simpered and tried to step closer to her. I sensed that she was a little shaken with the way her eyes look sideways, and the way she gulps the moment I leaned forward, making our faces just an inch apart.

"You really want to play this game", I whispered near her lips. I can smell her breath with mixture of mint and wine, indicating that she had a drink before she got here. Unfortunately, she pushed me away and I laughed out loud.

"I'm not joking. What do you really want from me?" She sounded annoyed and her looks are intimidating. If I was like some other girls or guys, I'll be really intimidated by her. But I'm not like any other, I am Khali Luciano.

"I told you to come here tomorrow, yet you went here now instead. What's the reason?" I crossed my arms above my chest.

"You don't want my money, what do you want then? You want me to be your maid? Your servant? What? Or you want my body?" I snorted, hearing the last phrase.

"Your body? Really? I brought you here when you were drugged by some creepy guy and you left here safely, and now you're accusing me that I just want your body? You're so ungrateful." I didn't hide the fact that I was offended by her accusation.

"Then what do you want?" She raised her voice at me.

I felt the need to sit down and so, I walked towards the couch. She's literally draining every brain cells I have. I massaged my temple and closed my eyes, after I slumped against the couch.

"Alright then, starting tomorrow, you'll be my servant. You'll cook for me, wash my clothes, buy me my groceries, and clean every part of my apartment. If I need something, you should get it for me, and don't think that I like you. YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE", I emphasized the last phrase so she would get what I mean. She then fleered and brushed her hair with her fingertips. I can already sense her annoyance from here, but that's what I really want to see. I want her to feel how I felt that night when she humiliated me.

"Oh! That's fine, because I don't want you either and it disgusts me with that idea. I have a lot of suitors and you're not even close to their level. This is just for a week. I can endure your arrogance and your bad attitude", she said as she curled her lips in disgust. I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth. Did she just insult me?

"Wait", I stopped her when she was about to go to the door. I can accept when she said that she doesn't like me but not the part when she said that I'm not even close to the level of her suitors. I looked at her sternly and walked towards her in my normal pace.

"You're right, I'm not on their level", I told her. She furrowed her brows, probably confused.

"Excuse me?" She blurted out.

"I said, I'm not even close to any of your suitor's level, because I'm way, way, way better than them. They are below my level. You don't know me Jane Terranova. So don't insult me."

She moved backwards when I took another step towards her. Her back hits the wall behind and I can sense some tension and nervousness with the way she gazed at me, then she looked away. I trapped her in between my arms, leaning forward to make sure there's no way she's going to avoid my gaze.

"You said it disgusts you to think of having sex with me", I murmured close to her cheek. She wet her lips as her tongue slides between her lips. Her short breathing was evident, indicating her nervousness.

"Let's see about that. Let's see who will beg first", I brought my face closer to her ear.

"And if that happens, tell me again who disgusts who? Because I bet you'll be the one to scream my name, while you spread your legs for me, begging me to fuck you", her breathing became even shallower and I heard her silent gasps when I grazed my lips near her earlobe. I wanted to tease her more, and quite frankly, I'm liking this proximity with her.

And so, I intentionally brushed my lips down to her neck. I can smell her strawberry scent which makes me feel addicted to her. It's like a magnet that pulls me to do something unintended. I brushed my lips slightly against her skin, making her chest heaved up and down, and finally, I moved backwards, pulling away from her. I swear, I have heard her silent groan. I almost laughed at her but I managed to maintain my serious face. I can see the lust in her eyes and she blinked a few times after I chuckled, pulling her out of the trance. She pushed me away and hurriedly went to the door, then left without saying a word.

I gulped as I also realized what happened. That girl is making me crazy. I rubbed my face with my palm and placed my both hands on my waist, frustratingly breathing out and closing my eyes. What did I just do? I can still smell her scent, making me feel something I shouldn't feel.

Shit! Get a hold of yourself! I scolded myself repeatedly. It felt like I'm not in my consciousness whenever she's around. It's too dangerous whenever she's near me. I found myself opening my fridge and looked for something that could relax my mind. I think I'm gonna need a drink.


I hate her! I hate her so much! I think she's the worst person I've ever met. I regret going to casino that day. Now, I'm stuck with her. That arrogant bitch! I wasn't able to control what I was thinking the moment I felt her lips on my skin. I felt like everything I've practiced before I stepped in her apartment has vanished in just a snap. I lost all of my senses with how she whispered in my ear, it sent shivers to my spine and I swear to god! It took all of my energy to stop myself from moaning. She's like a virus. She literally affects everything in my whole system, corrupting every part of me. I felt like she can control me. She can manipulate me. When she laughed at me, that's the time I was pulled back into reality. I hate that she made fun of me. I pushed her away and I ran away from her, out of her apartment, because I don't want her to see me in my vulnerable state. I sniffled as a tear escaped from my eyes, I walked through the hallway as I supported myself with my hand leaning on the wall. My knees felt weak and I felt like I want to throw up. I wiped my tears and continued walking towards the elevator. I hate her! But I hate myself for almost giving in on that very moment.

"You're so fucked up Jane", I murmured to myself. I looked at my reflection when the elevator closes. There's still a pink tinge evident on my cheeks and I groaned in annoyance, causing another tear to run down my face. I harshly wiped my tears away and pressed the button, heading to the ground floor. I can't let her ruin me like this. If she wants to play, then I'll play. I'll make sure she'll regret making this whole deal, this shitty deal! I stood up straight when the elevator dinged open and I stepped out. The receptionist whom I have met earlier and surprisingly, a fan of mine, waved at me. I gave her a warm smile and returned the card that she lent me earlier.

"Are you leaving now ma'am?" She asked and I just nodded. She grinned widely and thanked me for visiting.

"I'll be going back here tomorrow", I told her. Excitement was visible in her expression and I headed out of the building after saying goodbye. Before I entered my car, I looked up, staring outside the building to the 23rd floor, where Khali's unit is located. I gritted my teeth and tried to control my rage against her.

"You'll lose if you let your emotions conquer you", I reminded myself. I'll make sure this won't happen again.

I arrived at my apartment and only one thing is running through my mind—to plan for tomorrow. I went to my walk-in closet and started to pick what to wear for tomorrow's battle. Yes, it's a battle for me, and I won't let her win. I'll be her servant so it's better to wear comfortable clothes. Maybe skirt will do and a fitted shirt, or what if shorts and a loose shirt. I suddenly thought of a perfect plan for tomorrow. Basically, she's challenging me that I'll be seduced by her, that I'll fall for her charm. I scowled when I remembered what happened earlier. I paused to think of an idea. I think skirt is really the perfect outfit for tomorrow. Let's see who will give in first. A smug smile formed across my lips as I started preparing my outfit. After that, I started doing my before-going-to-bed-ritual to maintain my soft and clear skin. Not that I'm preparing for something that might happen tomorrow, that's the thing I'm avoiding, but I want to show her that she will never ever get me. The girl who is desirable like me, she will never get to touch me. I'll leave her wanting me and I will show her who's really the boss. She tried to dominate and control me earlier but I won't let her do that again. Never.